Implement a less naive score calculus.

So far it holds.
The score is a bit long (90chars = 15 chars per possible grade)
but it won't get any longer with more judges,
unless we have to go over 500 billion judges.
domi41 4 years ago
parent 4c1b0e514f
commit 4ee64a9ac7

@ -94,12 +94,22 @@ func (deli *PollNaiveDeliberator) Deliberate(poll *Poll) (_ *PollResult, err err
func (deli *PollNaiveDeliberator) GetScore(pct *PollCandidateTally) (_ string) {
score := ""
//ct := *pct
// FIXME: Not THAT naive :)
score += fmt.Sprintf("%03d", pct.GetMedian())
ct := *pct // looks like it's a copy of the primitives at least
//println("Score: "+score)
for _, _ = range pct.Poll.GetGradationList() {
//for _, _ = range pct.Poll.GetGrades() {
medianGrade := ct.GetMedian()
score += fmt.Sprintf("%03d", medianGrade)
groupSize, groupSign, groupGrade := ct.GetBiggestGroup(medianGrade)
score += fmt.Sprintf("%012d",
ct.RegradeJudgments(medianGrade, groupGrade)
//println("Score: " + score)
return score

@ -8,38 +8,108 @@ import (
// ____ _ _____ _ _
// / ___|_ __ __ _ __| | ___ |_ _|_ _| | |_ _
// | | _| '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ | |/ _` | | | | | |
// | |_| | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | | (_| | | | |_| |
// \____|_| \__,_|\__,_|\___| |_|\__,_|_|_|\__, |
// |___/
type PollCandidateGradeTally struct {
Grade uint8
Amount uint64
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp
// ____ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _
// / ___|__ _ _ __ __| (_) __| | __ _| |_ ___ |_ _|_ _| | |_ _
// | | / _` | '_ \ / _` | |/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \ | |/ _` | | | | | |
// | |__| (_| | | | | (_| | | (_| | (_| | || __/ | | (_| | | | |_| |
// \____\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__\___| |_|\__,_|_|_|\__, |
// |___/
type PollCandidateTally struct {
Poll *Poll
CandidateID int64 // Issue Index (or internal candidate index, later on)
Grades []*PollCandidateGradeTally // sorted by grade
Grades []*PollCandidateGradeTally // Sorted by grade
JudgmentsAmount uint64
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp
func (pct *PollCandidateTally) GetMedian() (_ uint8) {
medianIndex := pct.JudgmentsAmount / 2
if 0 == pct.JudgmentsAmount {
return uint8(0)
//return 0 // to test
adjustedTotal := pct.JudgmentsAmount - 1
//if opts.UseHighMedian {
// adjustedTotal := pct.JudgmentsAmount + 1
medianIndex := adjustedTotal / 2 // Euclidean div
cursorIndex := uint64(0)
for _, grade := range pct.Grades {
if 0 < grade.Amount {
cursorIndex += grade.Amount
if cursorIndex >= medianIndex {
return grade.Grade
if 0 == grade.Amount {
startIndex := cursorIndex
cursorIndex += grade.Amount
endIndex := cursorIndex
if (startIndex <= medianIndex) && (medianIndex < endIndex) {
return grade.Grade
println("warning: GetMedian defaulting to 0")
return uint8(0)
//func (pct *PollCandidateTally) GetScore() (_ string) {
func (pct *PollCandidateTally) GetBiggestGroup(aroundGrade uint8) (groupSize int, groupSign int, groupGrade uint8) {
belowGroupSize := 0
belowGroupSign := -1
belowGroupGrade := uint8(0)
aboveGroupSize := 0
aboveGroupSign := 1
aboveGroupGrade := uint8(0)
for k, _ := range pct.Poll.GetGradationList() {
grade := uint8(k)
//for _, grade := range pct.Poll.GetGrades() {
if grade < aroundGrade {
belowGroupSize += int(pct.Grades[grade].Amount)
belowGroupGrade = grade
if grade > aroundGrade {
aboveGroupSize += int(pct.Grades[grade].Amount)
if 0 == aboveGroupGrade {
aboveGroupGrade = grade
if aboveGroupSize > belowGroupSize {
return aboveGroupSize, aboveGroupSign, aboveGroupGrade
return belowGroupSize, belowGroupSign, belowGroupGrade
func (pct *PollCandidateTally) RegradeJudgments(fromGrade uint8, toGrade uint8) {
if toGrade == fromGrade {
pct.Grades[toGrade].Amount += pct.Grades[fromGrade].Amount
pct.Grades[fromGrade].Amount = 0
// _____ _ _
// |_ _|_ _| | |_ _
// | |/ _` | | | | | |
// | | (_| | | | |_| |
// |_|\__,_|_|_|\__, |
// |___/
type PollTally struct {
Poll *Poll
