Migrate reactions when migrating repository from github (#9599)

* Migrate reactions when migrating repository from github

* fix missed sleep

* fix tests

* update reactions when external user binding

* Fix test

* fix tests

* change the copy head

* fix test

* fix migrator add/delete reaction
Lunny Xiao 4 years ago committed by Antoine GIRARD
parent 4e566df1c6
commit 2b3e931cde

@ -177,5 +177,9 @@ func UpdateMigrationsByType(tp structs.GitServiceType, externalUserID string, us
return err
return UpdateReleasesMigrationsByType(tp, externalUserID, userID)
if err := UpdateReleasesMigrationsByType(tp, externalUserID, userID); err != nil {
return err
return UpdateReactionsMigrationsByType(tp, externalUserID, userID)

@ -218,8 +218,11 @@ func (issue *Issue) loadReactions(e Engine) (err error) {
if err != nil {
return err
if err = issue.loadRepo(e); err != nil {
return err
// Load reaction user data
if _, err := ReactionList(reactions).loadUsers(e); err != nil {
if _, err := ReactionList(reactions).loadUsers(e, issue.Repo); err != nil {
return err
@ -1836,3 +1839,17 @@ func UpdateIssuesMigrationsByType(gitServiceType structs.GitServiceType, origina
return err
// UpdateReactionsMigrationsByType updates all migrated repositories' reactions from gitServiceType to replace originalAuthorID to posterID
func UpdateReactionsMigrationsByType(gitServiceType structs.GitServiceType, originalAuthorID string, userID int64) error {
_, err := x.Table("reaction").
Join("INNER", "issue", "issue.id = reaction.issue_id").
Where("issue.repo_id IN (SELECT id FROM repository WHERE original_service_type = ?)", gitServiceType).
And("reaction.original_author_id = ?", originalAuthorID).
"user_id": userID,
"original_author": "",
"original_author_id": 0,
return err

@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ func (c *Comment) LoadDepIssueDetails() (err error) {
return err
func (c *Comment) loadReactions(e Engine) (err error) {
func (c *Comment) loadReactions(e Engine, repo *Repository) (err error) {
if c.Reactions != nil {
return nil
@ -437,15 +437,15 @@ func (c *Comment) loadReactions(e Engine) (err error) {
return err
// Load reaction user data
if _, err := c.Reactions.LoadUsers(); err != nil {
if _, err := c.Reactions.loadUsers(e, repo); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// LoadReactions loads comment reactions
func (c *Comment) LoadReactions() error {
return c.loadReactions(x)
func (c *Comment) LoadReactions(repo *Repository) error {
return c.loadReactions(x, repo)
func (c *Comment) loadReview(e Engine) (err error) {

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ type Reaction struct {
IssueID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL"`
CommentID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s)"`
UserID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL"`
OriginalAuthorID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)"`
OriginalAuthor string
User *User `xorm:"-"`
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"`
@ -49,7 +51,10 @@ func (opts *FindReactionsOptions) toConds() builder.Cond {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.comment_id": 0})
if opts.UserID > 0 {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.user_id": opts.UserID})
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{
"reaction.user_id": opts.UserID,
"reaction.original_author_id": 0,
if opts.Reaction != "" {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.type": opts.Reaction})
@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ func deleteReaction(e *xorm.Session, opts *ReactionOptions) error {
if opts.Comment != nil {
reaction.CommentID = opts.Comment.ID
_, err := e.Delete(reaction)
_, err := e.Where("original_author_id = 0").Delete(reaction)
return err
@ -233,7 +238,7 @@ func (list ReactionList) HasUser(userID int64) bool {
return false
for _, reaction := range list {
if reaction.UserID == userID {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor == "" && reaction.UserID == userID {
return true
@ -252,6 +257,9 @@ func (list ReactionList) GroupByType() map[string]ReactionList {
func (list ReactionList) getUserIDs() []int64 {
userIDs := make(map[int64]struct{}, len(list))
for _, reaction := range list {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor != "" {
if _, ok := userIDs[reaction.UserID]; !ok {
userIDs[reaction.UserID] = struct{}{}
@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ func (list ReactionList) getUserIDs() []int64 {
return keysInt64(userIDs)
func (list ReactionList) loadUsers(e Engine) ([]*User, error) {
func (list ReactionList) loadUsers(e Engine, repo *Repository) ([]*User, error) {
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil, nil
@ -274,7 +282,9 @@ func (list ReactionList) loadUsers(e Engine) ([]*User, error) {
for _, reaction := range list {
if user, ok := userMaps[reaction.UserID]; ok {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor != "" {
reaction.User = NewReplaceUser(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", reaction.OriginalAuthor, repo.OriginalServiceType.Name()))
} else if user, ok := userMaps[reaction.UserID]; ok {
reaction.User = user
} else {
reaction.User = NewGhostUser()
@ -284,8 +294,8 @@ func (list ReactionList) loadUsers(e Engine) ([]*User, error) {
// LoadUsers loads reactions' all users
func (list ReactionList) LoadUsers() ([]*User, error) {
return list.loadUsers(x)
func (list ReactionList) LoadUsers(repo *Repository) ([]*User, error) {
return list.loadUsers(x, repo)
// GetFirstUsers returns first reacted user display names separated by comma

@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ func TestIssueCommentDeleteReaction(t *testing.T) {
user4 := AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &User{ID: 4}).(*User)
issue1 := AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &Issue{ID: 1}).(*Issue)
repo1 := AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &Repository{ID: issue1.RepoID}).(*Repository)
comment1 := AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &Comment{ID: 1}).(*Comment)
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ func TestIssueCommentDeleteReaction(t *testing.T) {
addReaction(t, user3, issue1, comment1, "heart")
addReaction(t, user4, issue1, comment1, "+1")
err := comment1.LoadReactions()
err := comment1.LoadReactions(repo1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, comment1.Reactions, 4)

@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ func insertIssue(sess *xorm.Session, issue *Issue) error {
return err
for _, reaction := range issue.Reactions {
reaction.IssueID = issue.ID
if _, err := sess.Insert(issue.Reactions); err != nil {
return err
cols := make([]string, 0)
if !issue.IsPull {
@ -130,9 +137,20 @@ func InsertIssueComments(comments []*Comment) error {
if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := sess.NoAutoTime().Insert(comments); err != nil {
for _, comment := range comments {
if _, err := sess.NoAutoTime().Insert(comment); err != nil {
return err
for _, reaction := range comment.Reactions {
reaction.IssueID = comment.IssueID
reaction.CommentID = comment.ID
if _, err := sess.Insert(comment.Reactions); err != nil {
return err
for issueID := range issueIDs {
if _, err := sess.Exec("UPDATE issue set num_comments = (SELECT count(*) FROM comment WHERE issue_id = ?) WHERE id = ?", issueID, issueID); err != nil {
return err

@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ var migrations = []Migration{
NewMigration("add is_restricted column for users table", addIsRestricted),
// v122 -> v123
NewMigration("Add Require Signed Commits to ProtectedBranch", addRequireSignedCommits),
// v123 -> v124
NewMigration("Add original informations for reactions", addReactionOriginals),
// Migrate database to current version

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package migrations
import (
func addReactionOriginals(x *xorm.Engine) error {
type Reaction struct {
OriginalAuthorID int64 `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)"`
OriginalAuthor string
return x.Sync2(new(Reaction))

@ -793,6 +793,15 @@ func NewGhostUser() *User {
// NewReplaceUser creates and returns a fake user for external user
func NewReplaceUser(name string) *User {
return &User{
ID: -1,
Name: name,
LowerName: strings.ToLower(name),
// IsGhost check if user is fake user for a deleted account
func (u *User) IsGhost() bool {
if u == nil {

@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ type Comment struct {
Created time.Time
Updated time.Time
Content string
Reactions *Reactions
Reactions []*Reaction

@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ type Issue struct {
Updated time.Time
Closed *time.Time
Labels []*Label
Reactions *Reactions
Reactions []*Reaction

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type PullRequest struct {
Assignee string
Assignees []string
IsLocked bool
Reactions []*Reaction
// IsForkPullRequest returns true if the pull request from a forked repository but not the same repository

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2018 Jonas Franz. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package base
// Reactions represents a summary of reactions.
type Reactions struct {
TotalCount int
PlusOne int
MinusOne int
Laugh int
Confused int
Heart int
Hooray int
// Reaction represents a reaction to an issue/pr/comment.
type Reaction struct {
UserID int64
UserName string
Content string

@ -361,7 +361,32 @@ func (g *GiteaLocalUploader) CreateIssues(issues ...*base.Issue) error {
if issue.Closed != nil {
is.ClosedUnix = timeutil.TimeStamp(issue.Closed.Unix())
// TODO: add reactions
// add reactions
for _, reaction := range issue.Reactions {
userid, ok := g.userMap[reaction.UserID]
if !ok && tp != "" {
var err error
userid, err = models.GetUserIDByExternalUserID(tp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", reaction.UserID))
if err != nil {
log.Error("GetUserIDByExternalUserID: %v", err)
if userid > 0 {
g.userMap[reaction.UserID] = userid
var res = models.Reaction{
Type: reaction.Content,
CreatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStampNow(),
if userid > 0 {
res.UserID = userid
} else {
res.UserID = g.doer.ID
res.OriginalAuthorID = reaction.UserID
res.OriginalAuthor = reaction.UserName
is.Reactions = append(is.Reactions, &res)
iss = append(iss, &is)
@ -420,9 +445,34 @@ func (g *GiteaLocalUploader) CreateComments(comments ...*base.Comment) error {
cm.OriginalAuthorID = comment.PosterID
cms = append(cms, &cm)
// add reactions
for _, reaction := range comment.Reactions {
userid, ok := g.userMap[reaction.UserID]
if !ok && tp != "" {
var err error
userid, err = models.GetUserIDByExternalUserID(tp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", reaction.UserID))
if err != nil {
log.Error("GetUserIDByExternalUserID: %v", err)
if userid > 0 {
g.userMap[reaction.UserID] = userid
var res = models.Reaction{
Type: reaction.Content,
CreatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStampNow(),
if userid > 0 {
res.UserID = userid
} else {
res.UserID = g.doer.ID
res.OriginalAuthorID = reaction.UserID
res.OriginalAuthor = reaction.UserName
cm.Reactions = append(cm.Reactions, &res)
// TODO: Reactions
cms = append(cms, &cm)
return models.InsertIssueComments(cms)
@ -581,10 +631,12 @@ func (g *GiteaLocalUploader) newPullRequest(pr *base.PullRequest) (*models.PullR
UpdatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStamp(pr.Updated.Unix()),
tp := g.gitServiceType.Name()
userid, ok := g.userMap[pr.PosterID]
if !ok {
if !ok && tp != "" {
var err error
userid, err = models.GetUserIDByExternalUserID("github", fmt.Sprintf("%v", pr.PosterID))
userid, err = models.GetUserIDByExternalUserID(tp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", pr.PosterID))
if err != nil {
log.Error("GetUserIDByExternalUserID: %v", err)
@ -601,6 +653,33 @@ func (g *GiteaLocalUploader) newPullRequest(pr *base.PullRequest) (*models.PullR
issue.OriginalAuthorID = pr.PosterID
// add reactions
for _, reaction := range pr.Reactions {
userid, ok := g.userMap[reaction.UserID]
if !ok && tp != "" {
var err error
userid, err = models.GetUserIDByExternalUserID(tp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", reaction.UserID))
if err != nil {
log.Error("GetUserIDByExternalUserID: %v", err)
if userid > 0 {
g.userMap[reaction.UserID] = userid
var res = models.Reaction{
Type: reaction.Content,
CreatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStampNow(),
if userid > 0 {
res.UserID = userid
} else {
res.UserID = g.doer.ID
res.OriginalAuthorID = reaction.UserID
res.OriginalAuthor = reaction.UserName
issue.Reactions = append(issue.Reactions, &res)
var pullRequest = models.PullRequest{
HeadRepoID: g.repo.ID,
HeadBranch: head,
@ -622,7 +701,6 @@ func (g *GiteaLocalUploader) newPullRequest(pr *base.PullRequest) (*models.PullR
pullRequest.MergerID = g.doer.ID
// TODO: reactions
// TODO: assignees
return &pullRequest, nil

@ -319,18 +319,6 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetReleases() ([]*base.Release, error) {
return releases, nil
func convertGithubReactions(reactions *github.Reactions) *base.Reactions {
return &base.Reactions{
TotalCount: *reactions.TotalCount,
PlusOne: *reactions.PlusOne,
MinusOne: *reactions.MinusOne,
Laugh: *reactions.Laugh,
Confused: *reactions.Confused,
Heart: *reactions.Heart,
Hooray: *reactions.Hooray,
// GetIssues returns issues according start and limit
func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetIssues(page, perPage int) ([]*base.Issue, bool, error) {
opt := &github.IssueListByRepoOptions{
@ -366,15 +354,36 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetIssues(page, perPage int) ([]*base.Issue, bool,
for _, l := range issue.Labels {
labels = append(labels, convertGithubLabel(&l))
var reactions *base.Reactions
if issue.Reactions != nil {
reactions = convertGithubReactions(issue.Reactions)
var email string
if issue.User.Email != nil {
email = *issue.User.Email
// get reactions
var reactions []*base.Reaction
for i := 1; ; i++ {
res, resp, err := g.client.Reactions.ListIssueReactions(g.ctx, g.repoOwner, g.repoName, issue.GetNumber(), &github.ListOptions{
Page: i,
PerPage: perPage,
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
g.rate = &resp.Rate
if len(res) == 0 {
for _, reaction := range res {
reactions = append(reactions, &base.Reaction{
UserID: reaction.User.GetID(),
UserName: reaction.User.GetLogin(),
Content: reaction.GetContent(),
allIssues = append(allIssues, &base.Issue{
Title: *issue.Title,
Number: int64(*issue.Number),
@ -418,9 +427,29 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetComments(issueNumber int64) ([]*base.Comment, er
if comment.User.Email != nil {
email = *comment.User.Email
var reactions *base.Reactions
if comment.Reactions != nil {
reactions = convertGithubReactions(comment.Reactions)
// get reactions
var reactions []*base.Reaction
for i := 1; ; i++ {
res, resp, err := g.client.Reactions.ListIssueCommentReactions(g.ctx, g.repoOwner, g.repoName, comment.GetID(), &github.ListOptions{
Page: i,
PerPage: 100,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
g.rate = &resp.Rate
if len(res) == 0 {
for _, reaction := range res {
reactions = append(reactions, &base.Reaction{
UserID: reaction.User.GetID(),
UserName: reaction.User.GetLogin(),
Content: reaction.GetContent(),
allComments = append(allComments, &base.Comment{
IssueIndex: issueNumber,
@ -473,8 +502,6 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetPullRequests(page, perPage int) ([]*base.PullReq
labels = append(labels, convertGithubLabel(l))
// FIXME: This API missing reactions, we may need another extra request to get reactions
var email string
if pr.User.Email != nil {
email = *pr.User.Email
@ -515,6 +542,30 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetPullRequests(page, perPage int) ([]*base.PullReq
headUserName = *pr.Head.User.Login
// get reactions
var reactions []*base.Reaction
for i := 1; ; i++ {
res, resp, err := g.client.Reactions.ListIssueReactions(g.ctx, g.repoOwner, g.repoName, pr.GetNumber(), &github.ListOptions{
Page: i,
PerPage: perPage,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
g.rate = &resp.Rate
if len(res) == 0 {
for _, reaction := range res {
reactions = append(reactions, &base.Reaction{
UserID: reaction.User.GetID(),
UserName: reaction.User.GetLogin(),
Content: reaction.GetContent(),
allPRs = append(allPRs, &base.PullRequest{
Title: *pr.Title,
Number: int64(*pr.Number),
@ -546,6 +597,7 @@ func (g *GithubDownloaderV3) GetPullRequests(page, perPage int) ([]*base.PullReq
OwnerName: *pr.Base.User.Login,
PatchURL: *pr.PatchURL,
Reactions: reactions,

@ -170,14 +170,12 @@ func TestGitHubDownloadRepo(t *testing.T) {
Description: "Good for newcomers",
Reactions: &base.Reactions{
TotalCount: 1,
PlusOne: 1,
MinusOne: 0,
Laugh: 0,
Confused: 0,
Heart: 0,
Hooray: 0,
Reactions: []*base.Reaction{
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "+1",
Closed: &closed1,
@ -198,14 +196,37 @@ func TestGitHubDownloadRepo(t *testing.T) {
Description: "This issue or pull request already exists",
Reactions: &base.Reactions{
TotalCount: 6,
PlusOne: 1,
MinusOne: 1,
Laugh: 1,
Confused: 1,
Heart: 1,
Hooray: 1,
Reactions: []*base.Reaction{
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "heart",
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "laugh",
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "-1",
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "confused",
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "hooray",
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "+1",
Closed: &closed2,
@ -223,14 +244,12 @@ func TestGitHubDownloadRepo(t *testing.T) {
Created: time.Date(2019, 11, 12, 21, 0, 13, 0, time.UTC),
Updated: time.Date(2019, 11, 12, 21, 0, 13, 0, time.UTC),
Content: "This is a comment",
Reactions: &base.Reactions{
TotalCount: 1,
PlusOne: 1,
MinusOne: 0,
Laugh: 0,
Confused: 0,
Heart: 0,
Hooray: 0,
Reactions: []*base.Reaction{
UserID: 1669571,
UserName: "mrsdizzie",
Content: "+1",
@ -240,15 +259,7 @@ func TestGitHubDownloadRepo(t *testing.T) {
Created: time.Date(2019, 11, 12, 22, 7, 14, 0, time.UTC),
Updated: time.Date(2019, 11, 12, 22, 7, 14, 0, time.UTC),
Content: "A second comment",
Reactions: &base.Reactions{
TotalCount: 0,
PlusOne: 0,
MinusOne: 0,
Laugh: 0,
Confused: 0,
Heart: 0,
Hooray: 0,
Reactions: nil,
}, comments[:2])
@ -331,6 +342,18 @@ func TestGitHubDownloadRepo(t *testing.T) {
Merged: false,
MergeCommitSHA: "565d1208f5fffdc1c5ae1a2436491eb9a5e4ebae",
Reactions: []*base.Reaction{
UserID: 81045,
UserName: "lunny",
Content: "heart",
UserID: 81045,
UserName: "lunny",
Content: "+1",
}, prs)

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func GetIssueCommentReactions(ctx *context.APIContext) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssueReactions", err)
_, err = reactions.LoadUsers()
_, err = reactions.LoadUsers(ctx.Repo.Repository)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ReactionList.LoadUsers()", err)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ func GetIssueReactions(ctx *context.APIContext) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssueReactions", err)
_, err = reactions.LoadUsers()
_, err = reactions.LoadUsers(ctx.Repo.Repository)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ReactionList.LoadUsers()", err)

@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ func ChangeCommentReaction(ctx *context.Context, form auth.ReactionForm) {
// Reload new reactions
comment.Reactions = nil
if err = comment.LoadReactions(); err != nil {
if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ func ChangeCommentReaction(ctx *context.Context, form auth.ReactionForm) {
// Reload new reactions
comment.Reactions = nil
if err = comment.LoadReactions(); err != nil {
if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
