Disallow empty titles (#5785) (#5794)

* add util method and tests

* make sure the title of an issue cannot be empty

* wiki title cannot be empty

* pull request title cannot be empty

* update to make use of the new util methof
Lanre Adelowo 5 years ago committed by Lauris BH
parent 8da5237107
commit 4577cddd28

@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ func argsSet(c *cli.Context, args ...string) error {
return errors.New(a + " is not set")
if len(strings.TrimSpace(c.String(a))) == 0 {
if util.IsEmptyString(a) {
return errors.New(a + " is required")

@ -98,3 +98,8 @@ func Min(a, b int) int {
return a
// IsEmptyString checks if the provided string is empty
func IsEmptyString(s string) bool {
return len(strings.TrimSpace(s)) == 0

@ -77,3 +77,20 @@ func TestIsExternalURL(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, test.Expected, IsExternalURL(test.RawURL))
func TestIsEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
s string
expected bool
{"", true},
{" ", true},
{" ", true},
{" a", false},
for _, v := range cases {
assert.Equal(t, v.expected, IsEmptyString(v.s))

@ -655,6 +655,7 @@ ext_issues.desc = Link to an external issue tracker.
issues.desc = Organize bug reports, tasks and milestones.
issues.new = New Issue
issues.new.title_empty = Title cannot be empty
issues.new.labels = Labels
issues.new.no_label = No Label
issues.new.clear_labels = Clear labels

@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func setTemplateIfExists(ctx *context.Context, ctxDataKey string, possibleFiles
// NewIssue render createing issue page
// NewIssue render creating issue page
func NewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
@ -494,6 +494,11 @@ func NewIssuePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm) {
if util.IsEmptyString(form.Title) {
ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.title_empty"), tplIssueNew, form)
issue := &models.Issue{
RepoID: repo.ID,
Title: form.Title,

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
@ -860,6 +861,16 @@ func CompareAndPullRequestPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.CreateIssueForm)
if util.IsEmptyString(form.Title) {
PrepareCompareDiff(ctx, headUser, headRepo, headGitRepo, prInfo, baseBranch, headBranch)
if ctx.Written() {
ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.title_empty"), tplComparePull, form)
patch, err := headGitRepo.GetPatch(prInfo.MergeBase, headBranch)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("GetPatch", err)

@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ func NewWikiPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.NewWikiForm) {
if util.IsEmptyString(form.Title) {
ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.title_empty"), tplWikiNew, form)
wikiName := models.NormalizeWikiName(form.Title)
if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.AddWikiPage(ctx.User, wikiName, form.Content, form.Message); err != nil {
if models.IsErrWikiReservedName(err) {
