Fix deleted branch isn't removed when push the branch again (#9516)

Lunny Xiao 4 years ago committed by zeripath
parent e3a5b83212
commit 0bcf644da4

@ -525,6 +525,12 @@ func (deletedBranch *DeletedBranch) LoadUser() {
deletedBranch.DeletedBy = user
// RemoveDeletedBranch removes all deleted branches
func RemoveDeletedBranch(repoID int64, branch string) error {
_, err := x.Where("repo_id=? AND name=?", repoID, branch).Delete(new(DeletedBranch))
return err
// RemoveOldDeletedBranches removes old deleted branches
func RemoveOldDeletedBranches(ctx context.Context) {
// Nothing to do for shutdown or terminate

@ -520,6 +520,12 @@ func PushUpdates(repo *models.Repository, optsList []*PushUpdateOptions) error {
if opts.NewCommitID != git.EmptySHA {
if err = models.RemoveDeletedBranch(repo.ID, opts.Branch); err != nil {
log.Error("models.RemoveDeletedBranch %s/%s failed: %v", repo.ID, opts.Branch, err)
log.Trace("TriggerTask '%s/%s' by %s", repo.Name, opts.Branch, pusher.Name)
go pull_service.AddTestPullRequestTask(pusher, repo.ID, opts.Branch, true)
