You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

413 lines
12 KiB

10 years ago
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
10 years ago
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package routers
10 years ago
import (
10 years ago
code_indexer ""
10 years ago
const (
// tplHome home page template
tplHome base.TplName = "home"
// tplExploreRepos explore repositories page template
tplExploreRepos base.TplName = "explore/repos"
// tplExploreUsers explore users page template
tplExploreUsers base.TplName = "explore/users"
// tplExploreOrganizations explore organizations page template
tplExploreOrganizations base.TplName = "explore/organizations"
// tplExploreCode explore code page template
tplExploreCode base.TplName = "explore/code"
// Home render home page
func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
10 years ago
if ctx.IsSigned {
if !ctx.User.IsActive && setting.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("auth.active_your_account")
ctx.HTML(200, user.TplActivate)
} else if !ctx.User.IsActive || ctx.User.ProhibitLogin {
log.Info("Failed authentication attempt for %s from %s", ctx.User.Name, ctx.RemoteAddr())
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("auth.prohibit_login")
ctx.HTML(200, "user/auth/prohibit_login")
} else if ctx.User.MustChangePassword {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("auth.must_change_password")
ctx.Data["ChangePasscodeLink"] = setting.AppSubURL + "/user/change_password"
middleware.SetRedirectToCookie(ctx.Resp, setting.AppSubURL+ctx.Req.URL.RequestURI())
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/settings/change_password")
} else {
// Check non-logged users landing page.
} else if setting.LandingPageURL != setting.LandingPageHome {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + string(setting.LandingPageURL))
10 years ago
// Check auto-login.
uname := ctx.GetCookie(setting.CookieUserName)
if len(uname) != 0 {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/user/login")
10 years ago
10 years ago
ctx.Data["PageIsHome"] = true
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
ctx.HTML(200, tplHome)
10 years ago
10 years ago
// RepoSearchOptions when calling search repositories
type RepoSearchOptions struct {
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
OwnerID int64
Private bool
Restricted bool
PageSize int
TplName base.TplName
var (
nullByte = []byte{0x00}
func isKeywordValid(keyword string) bool {
return !bytes.Contains([]byte(keyword), nullByte)
// RenderRepoSearch render repositories search page
func RenderRepoSearch(ctx *context.Context, opts *RepoSearchOptions) {
page := ctx.QueryInt("page")
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
var (
repos []*models.Repository
count int64
err error
orderBy models.SearchOrderBy
ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.Query("sort")
switch ctx.Query("sort") {
case "newest":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByNewest
case "oldest":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByOldest
case "recentupdate":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
case "leastupdate":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
case "reversealphabetically":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
case "alphabetically":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
case "reversesize":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderBySizeReverse
case "size":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderBySize
case "moststars":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByStarsReverse
case "feweststars":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByStars
case "mostforks":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByForksReverse
case "fewestforks":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByForks
ctx.Data["SortType"] = "recentupdate"
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
keyword := strings.Trim(ctx.Query("q"), " ")
topicOnly := ctx.QueryBool("topic")
ctx.Data["TopicOnly"] = topicOnly
repos, count, err = models.SearchRepository(&models.SearchRepoOptions{
API add/generalize pagination (#9452) * paginate results * fixed deadlock * prevented breaking change * updated swagger * go fmt * fixed find topic * go mod tidy * go mod vendor with go1.13.5 * fixed repo find topics * fixed unit test * added Limit method to Engine struct; use engine variable when provided; fixed gitignore * use ItemsPerPage for default pagesize; fix GetWatchers, getOrgUsersByOrgID and GetStargazers; fix GetAllCommits headers; reverted some changed behaviors * set Page value on Home route * improved memory allocations * fixed response headers * removed logfiles * fixed import order * import order * improved swagger * added function to get models.ListOptions from context * removed pagesize diff on unit test * fixed imports * removed unnecessary struct field * fixed go fmt * scoped PR * code improvements * code improvements * go mod tidy * fixed import order * fixed commit statuses session * fixed files headers * fixed headers; added pagination for notifications * go mod tidy * go fmt * removed Private from user search options; added setting.UI.IssuePagingNum as default valeu on repo's issues list * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: 6543 <> Co-Authored-By: zeripath <> * fixed build error * CI.restart() * fixed merge conflicts resolve * fixed conflicts resolve * improved FindTrackedTimesOptions.ToOptions() method * added backwards compatibility on ListReleases request; fixed issue tracked time ToSession * fixed build error; fixed swagger template * fixed swagger template * fixed ListReleases backwards compatibility * added page to user search route Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: 6543 <> Co-authored-by: zeripath <>
4 years ago
ListOptions: models.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: opts.PageSize,
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
Actor: ctx.User,
OrderBy: orderBy,
Private: opts.Private,
Keyword: keyword,
OwnerID: opts.OwnerID,
AllPublic: true,
AllLimited: true,
TopicOnly: topicOnly,
IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)
10 years ago
ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
ctx.Data["Total"] = count
10 years ago
ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
10 years ago
pager := context.NewPagination(int(count), opts.PageSize, page, 5)
pager.AddParam(ctx, "topic", "TopicOnly")
ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
ctx.HTML(200, opts.TplName)
// ExploreRepos render explore repositories page
func ExploreRepos(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Data["UsersIsDisabled"] = setting.Service.Explore.DisableUsersPage
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("explore")
ctx.Data["PageIsExplore"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsExploreRepositories"] = true
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
var ownerID int64
if ctx.User != nil && !ctx.User.IsAdmin {
ownerID = ctx.User.ID
RenderRepoSearch(ctx, &RepoSearchOptions{
PageSize: setting.UI.ExplorePagingNum,
OwnerID: ownerID,
Private: ctx.User != nil,
TplName: tplExploreRepos,
// RenderUserSearch render user search page
func RenderUserSearch(ctx *context.Context, opts *models.SearchUserOptions, tplName base.TplName) {
opts.Page = ctx.QueryInt("page")
if opts.Page <= 1 {
opts.Page = 1
var (
users []*models.User
count int64
err error
orderBy models.SearchOrderBy
ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.Query("sort")
switch ctx.Query("sort") {
case "newest":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByIDReverse
case "oldest":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByID
case "recentupdate":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
case "leastupdate":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
case "reversealphabetically":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
case "alphabetically":
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
ctx.Data["SortType"] = "alphabetically"
orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
opts.Keyword = strings.Trim(ctx.Query("q"), " ")
opts.OrderBy = orderBy
if len(opts.Keyword) == 0 || isKeywordValid(opts.Keyword) {
users, count, err = models.SearchUsers(opts)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchUsers", err)
ctx.Data["Keyword"] = opts.Keyword
ctx.Data["Total"] = count
ctx.Data["Users"] = users
ctx.Data["UsersTwoFaStatus"] = models.UserList(users).GetTwoFaStatus()
ctx.Data["ShowUserEmail"] = setting.UI.ShowUserEmail
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
pager := context.NewPagination(int(count), opts.PageSize, opts.Page, 5)
ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
ctx.HTML(200, tplName)
// ExploreUsers render explore users page
func ExploreUsers(ctx *context.Context) {
if setting.Service.Explore.DisableUsersPage {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/explore/repos")
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("explore")
ctx.Data["PageIsExplore"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsExploreUsers"] = true
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
RenderUserSearch(ctx, &models.SearchUserOptions{
Actor: ctx.User,
API add/generalize pagination (#9452) * paginate results * fixed deadlock * prevented breaking change * updated swagger * go fmt * fixed find topic * go mod tidy * go mod vendor with go1.13.5 * fixed repo find topics * fixed unit test * added Limit method to Engine struct; use engine variable when provided; fixed gitignore * use ItemsPerPage for default pagesize; fix GetWatchers, getOrgUsersByOrgID and GetStargazers; fix GetAllCommits headers; reverted some changed behaviors * set Page value on Home route * improved memory allocations * fixed response headers * removed logfiles * fixed import order * import order * improved swagger * added function to get models.ListOptions from context * removed pagesize diff on unit test * fixed imports * removed unnecessary struct field * fixed go fmt * scoped PR * code improvements * code improvements * go mod tidy * fixed import order * fixed commit statuses session * fixed files headers * fixed headers; added pagination for notifications * go mod tidy * go fmt * removed Private from user search options; added setting.UI.IssuePagingNum as default valeu on repo's issues list * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: 6543 <> Co-Authored-By: zeripath <> * fixed build error * CI.restart() * fixed merge conflicts resolve * fixed conflicts resolve * improved FindTrackedTimesOptions.ToOptions() method * added backwards compatibility on ListReleases request; fixed issue tracked time ToSession * fixed build error; fixed swagger template * fixed swagger template * fixed ListReleases backwards compatibility * added page to user search route Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: 6543 <> Co-authored-by: zeripath <>
4 years ago
Type: models.UserTypeIndividual,
ListOptions: models.ListOptions{PageSize: setting.UI.ExplorePagingNum},
IsActive: util.OptionalBoolTrue,
Visible: []structs.VisibleType{structs.VisibleTypePublic, structs.VisibleTypeLimited, structs.VisibleTypePrivate},
}, tplExploreUsers)
10 years ago
// ExploreOrganizations render explore organizations page
func ExploreOrganizations(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Data["UsersIsDisabled"] = setting.Service.Explore.DisableUsersPage
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("explore")
ctx.Data["PageIsExplore"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsExploreOrganizations"] = true
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
visibleTypes := []structs.VisibleType{structs.VisibleTypePublic}
if ctx.User != nil {
visibleTypes = append(visibleTypes, structs.VisibleTypeLimited, structs.VisibleTypePrivate)
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
RenderUserSearch(ctx, &models.SearchUserOptions{
Actor: ctx.User,
API add/generalize pagination (#9452) * paginate results * fixed deadlock * prevented breaking change * updated swagger * go fmt * fixed find topic * go mod tidy * go mod vendor with go1.13.5 * fixed repo find topics * fixed unit test * added Limit method to Engine struct; use engine variable when provided; fixed gitignore * use ItemsPerPage for default pagesize; fix GetWatchers, getOrgUsersByOrgID and GetStargazers; fix GetAllCommits headers; reverted some changed behaviors * set Page value on Home route * improved memory allocations * fixed response headers * removed logfiles * fixed import order * import order * improved swagger * added function to get models.ListOptions from context * removed pagesize diff on unit test * fixed imports * removed unnecessary struct field * fixed go fmt * scoped PR * code improvements * code improvements * go mod tidy * fixed import order * fixed commit statuses session * fixed files headers * fixed headers; added pagination for notifications * go mod tidy * go fmt * removed Private from user search options; added setting.UI.IssuePagingNum as default valeu on repo's issues list * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: 6543 <> Co-Authored-By: zeripath <> * fixed build error * CI.restart() * fixed merge conflicts resolve * fixed conflicts resolve * improved FindTrackedTimesOptions.ToOptions() method * added backwards compatibility on ListReleases request; fixed issue tracked time ToSession * fixed build error; fixed swagger template * fixed swagger template * fixed ListReleases backwards compatibility * added page to user search route Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: 6543 <> Co-authored-by: zeripath <>
4 years ago
Type: models.UserTypeOrganization,
ListOptions: models.ListOptions{PageSize: setting.UI.ExplorePagingNum},
Visible: visibleTypes,
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
}, tplExploreOrganizations)
// ExploreCode render explore code page
func ExploreCode(ctx *context.Context) {
if !setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL+"/explore", 302)
ctx.Data["UsersIsDisabled"] = setting.Service.Explore.DisableUsersPage
ctx.Data["IsRepoIndexerEnabled"] = setting.Indexer.RepoIndexerEnabled
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("explore")
ctx.Data["PageIsExplore"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsExploreCode"] = true
language := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Query("l"))
keyword := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Query("q"))
page := ctx.QueryInt("page")
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
queryType := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.Query("t"))
isMatch := queryType == "match"
var (
repoIDs []int64
err error
isAdmin bool
if ctx.User != nil {
isAdmin = ctx.User.IsAdmin
// guest user or non-admin user
if ctx.User == nil || !isAdmin {
Restricted users (#6274) * Restricted users (#4334): initial implementation * Add User.IsRestricted & UI to edit it * Pass user object instead of user id to places where IsRestricted flag matters * Restricted users: maintain access rows for all referenced repos (incl public) * Take logged in user & IsRestricted flag into account in org/repo listings, searches and accesses * Add basic repo access tests for restricted users Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Mention restricted users in the faq Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert unnecessary change `.isUserPartOfOrg` -> `.IsUserPartOfOrg` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Remove unnecessary `org.IsOrganization()` call Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * Revert to an `int64` keyed `accessMap` * Add type `userAccess` * Add convenience func updateUserAccess() * Turn accessMap into a `map[int64]userAccess` Signed-off-by: Manush Dodunekov <> * or even better: `map[int64]*userAccess` * updateUserAccess(): use tighter syntax as suggested by lafriks * even tighter * Avoid extra loop * Don't disclose limited orgs to unauthenticated users * Don't assume block only applies to orgs * Use an array of `VisibleType` for filtering * fix yet another thinko * Ok - no need for u * Revert "Ok - no need for u" This reverts commit 5c3e886aabd5acd997a3b35687d322439732c200. Co-authored-by: Antoine GIRARD <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
4 years ago
repoIDs, err = models.FindUserAccessibleRepoIDs(ctx.User)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchResults", err)
var (
total int
searchResults []*code_indexer.Result
searchResultLanguages []*code_indexer.SearchResultLanguages
// if non-admin login user, we need check UnitTypeCode at first
if ctx.User != nil && len(repoIDs) > 0 {
repoMaps, err := models.GetRepositoriesMapByIDs(repoIDs)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchResults", err)
var rightRepoMap = make(map[int64]*models.Repository, len(repoMaps))
repoIDs = make([]int64, 0, len(repoMaps))
for id, repo := range repoMaps {
if repo.CheckUnitUser(ctx.User, models.UnitTypeCode) {
rightRepoMap[id] = repo
repoIDs = append(repoIDs, id)
ctx.Data["RepoMaps"] = rightRepoMap
total, searchResults, searchResultLanguages, err = code_indexer.PerformSearch(repoIDs, language, keyword, page, setting.UI.RepoSearchPagingNum, isMatch)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchResults", err)
// if non-login user or isAdmin, no need to check UnitTypeCode
} else if (ctx.User == nil && len(repoIDs) > 0) || isAdmin {
total, searchResults, searchResultLanguages, err = code_indexer.PerformSearch(repoIDs, language, keyword, page, setting.UI.RepoSearchPagingNum, isMatch)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchResults", err)
var loadRepoIDs = make([]int64, 0, len(searchResults))
for _, result := range searchResults {
var find bool
for _, id := range loadRepoIDs {
if id == result.RepoID {
find = true
if !find {
loadRepoIDs = append(loadRepoIDs, result.RepoID)
repoMaps, err := models.GetRepositoriesMapByIDs(loadRepoIDs)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchResults", err)
ctx.Data["RepoMaps"] = repoMaps
ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
ctx.Data["Language"] = language
ctx.Data["queryType"] = queryType
ctx.Data["SearchResults"] = searchResults
ctx.Data["SearchResultLanguages"] = searchResultLanguages
ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsViewCode"] = true
pager := context.NewPagination(total, setting.UI.RepoSearchPagingNum, page, 5)
pager.AddParam(ctx, "l", "Language")
ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
ctx.HTML(200, tplExploreCode)
// NotFound render 404 page
func NotFound(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = "Page Not Found"
ctx.NotFound("home.NotFound", nil)