fix duplicated feed (#2370)

Lunny Xiao 7 years ago committed by Kim "BKC" Carlbäcker
parent f916aa0fe3
commit 1cbe502cc2

@ -713,7 +713,6 @@ type GetFeedsOptions struct {
IncludePrivate bool // include private actions
OnlyPerformedBy bool // only actions performed by requested user
IncludeDeleted bool // include deleted actions
Collaborate bool // Include collaborative repositories
// GetFeeds returns actions according to the provided options
@ -733,13 +732,7 @@ func GetFeeds(opts GetFeedsOptions) ([]*Action, error) {
cond = cond.And(builder.In("repo_id", repoIDs))
var userIDCond builder.Cond = builder.Eq{"user_id": opts.RequestedUser.ID}
if opts.Collaborate {
userIDCond = userIDCond.Or(builder.Expr(
"repo_id IN (SELECT repo_id FROM `access` WHERE access.user_id = ?)",
cond = cond.And(userIDCond)
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"user_id": opts.RequestedUser.ID})
if opts.OnlyPerformedBy {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"act_user_id": opts.RequestedUser.ID})

@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ func Dashboard(ctx *context.Context) {
retrieveFeeds(ctx, models.GetFeedsOptions{RequestedUser: ctxUser,
IncludePrivate: true,
OnlyPerformedBy: false,
Collaborate: true,
IncludeDeleted: false,
if ctx.Written() {

@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ func Profile(ctx *context.Context) {
retrieveFeeds(ctx, models.GetFeedsOptions{RequestedUser: ctxUser,
IncludePrivate: showPrivate,
OnlyPerformedBy: true,
Collaborate: true,
IncludeDeleted: false,
if ctx.Written() {
