Graceful Queues: Issue Indexing and Tasks (#9363)

* Queue: Add generic graceful queues with settings

* Queue & Setting: Add worker pool implementation

* Queue: Add worker settings

* Queue: Make resizing worker pools

* Queue: Add name variable to queues

* Queue: Add monitoring

* Queue: Improve logging

* Issues: Gracefulise the issues indexer

Remove the old now unused specific queues

* Task: Move to generic queue and gracefulise

* Issues: Standardise the issues indexer queue settings

* Fix test

* Queue: Allow Redis to connect to unix

* Prevent deadlock during early shutdown of issue indexer

* Add MaxWorker settings to queues

* Merge branch 'master' into graceful-queues

* Update modules/indexer/issues/indexer.go

Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <>

* Update modules/indexer/issues/indexer.go

Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <>

* Update modules/queue/queue_channel.go

Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <>

* Update modules/queue/queue_disk.go

* Update modules/queue/queue_disk_channel.go

Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <>

* Rename queue.Description to queue.ManagedQueue as per @guillep2k

* Cancel pool workers when removed

* Remove dependency on queue from setting

* Update modules/queue/queue_redis.go

Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <>

* As per @guillep2k add mutex locks on shutdown/terminate

* move unlocking out of setInternal

* Add warning if number of workers < 0

* Small changes as per @guillep2k

* No redis host specified not found

* Clean up documentation for queues

* Update docs/content/doc/advanced/

* Update modules/indexer/issues/indexer_test.go

* Ensure that persistable channel queue is added to manager



This reverts commit 1f83b4fc9b9dabda186257b38c265fe7012f90df.

Co-authored-by: guillep2k <>
Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <>
Co-authored-by: Lunny Xiao <>
zeripath 4 years ago committed by Antoine GIRARD
parent f71e1c8e79
commit 62eb1b0f25

@ -382,6 +382,39 @@ REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE =
; A comma separated list of glob patterns to exclude from the index; ; default is empty
; Specific queues can be individually configured with []. [queue] provides defaults
; General queue queue type, currently support: persistable-channel, channel, level, redis, dummy
; default to persistable-channel
TYPE = persistable-channel
; data-dir for storing persistable queues and level queues, individual queues will be named by their type
DATADIR = queues/
; Default queue length before a channel queue will block
; Batch size to send for batched queues
; Connection string for redis queues this will store the redis connection string.
CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0"
; Provide the suffix of the default redis queue name - specific queues can be overriden within in their [] sections.
QUEUE_NAME = "_queue"
; If the queue cannot be created at startup - level queues may need a timeout at startup - wrap the queue:
; Attempt to create the wrapped queue at max
; Timeout queue creation
TIMEOUT = 15m30s
; Create a pool with this many workers
; Dynamically scale the worker pool to at this many workers
; Add boost workers when the queue blocks for BLOCK_TIMEOUT
; Remove the boost workers after BOOST_TIMEOUT
; During a boost add BOOST_WORKERS
; Disallow regular (non-admin) users from creating organizations.

@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ relation to port exhaustion.
- `ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE`: **bleve**: Issue indexer type, currently support: bleve or db, if it's db, below issue indexer item will be invalid.
- `ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH`: **indexers/issues.bleve**: Index file used for issue search.
- The next 4 configuration values are deprecated and should be set in `queue.issue_indexer` however are kept for backwards compatibility:
- `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE`: **levelqueue**: Issue indexer queue, currently supports:`channel`, `levelqueue`, `redis`.
- `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR`: **indexers/issues.queue**: When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `levelqueue`, this will be the queue will be saved path.
- `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **addrs= db=0**: When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`, this will store the redis connection string.
@ -239,6 +240,24 @@ relation to port exhaustion.
- `MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **1048576**: Maximum size in bytes of files to be indexed.
- `STARTUP_TIMEOUT`: **30s**: If the indexer takes longer than this timeout to start - fail. (This timeout will be added to the hammer time above for child processes - as bleve will not start until the previous parent is shutdown.) Set to zero to never timeout.
## Queue (`queue` and `queue.*`)
- `TYPE`: **persistable-channel**: General queue type, currently support: `persistable-channel`, `channel`, `level`, `redis`, `dummy`
- `DATADIR`: **queues/**: Base DataDir for storing persistent and level queues. `DATADIR` for inidividual queues can be set in `` sections but will default to `DATADIR/`**`name`**.
- `LENGTH`: **20**: Maximal queue size before channel queues block
- `BATCH_LENGTH`: **20**: Batch data before passing to the handler
- `CONN_STR`: **addrs= db=0**: Connection string for the redis queue type.
- `QUEUE_NAME`: **_queue**: The suffix for default redis queue name. Individual queues will default to **`name`**`QUEUE_NAME` but can be overriden in the specific `` section.
- `WRAP_IF_NECESSARY`: **true**: Will wrap queues with a timeoutable queue if the selected queue is not ready to be created - (Only relevant for the level queue.)
- `MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **10**: Maximum number of attempts to create the wrapped queue
- `TIMEOUT`: **GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME + 30s**: Timeout the creation of the wrapped queue if it takes longer than this to create.
- Queues by default come with a dynamically scaling worker pool. The following settings configure this:
- `WORKERS`: **1**: Number of initial workers for the queue.
- `MAX_WORKERS`: **10**: Maximum number of worker go-routines for the queue.
- `BLOCK_TIMEOUT`: **1s**: If the queue blocks for this time, boost the number of workers - the `BLOCK_TIMEOUT` will then be doubled before boosting again whilst the boost is ongoing.
- `BOOST_TIMEOUT`: **5m**: Boost workers will timeout after this long.
- `BOOST_WORKERS`: **5**: This many workers will be added to the worker pool if there is a boost.
## Admin (`admin`)
- `DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS`: **enabled**: Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled
@ -614,6 +633,7 @@ You may redefine `ELEMENT`, `ALLOW_ATTR`, and `REGEXP` multiple times; each time
## Task (`task`)
- Task queue configuration has been moved to `queue.task` however, the below configuration values are kept for backwards compatibilityx:
- `QUEUE_TYPE`: **channel**: Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`.
- `QUEUE_LENGTH`: **1000**: Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`.
- `QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **addrs= db=0**: Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`. If there redis needs a password, use `addrs= password=123 db=0`.

@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ import (
@ -87,7 +89,12 @@ func TestViewIssuesKeyword(t *testing.T) {
defer prepareTestEnv(t)()
repo := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Repository{ID: 1}).(*models.Repository)
issue := models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &models.Issue{
RepoID: repo.ID,
Index: 1,
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
const keyword = "first"
req := NewRequestf(t, "GET", "%s/issues?q=%s", repo.RelLink(), keyword)
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)

@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ func (db *DBIndexer) Delete(ids ...int64) error {
return nil
// Close dummy function
func (db *DBIndexer) Close() {
// Search dummy function
func (db *DBIndexer) Search(kw string, repoIDs []int64, limit, start int) (*SearchResult, error) {
total, ids, err := models.SearchIssueIDsByKeyword(kw, repoIDs, limit, start)

@ -5,12 +5,16 @@
package issues
import (
@ -44,12 +48,14 @@ type Indexer interface {
Index(issue []*IndexerData) error
Delete(ids ...int64) error
Search(kw string, repoIDs []int64, limit, start int) (*SearchResult, error)
type indexerHolder struct {
indexer Indexer
mutex sync.RWMutex
cond *sync.Cond
indexer Indexer
mutex sync.RWMutex
cond *sync.Cond
cancelled bool
func newIndexerHolder() *indexerHolder {
@ -58,6 +64,13 @@ func newIndexerHolder() *indexerHolder {
return h
func (h *indexerHolder) cancel() {
defer h.mutex.Unlock()
h.cancelled = true
func (h *indexerHolder) set(indexer Indexer) {
defer h.mutex.Unlock()
@ -68,16 +81,15 @@ func (h *indexerHolder) set(indexer Indexer) {
func (h *indexerHolder) get() Indexer {
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
if h.indexer == nil {
if h.indexer == nil && !h.cancelled {
return h.indexer
var (
issueIndexerChannel = make(chan *IndexerData, setting.Indexer.UpdateQueueLength)
// issueIndexerQueue queue of issue ids to be updated
issueIndexerQueue Queue
issueIndexerQueue queue.Queue
holder = newIndexerHolder()
@ -85,90 +97,99 @@ var (
// all issue index done.
func InitIssueIndexer(syncReindex bool) {
waitChannel := make(chan time.Duration)
// Create the Queue
switch setting.Indexer.IssueType {
case "bleve":
handler := func(data ...queue.Data) {
indexer := holder.get()
if indexer == nil {
log.Error("Issue indexer handler: unable to get indexer!")
iData := make([]*IndexerData, 0, setting.Indexer.IssueQueueBatchNumber)
for _, datum := range data {
indexerData, ok := datum.(*IndexerData)
if !ok {
log.Error("Unable to process provided datum: %v - not possible to cast to IndexerData", datum)
log.Trace("IndexerData Process: %d %v %t", indexerData.ID, indexerData.IDs, indexerData.IsDelete)
if indexerData.IsDelete {
_ = indexer.Delete(indexerData.IDs...)
iData = append(iData, indexerData)
if err := indexer.Index(iData); err != nil {
log.Error("Error whilst indexing: %v Error: %v", iData, err)
issueIndexerQueue = queue.CreateQueue("issue_indexer", handler, &IndexerData{})
if issueIndexerQueue == nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to create issue indexer queue")
issueIndexerQueue = &queue.DummyQueue{}
// Create the Indexer
go func() {
start := time.Now()
log.Info("Initializing Issue Indexer")
log.Info("PID %d: Initializing Issue Indexer: %s", os.Getpid(), setting.Indexer.IssueType)
var populate bool
var dummyQueue bool
switch setting.Indexer.IssueType {
case "bleve":
issueIndexer := NewBleveIndexer(setting.Indexer.IssuePath)
exist, err := issueIndexer.Init()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to initialize Bleve Issue Indexer: %v", err)
populate = !exist
graceful.GetManager().RunWithShutdownFns(func(_, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
issueIndexer := NewBleveIndexer(setting.Indexer.IssuePath)
exist, err := issueIndexer.Init()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to initialize Bleve Issue Indexer: %v", err)
populate = !exist
atTerminate(context.Background(), func() {
log.Debug("Closing issue indexer")
issueIndexer := holder.get()
if issueIndexer != nil {
log.Info("PID: %d Issue Indexer closed", os.Getpid())
log.Debug("Created Bleve Indexer")
case "db":
issueIndexer := &DBIndexer{}
dummyQueue = true
log.Fatal("Unknown issue indexer type: %s", setting.Indexer.IssueType)
if dummyQueue {
issueIndexerQueue = &DummyQueue{}
} else {
var err error
switch setting.Indexer.IssueQueueType {
case setting.LevelQueueType:
issueIndexerQueue, err = NewLevelQueue(
if err != nil {
"Unable create level queue for issue queue dir: %s batch number: %d : %v",
case setting.ChannelQueueType:
issueIndexerQueue = NewChannelQueue(holder.get(), setting.Indexer.IssueQueueBatchNumber)
case setting.RedisQueueType:
addrs, pass, idx, err := parseConnStr(setting.Indexer.IssueQueueConnStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to parse connection string for RedisQueueType: %s : %v",
issueIndexerQueue, err = NewRedisQueue(addrs, pass, idx, holder.get(), setting.Indexer.IssueQueueBatchNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to create RedisQueue: %s : %v",
log.Fatal("Unsupported indexer queue type: %v",
go func() {
err = issueIndexerQueue.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Error("issueIndexerQueue.Run: %v", err)
go func() {
for data := range issueIndexerChannel {
_ = issueIndexerQueue.Push(data)
// Start processing the queue
go graceful.GetManager().RunWithShutdownFns(issueIndexerQueue.Run)
// Populate the index
if populate {
if syncReindex {
} else {
go populateIssueIndexer()
go graceful.GetManager().RunWithShutdownContext(populateIssueIndexer)
waitChannel <- time.Since(start)
if syncReindex {
select {
case <-waitChannel:
case <-graceful.GetManager().IsShutdown():
} else if setting.Indexer.StartupTimeout > 0 {
go func() {
timeout := setting.Indexer.StartupTimeout
@ -178,7 +199,12 @@ func InitIssueIndexer(syncReindex bool) {
select {
case duration := <-waitChannel:
log.Info("Issue Indexer Initialization took %v", duration)
case <-graceful.GetManager().IsShutdown():
log.Warn("Shutdown occurred before issue index initialisation was complete")
case <-time.After(timeout):
if shutdownable, ok := issueIndexerQueue.(queue.Shutdownable); ok {
log.Fatal("Issue Indexer Initialization timed-out after: %v", timeout)
@ -186,8 +212,14 @@ func InitIssueIndexer(syncReindex bool) {
// populateIssueIndexer populate the issue indexer with issue data
func populateIssueIndexer() {
func populateIssueIndexer(ctx context.Context) {
for page := 1; ; page++ {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Warn("Issue Indexer population shutdown before completion")
repos, _, err := models.SearchRepositoryByName(&models.SearchRepoOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: models.RepositoryListDefaultPageSize,
@ -200,10 +232,17 @@ func populateIssueIndexer() {
if len(repos) == 0 {
log.Debug("Issue Indexer population complete")
for _, repo := range repos {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("Issue Indexer population shutdown before completion")
@ -237,13 +276,17 @@ func UpdateIssueIndexer(issue *models.Issue) {
comments = append(comments, comment.Content)
issueIndexerChannel <- &IndexerData{
indexerData := &IndexerData{
ID: issue.ID,
RepoID: issue.RepoID,
Title: issue.Title,
Content: issue.Content,
Comments: comments,
log.Debug("Adding to channel: %v", indexerData)
if err := issueIndexerQueue.Push(indexerData); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to push to issue indexer: %v: Error: %v", indexerData, err)
// DeleteRepoIssueIndexer deletes repo's all issues indexes
@ -258,17 +301,25 @@ func DeleteRepoIssueIndexer(repo *models.Repository) {
if len(ids) == 0 {
issueIndexerChannel <- &IndexerData{
indexerData := &IndexerData{
IDs: ids,
IsDelete: true,
if err := issueIndexerQueue.Push(indexerData); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to push to issue indexer: %v: Error: %v", indexerData, err)
// SearchIssuesByKeyword search issue ids by keywords and repo id
func SearchIssuesByKeyword(repoIDs []int64, keyword string) ([]int64, error) {
var issueIDs []int64
res, err := holder.get().Search(keyword, repoIDs, 1000, 0)
indexer := holder.get()
if indexer == nil {
log.Error("SearchIssuesByKeyword(): unable to get indexer!")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get issue indexer")
res, err := indexer.Search(keyword, repoIDs, 1000, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import (
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func TestBleveSearchIssues(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, models.PrepareTestDatabase())
setting.Cfg = ini.Empty()
tmpIndexerDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "issues-indexer")
if err != nil {
@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ func TestBleveSearchIssues(t *testing.T) {
setting.Indexer.IssueType = "bleve"
defer func() {
indexer := holder.get()

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package issues
// Queue defines an interface to save an issue indexer queue
type Queue interface {
Run() error
Push(*IndexerData) error
// DummyQueue represents an empty queue
type DummyQueue struct {
// Run starts to run the queue
func (b *DummyQueue) Run() error {
return nil
// Push pushes data to indexer
func (b *DummyQueue) Push(*IndexerData) error {
return nil

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package issues
import (
// ChannelQueue implements
type ChannelQueue struct {
queue chan *IndexerData
indexer Indexer
batchNumber int
// NewChannelQueue create a memory channel queue
func NewChannelQueue(indexer Indexer, batchNumber int) *ChannelQueue {
return &ChannelQueue{
queue: make(chan *IndexerData, setting.Indexer.UpdateQueueLength),
indexer: indexer,
batchNumber: batchNumber,
// Run starts to run the queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Run() error {
var i int
var datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, c.batchNumber)
for {
select {
case data := <-c.queue:
if data.IsDelete {
_ = c.indexer.Delete(data.IDs...)
datas = append(datas, data)
if len(datas) >= c.batchNumber {
_ = c.indexer.Index(datas)
// TODO: save the point
datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, c.batchNumber)
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
if i >= 3 && len(datas) > 0 {
_ = c.indexer.Index(datas)
// TODO: save the point
datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, c.batchNumber)
// Push will push the indexer data to queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Push(data *IndexerData) error {
c.queue <- data
return nil

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package issues
import (
var (
_ Queue = &LevelQueue{}
// LevelQueue implements a disk library queue
type LevelQueue struct {
indexer Indexer
queue *levelqueue.Queue
batchNumber int
// NewLevelQueue creates a ledis local queue
func NewLevelQueue(indexer Indexer, dataDir string, batchNumber int) (*LevelQueue, error) {
queue, err := levelqueue.Open(dataDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LevelQueue{
indexer: indexer,
queue: queue,
batchNumber: batchNumber,
}, nil
// Run starts to run the queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Run() error {
var i int
var datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, l.batchNumber)
for {
if len(datas) > l.batchNumber || (len(datas) > 0 && i > 3) {
_ = l.indexer.Index(datas)
datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, l.batchNumber)
i = 0
bs, err := l.queue.RPop()
if err != nil {
if err != levelqueue.ErrNotFound {
log.Error("RPop: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if len(bs) == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
var data IndexerData
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unmarshal: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
log.Trace("LevelQueue: task found: %#v", data)
if data.IsDelete {
if data.ID > 0 {
if err = l.indexer.Delete(data.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("indexer.Delete: %v", err)
} else if len(data.IDs) > 0 {
if err = l.indexer.Delete(data.IDs...); err != nil {
log.Error("indexer.Delete: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
datas = append(datas, &data)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
// Push will push the indexer data to queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Push(data *IndexerData) error {
bs, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return l.queue.LPush(bs)

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package issues
import (
var (
_ Queue = &RedisQueue{}
type redisClient interface {
RPush(key string, args ...interface{}) *redis.IntCmd
LPop(key string) *redis.StringCmd
Ping() *redis.StatusCmd
// RedisQueue redis queue
type RedisQueue struct {
client redisClient
queueName string
indexer Indexer
batchNumber int
func parseConnStr(connStr string) (addrs, password string, dbIdx int, err error) {
fields := strings.Fields(connStr)
for _, f := range fields {
items := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2)
if len(items) < 2 {
switch strings.ToLower(items[0]) {
case "addrs":
addrs = items[1]
case "password":
password = items[1]
case "db":
dbIdx, err = strconv.Atoi(items[1])
if err != nil {
// NewRedisQueue creates single redis or cluster redis queue
func NewRedisQueue(addrs string, password string, dbIdx int, indexer Indexer, batchNumber int) (*RedisQueue, error) {
dbs := strings.Split(addrs, ",")
var queue = RedisQueue{
queueName: "issue_indexer_queue",
indexer: indexer,
batchNumber: batchNumber,
if len(dbs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no redis host found")
} else if len(dbs) == 1 {
queue.client = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: strings.TrimSpace(dbs[0]), // use default Addr
Password: password, // no password set
DB: dbIdx, // use default DB
} else {
queue.client = redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
Addrs: dbs,
if err := queue.client.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &queue, nil
// Run runs the redis queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Run() error {
var i int
var datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, r.batchNumber)
for {
bs, err := r.client.LPop(r.queueName).Bytes()
if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
log.Error("LPop faile: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if len(datas) > r.batchNumber || (len(datas) > 0 && i > 3) {
_ = r.indexer.Index(datas)
datas = make([]*IndexerData, 0, r.batchNumber)
i = 0
if len(bs) == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
var data IndexerData
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unmarshal: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
log.Trace("RedisQueue: task found: %#v", data)
if data.IsDelete {
if data.ID > 0 {
if err = r.indexer.Delete(data.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("indexer.Delete: %v", err)
} else if len(data.IDs) > 0 {
if err = r.indexer.Delete(data.IDs...); err != nil {
log.Error("indexer.Delete: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
datas = append(datas, &data)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
// Push implements Queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Push(data *IndexerData) error {
bs, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.client.RPush(r.queueName, bs).Err()

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
var manager *Manager
// Manager is a queue manager
type Manager struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
counter int64
Queues map[int64]*ManagedQueue
// ManagedQueue represents a working queue inheriting from Gitea.
type ManagedQueue struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
QID int64
Queue Queue
Type Type
Name string
Configuration interface{}
ExemplarType string
Pool ManagedPool
counter int64
PoolWorkers map[int64]*PoolWorkers
// ManagedPool is a simple interface to get certain details from a worker pool
type ManagedPool interface {
AddWorkers(number int, timeout time.Duration) context.CancelFunc
NumberOfWorkers() int
MaxNumberOfWorkers() int
BoostTimeout() time.Duration
BlockTimeout() time.Duration
BoostWorkers() int
SetSettings(maxNumberOfWorkers, boostWorkers int, timeout time.Duration)
// ManagedQueueList implements the sort.Interface
type ManagedQueueList []*ManagedQueue
// PoolWorkers represents a working queue inheriting from Gitea.
type PoolWorkers struct {
PID int64
Workers int
Start time.Time
Timeout time.Time
HasTimeout bool
Cancel context.CancelFunc
// PoolWorkersList implements the sort.Interface
type PoolWorkersList []*PoolWorkers
func init() {
_ = GetManager()
// GetManager returns a Manager and initializes one as singleton if there's none yet
func GetManager() *Manager {
if manager == nil {
manager = &Manager{
Queues: make(map[int64]*ManagedQueue),
return manager
// Add adds a queue to this manager
func (m *Manager) Add(queue Queue,
t Type,
exemplar interface{},
pool ManagedPool) int64 {
cfg, _ := json.Marshal(configuration)
mq := &ManagedQueue{
Queue: queue,
Type: t,
Configuration: string(cfg),
ExemplarType: reflect.TypeOf(exemplar).String(),
PoolWorkers: make(map[int64]*PoolWorkers),
Pool: pool,
mq.QID = m.counter
mq.Name = fmt.Sprintf("queue-%d", mq.QID)
if named, ok := queue.(Named); ok {
mq.Name = named.Name()
m.Queues[mq.QID] = mq
log.Trace("Queue Manager registered: %s (QID: %d)", mq.Name, mq.QID)
return mq.QID
// Remove a queue from the Manager
func (m *Manager) Remove(qid int64) {
delete(m.Queues, qid)
log.Trace("Queue Manager removed: QID: %d", qid)
// GetManagedQueue by qid
func (m *Manager) GetManagedQueue(qid int64) *ManagedQueue {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
return m.Queues[qid]
// ManagedQueues returns the managed queues
func (m *Manager) ManagedQueues() []*ManagedQueue {
mqs := make([]*ManagedQueue, 0, len(m.Queues))
for _, mq := range m.Queues {
mqs = append(mqs, mq)
return mqs
// Workers returns the poolworkers
func (q *ManagedQueue) Workers() []*PoolWorkers {
workers := make([]*PoolWorkers, 0, len(q.PoolWorkers))
for _, worker := range q.PoolWorkers {
workers = append(workers, worker)
return workers
// RegisterWorkers registers workers to this queue
func (q *ManagedQueue) RegisterWorkers(number int, start time.Time, hasTimeout bool, timeout time.Time, cancel context.CancelFunc) int64 {
defer q.mutex.Unlock()
q.PoolWorkers[q.counter] = &PoolWorkers{
PID: q.counter,
Workers: number,
Start: start,
Timeout: timeout,
HasTimeout: hasTimeout,
Cancel: cancel,
return q.counter
// CancelWorkers cancels pooled workers with pid
func (q *ManagedQueue) CancelWorkers(pid int64) {
pw, ok := q.PoolWorkers[pid]
if !ok {
// RemoveWorkers deletes pooled workers with pid
func (q *ManagedQueue) RemoveWorkers(pid int64) {
pw, ok := q.PoolWorkers[pid]
delete(q.PoolWorkers, pid)
if ok && pw.Cancel != nil {
// AddWorkers adds workers to the queue if it has registered an add worker function
func (q *ManagedQueue) AddWorkers(number int, timeout time.Duration) context.CancelFunc {
if q.Pool != nil {
// the cancel will be added to the pool workers description above
return q.Pool.AddWorkers(number, timeout)
return nil
// NumberOfWorkers returns the number of workers in the queue
func (q *ManagedQueue) NumberOfWorkers() int {
if q.Pool != nil {
return q.Pool.NumberOfWorkers()
return -1
// MaxNumberOfWorkers returns the maximum number of workers for the pool
func (q *ManagedQueue) MaxNumberOfWorkers() int {
if q.Pool != nil {
return q.Pool.MaxNumberOfWorkers()
return 0
// BoostWorkers returns the number of workers for a boost
func (q *ManagedQueue) BoostWorkers() int {
if q.Pool != nil {
return q.Pool.BoostWorkers()
return -1
// BoostTimeout returns the timeout of the next boost
func (q *ManagedQueue) BoostTimeout() time.Duration {
if q.Pool != nil {
return q.Pool.BoostTimeout()
return 0
// BlockTimeout returns the timeout til the next boost
func (q *ManagedQueue) BlockTimeout() time.Duration {
if q.Pool != nil {
return q.Pool.BlockTimeout()
return 0
// SetSettings sets the setable boost values
func (q *ManagedQueue) SetSettings(maxNumberOfWorkers, boostWorkers int, timeout time.Duration) {
if q.Pool != nil {
q.Pool.SetSettings(maxNumberOfWorkers, boostWorkers, timeout)
func (l ManagedQueueList) Len() int {
return len(l)
func (l ManagedQueueList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return l[i].Name < l[j].Name
func (l ManagedQueueList) Swap(i, j int) {
l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]
func (l PoolWorkersList) Len() int {
return len(l)
func (l PoolWorkersList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return l[i].Start.Before(l[j].Start)
func (l PoolWorkersList) Swap(i, j int) {
l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i]

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// ErrInvalidConfiguration is called when there is invalid configuration for a queue
type ErrInvalidConfiguration struct {
cfg interface{}
err error
func (err ErrInvalidConfiguration) Error() string {
if err.err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Configuration Argument: %v: Error: %v", err.cfg, err.err)
return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Configuration Argument: %v", err.cfg)
// IsErrInvalidConfiguration checks if an error is an ErrInvalidConfiguration
func IsErrInvalidConfiguration(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(ErrInvalidConfiguration)
return ok
// Type is a type of Queue
type Type string
// Data defines an type of queuable data
type Data interface{}
// HandlerFunc is a function that takes a variable amount of data and processes it
type HandlerFunc func(...Data)
// NewQueueFunc is a function that creates a queue
type NewQueueFunc func(handler HandlerFunc, config interface{}, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error)
// Shutdownable represents a queue that can be shutdown
type Shutdownable interface {
// Named represents a queue with a name
type Named interface {
Name() string
// Queue defines an interface to save an issue indexer queue
type Queue interface {
Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func()))
Push(Data) error
// DummyQueueType is the type for the dummy queue
const DummyQueueType Type = "dummy"
// NewDummyQueue creates a new DummyQueue
func NewDummyQueue(handler HandlerFunc, opts, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
return &DummyQueue{}, nil
// DummyQueue represents an empty queue
type DummyQueue struct {
// Run starts to run the queue
func (b *DummyQueue) Run(_, _ func(context.Context, func())) {}
// Push pushes data to the queue
func (b *DummyQueue) Push(Data) error {
return nil
func toConfig(exemplar, cfg interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if reflect.TypeOf(cfg).AssignableTo(reflect.TypeOf(exemplar)) {
return cfg, nil
configBytes, ok := cfg.([]byte)
if !ok {
configStr, ok := cfg.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrInvalidConfiguration{cfg: cfg}
configBytes = []byte(configStr)
newVal := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(exemplar))
if err := json.Unmarshal(configBytes, newVal.Interface()); err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidConfiguration{cfg: cfg, err: err}
return newVal.Elem().Interface(), nil
var queuesMap = map[Type]NewQueueFunc{DummyQueueType: NewDummyQueue}
// RegisteredTypes provides the list of requested types of queues
func RegisteredTypes() []Type {
types := make([]Type, len(queuesMap))
i := 0
for key := range queuesMap {
types[i] = key
return types
// RegisteredTypesAsString provides the list of requested types of queues
func RegisteredTypesAsString() []string {
types := make([]string, len(queuesMap))
i := 0
for key := range queuesMap {
types[i] = string(key)
return types
// NewQueue takes a queue Type and HandlerFunc some options and possibly an exemplar and returns a Queue or an error
func NewQueue(queueType Type, handlerFunc HandlerFunc, opts, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
newFn, ok := queuesMap[queueType]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported queue type: %v", queueType)
return newFn(handlerFunc, opts, exemplar)

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// ChannelQueueType is the type for channel queue
const ChannelQueueType Type = "channel"
// ChannelQueueConfiguration is the configuration for a ChannelQueue
type ChannelQueueConfiguration struct {
QueueLength int
BatchLength int
Workers int
MaxWorkers int
BlockTimeout time.Duration
BoostTimeout time.Duration
BoostWorkers int
Name string
// ChannelQueue implements
type ChannelQueue struct {
pool *WorkerPool
exemplar interface{}
workers int
name string
// NewChannelQueue create a memory channel queue
func NewChannelQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
configInterface, err := toConfig(ChannelQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := configInterface.(ChannelQueueConfiguration)
if config.BatchLength == 0 {
config.BatchLength = 1
dataChan := make(chan Data, config.QueueLength)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
queue := &ChannelQueue{
pool: &WorkerPool{
baseCtx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
batchLength: config.BatchLength,
handle: handle,
dataChan: dataChan,
blockTimeout: config.BlockTimeout,
boostTimeout: config.BoostTimeout,
boostWorkers: config.BoostWorkers,
maxNumberOfWorkers: config.MaxWorkers,
exemplar: exemplar,
workers: config.Workers,
name: config.Name,
queue.pool.qid = GetManager().Add(queue, ChannelQueueType, config, exemplar, queue.pool)
return queue, nil
// Run starts to run the queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
atShutdown(context.Background(), func() {
log.Warn("ChannelQueue: %s is not shutdownable!",
atTerminate(context.Background(), func() {
log.Warn("ChannelQueue: %s is not terminatable!",
go func() {
_ = c.pool.AddWorkers(c.workers, 0)
// Push will push data into the queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Push(data Data) error {
if c.exemplar != nil {
// Assert data is of same type as r.exemplar
t := reflect.TypeOf(data)
exemplarType := reflect.TypeOf(c.exemplar)
if !t.AssignableTo(exemplarType) || data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to assign data: %v to same type as exemplar: %v in queue: %s", data, c.exemplar,
return nil
// Name returns the name of this queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Name() string {
func init() {
queuesMap[ChannelQueueType] = NewChannelQueue

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
func TestChannelQueue(t *testing.T) {
handleChan := make(chan *testData)
handle := func(data ...Data) {
for _, datum := range data {
testDatum := datum.(*testData)
handleChan <- testDatum
nilFn := func(_ context.Context, _ func()) {}
queue, err := NewChannelQueue(handle,
QueueLength: 20,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
BlockTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
BoostTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BoostWorkers: 5,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(nilFn, nilFn)
test1 := testData{"A", 1}
go queue.Push(&test1)
result1 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result1.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result1.TestInt)
err = queue.Push(test1)
assert.Error(t, err)
func TestChannelQueue_Batch(t *testing.T) {
handleChan := make(chan *testData)
handle := func(data ...Data) {
assert.True(t, len(data) == 2)
for _, datum := range data {
testDatum := datum.(*testData)
handleChan <- testDatum
nilFn := func(_ context.Context, _ func()) {}
queue, err := NewChannelQueue(handle,
QueueLength: 20,
BatchLength: 2,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
BlockTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
BoostTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BoostWorkers: 5,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(nilFn, nilFn)
test1 := testData{"A", 1}
test2 := testData{"B", 2}
go queue.Push(&test2)
result1 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result1.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result1.TestInt)
result2 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestString, result2.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestInt, result2.TestInt)
err = queue.Push(test1)
assert.Error(t, err)

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// LevelQueueType is the type for level queue
const LevelQueueType Type = "level"
// LevelQueueConfiguration is the configuration for a LevelQueue
type LevelQueueConfiguration struct {
DataDir string
QueueLength int
BatchLength int
Workers int
MaxWorkers int
BlockTimeout time.Duration
BoostTimeout time.Duration
BoostWorkers int
Name string
// LevelQueue implements a disk library queue
type LevelQueue struct {
pool *WorkerPool
queue *levelqueue.Queue
closed chan struct{}
terminated chan struct{}
lock sync.Mutex
exemplar interface{}
workers int
name string
// NewLevelQueue creates a ledis local queue
func NewLevelQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
configInterface, err := toConfig(LevelQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := configInterface.(LevelQueueConfiguration)
internal, err := levelqueue.Open(config.DataDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dataChan := make(chan Data, config.QueueLength)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
queue := &LevelQueue{
pool: &WorkerPool{
baseCtx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
batchLength: config.BatchLength,
handle: handle,
dataChan: dataChan,
blockTimeout: config.BlockTimeout,
boostTimeout: config.BoostTimeout,
boostWorkers: config.BoostWorkers,
maxNumberOfWorkers: config.MaxWorkers,
queue: internal,
exemplar: exemplar,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
terminated: make(chan struct{}),
workers: config.Workers,
name: config.Name,
queue.pool.qid = GetManager().Add(queue, LevelQueueType, config, exemplar, queue.pool)
return queue, nil
// Run starts to run the queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
atShutdown(context.Background(), l.Shutdown)
atTerminate(context.Background(), l.Terminate)
go func() {
_ = l.pool.AddWorkers(l.workers, 0)
go l.readToChan()
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Waiting til closed",
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Waiting til done",
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Waiting til cleaned",
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
atTerminate(ctx, cancel)
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Cleaned",
func (l *LevelQueue) readToChan() {
for {
select {
case <-l.closed:
// tell the pool to shutdown.
bs, err := l.queue.RPop()
if err != nil {
if err != levelqueue.ErrNotFound {
log.Error("LevelQueue: %s Error on RPop: %v",, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if len(bs) == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
var data Data
if l.exemplar != nil {
t := reflect.TypeOf(l.exemplar)
n := reflect.New(t)
ne := n.Elem()
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, ne.Addr().Interface())
data = ne.Interface().(Data)
} else {
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("LevelQueue: %s Failed to unmarshal with error: %v",, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
log.Trace("LevelQueue %s: Task found: %#v",, data)
// Push will push the indexer data to queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Push(data Data) error {
if l.exemplar != nil {
// Assert data is of same type as r.exemplar
value := reflect.ValueOf(data)
t := value.Type()
exemplarType := reflect.ValueOf(l.exemplar).Type()
if !t.AssignableTo(exemplarType) || data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to assign data: %v to same type as exemplar: %v in %s", data, l.exemplar,
bs, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return l.queue.LPush(bs)
// Shutdown this queue and stop processing
func (l *LevelQueue) Shutdown() {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Shutdown",
select {
case <-l.closed:
// Terminate this queue and close the queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Terminate() {
log.Trace("LevelQueue: %s Terminating",
select {
case <-l.terminated:
if err := l.queue.Close(); err != nil && err.Error() != "leveldb: closed" {
log.Error("Error whilst closing internal queue in %s: %v",, err)
// Name returns the name of this queue
func (l *LevelQueue) Name() string {
func init() {
queuesMap[LevelQueueType] = NewLevelQueue

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// PersistableChannelQueueType is the type for persistable queue
const PersistableChannelQueueType Type = "persistable-channel"
// PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration is the configuration for a PersistableChannelQueue
type PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration struct {
Name string
DataDir string
BatchLength int
QueueLength int
Timeout time.Duration
MaxAttempts int
Workers int
MaxWorkers int
BlockTimeout time.Duration
BoostTimeout time.Duration
BoostWorkers int
// PersistableChannelQueue wraps a channel queue and level queue together
type PersistableChannelQueue struct {
closed chan struct{}
// NewPersistableChannelQueue creates a wrapped batched channel queue with persistable level queue backend when shutting down
// This differs from a wrapped queue in that the persistent queue is only used to persist at shutdown/terminate
func NewPersistableChannelQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
configInterface, err := toConfig(PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := configInterface.(PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration)
channelQueue, err := NewChannelQueue(handle, ChannelQueueConfiguration{
QueueLength: config.QueueLength,
BatchLength: config.BatchLength,
Workers: config.Workers,
MaxWorkers: config.MaxWorkers,
BlockTimeout: config.BlockTimeout,
BoostTimeout: config.BoostTimeout,
BoostWorkers: config.BoostWorkers,
Name: config.Name + "-channel",
}, exemplar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// the level backend only needs temporary workers to catch up with the previously dropped work
levelCfg := LevelQueueConfiguration{
DataDir: config.DataDir,
QueueLength: config.QueueLength,
BatchLength: config.BatchLength,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 6,
BlockTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
BoostTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BoostWorkers: 5,
Name: config.Name + "-level",
levelQueue, err := NewLevelQueue(handle, levelCfg, exemplar)
if err == nil {
queue := &PersistableChannelQueue{
ChannelQueue: channelQueue.(*ChannelQueue),
delayedStarter: delayedStarter{
internal: levelQueue.(*LevelQueue),
name: config.Name,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
_ = GetManager().Add(queue, PersistableChannelQueueType, config, exemplar, nil)
return queue, nil
if IsErrInvalidConfiguration(err) {
// Retrying ain't gonna make this any better...
return nil, ErrInvalidConfiguration{cfg: cfg}
queue := &PersistableChannelQueue{
ChannelQueue: channelQueue.(*ChannelQueue),
delayedStarter: delayedStarter{
cfg: levelCfg,
underlying: LevelQueueType,
timeout: config.Timeout,
maxAttempts: config.MaxAttempts,
name: config.Name,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
_ = GetManager().Add(queue, PersistableChannelQueueType, config, exemplar, nil)
return queue, nil
// Name returns the name of this queue
func (p *PersistableChannelQueue) Name() string {
// Push will push the indexer data to queue
func (p *PersistableChannelQueue) Push(data Data) error {
select {
case <-p.closed:
return p.internal.Push(data)
return p.ChannelQueue.Push(data)
// Run starts to run the queue
func (p *PersistableChannelQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
if p.internal == nil {
err := p.setInternal(atShutdown, p.ChannelQueue.pool.handle, p.exemplar)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to create internal queue for %s Error: %v", p.Name(), err)
} else {
atShutdown(context.Background(), p.Shutdown)
atTerminate(context.Background(), p.Terminate)
// Just run the level queue - we shut it down later
go p.internal.Run(func(_ context.Context, _ func()) {}, func(_ context.Context, _ func()) {})
go func() {
_ = p.ChannelQueue.pool.AddWorkers(p.workers, 0)
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Waiting til closed",
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Cancelling pools",
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Waiting til done",
// Redirect all remaining data in the chan to the internal channel
go func() {
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Redirecting remaining data",
for data := range p.ChannelQueue.pool.dataChan {
_ = p.internal.Push(data)
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Done Redirecting remaining data",
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Done main loop",
// Shutdown processing this queue
func (p *PersistableChannelQueue) Shutdown() {
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Shutdown",
select {
case <-p.closed:
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if p.internal != nil {
// Terminate this queue and close the queue
func (p *PersistableChannelQueue) Terminate() {
log.Trace("PersistableChannelQueue: %s Terminating",
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if p.internal != nil {
func init() {
queuesMap[PersistableChannelQueueType] = NewPersistableChannelQueue

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
func TestPersistableChannelQueue(t *testing.T) {
handleChan := make(chan *testData)
handle := func(data ...Data) {
assert.True(t, len(data) == 2)
for _, datum := range data {
testDatum := datum.(*testData)
handleChan <- testDatum
queueShutdown := []func(){}
queueTerminate := []func(){}
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "persistable-channel-queue-test-data")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
queue, err := NewPersistableChannelQueue(handle, PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration{
DataDir: tmpDir,
BatchLength: 2,
QueueLength: 20,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(func(_ context.Context, shutdown func()) {
queueShutdown = append(queueShutdown, shutdown)
}, func(_ context.Context, terminate func()) {
queueTerminate = append(queueTerminate, terminate)
test1 := testData{"A", 1}
test2 := testData{"B", 2}
err = queue.Push(&test1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
go func() {
err = queue.Push(&test2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
result1 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result1.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result1.TestInt)
result2 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestString, result2.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestInt, result2.TestInt)
err = queue.Push(test1)
assert.Error(t, err)
for _, callback := range queueShutdown {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
err = queue.Push(&test1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = queue.Push(&test2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
select {
case <-handleChan:
assert.Fail(t, "Handler processing should have stopped")
for _, callback := range queueTerminate {
// Reopen queue
queue, err = NewPersistableChannelQueue(handle, PersistableChannelQueueConfiguration{
DataDir: tmpDir,
BatchLength: 2,
QueueLength: 20,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(func(_ context.Context, shutdown func()) {
queueShutdown = append(queueShutdown, shutdown)
}, func(_ context.Context, terminate func()) {
queueTerminate = append(queueTerminate, terminate)
result3 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result3.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result3.TestInt)
result4 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestString, result4.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestInt, result4.TestInt)
for _, callback := range queueShutdown {
for _, callback := range queueTerminate {

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
func TestLevelQueue(t *testing.T) {
handleChan := make(chan *testData)
handle := func(data ...Data) {
assert.True(t, len(data) == 2)
for _, datum := range data {
testDatum := datum.(*testData)
handleChan <- testDatum
queueShutdown := []func(){}
queueTerminate := []func(){}
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "level-queue-test-data")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
queue, err := NewLevelQueue(handle, LevelQueueConfiguration{
DataDir: tmpDir,
BatchLength: 2,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueLength: 20,
BlockTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
BoostTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BoostWorkers: 5,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(func(_ context.Context, shutdown func()) {
queueShutdown = append(queueShutdown, shutdown)
}, func(_ context.Context, terminate func()) {
queueTerminate = append(queueTerminate, terminate)
test1 := testData{"A", 1}
test2 := testData{"B", 2}
err = queue.Push(&test1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
go func() {
err = queue.Push(&test2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
result1 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result1.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result1.TestInt)
result2 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestString, result2.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestInt, result2.TestInt)
err = queue.Push(test1)
assert.Error(t, err)
for _, callback := range queueShutdown {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
err = queue.Push(&test1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = queue.Push(&test2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
select {
case <-handleChan:
assert.Fail(t, "Handler processing should have stopped")
for _, callback := range queueTerminate {
// Reopen queue
queue, err = NewWrappedQueue(handle,
Underlying: LevelQueueType,
Config: LevelQueueConfiguration{
DataDir: tmpDir,
BatchLength: 2,
Workers: 1,
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueLength: 20,
BlockTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
BoostTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
BoostWorkers: 5,
}, &testData{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
go queue.Run(func(_ context.Context, shutdown func()) {
queueShutdown = append(queueShutdown, shutdown)
}, func(_ context.Context, terminate func()) {
queueTerminate = append(queueTerminate, terminate)
result3 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestString, result3.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test1.TestInt, result3.TestInt)
result4 := <-handleChan
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestString, result4.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, test2.TestInt, result4.TestInt)
for _, callback := range queueShutdown {
for _, callback := range queueTerminate {

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// RedisQueueType is the type for redis queue
const RedisQueueType Type = "redis"
type redisClient interface {
RPush(key string, args ...interface{}) *redis.IntCmd
LPop(key string) *redis.StringCmd
Ping() *redis.StatusCmd
Close() error
// RedisQueue redis queue
type RedisQueue struct {
pool *WorkerPool
client redisClient
queueName string
closed chan struct{}
terminated chan struct{}
exemplar interface{}
workers int
name string
lock sync.Mutex
// RedisQueueConfiguration is the configuration for the redis queue
type RedisQueueConfiguration struct {
Network string
Addresses string
Password string
DBIndex int
BatchLength int
QueueLength int
QueueName string
Workers int
MaxWorkers int
BlockTimeout time.Duration
BoostTimeout time.Duration
BoostWorkers int
Name string
// NewRedisQueue creates single redis or cluster redis queue
func NewRedisQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
configInterface, err := toConfig(RedisQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := configInterface.(RedisQueueConfiguration)
dbs := strings.Split(config.Addresses, ",")
dataChan := make(chan Data, config.QueueLength)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var queue = &RedisQueue{
pool: &WorkerPool{
baseCtx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
batchLength: config.BatchLength,
handle: handle,
dataChan: dataChan,
blockTimeout: config.BlockTimeout,
boostTimeout: config.BoostTimeout,
boostWorkers: config.BoostWorkers,
maxNumberOfWorkers: config.MaxWorkers,
queueName: config.QueueName,
exemplar: exemplar,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
workers: config.Workers,
name: config.Name,
if len(dbs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no redis host specified")
} else if len(dbs) == 1 {
queue.client = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Network: config.Network,
Addr: strings.TrimSpace(dbs[0]), // use default Addr
Password: config.Password, // no password set
DB: config.DBIndex, // use default DB
} else {
queue.client = redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
Addrs: dbs,
if err := queue.client.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
queue.pool.qid = GetManager().Add(queue, RedisQueueType, config, exemplar, queue.pool)
return queue, nil
// Run runs the redis queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
atShutdown(context.Background(), r.Shutdown)
atTerminate(context.Background(), r.Terminate)
go func() {
_ = r.pool.AddWorkers(r.workers, 0)
go r.readToChan()
log.Trace("RedisQueue: %s Waiting til closed",
log.Trace("RedisQueue: %s Waiting til done",
log.Trace("RedisQueue: %s Waiting til cleaned",
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
atTerminate(ctx, cancel)
func (r *RedisQueue) readToChan() {
for {
select {
case <-r.closed:
// tell the pool to shutdown
bs, err := r.client.LPop(r.queueName).Bytes()
if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
log.Error("RedisQueue: %s Error on LPop: %v",, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
if len(bs) == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
var data Data
if r.exemplar != nil {
t := reflect.TypeOf(r.exemplar)
n := reflect.New(t)
ne := n.Elem()
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, ne.Addr().Interface())
data = ne.Interface().(Data)
} else {
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("RedisQueue: %s Error on Unmarshal: %v",, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
log.Trace("RedisQueue: %s Task found: %#v",, data)
// Push implements Queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Push(data Data) error {
if r.exemplar != nil {
// Assert data is of same type as r.exemplar
value := reflect.ValueOf(data)
t := value.Type()
exemplarType := reflect.ValueOf(r.exemplar).Type()
if !t.AssignableTo(exemplarType) || data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to assign data: %v to same type as exemplar: %v in %s", data, r.exemplar,
bs, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.client.RPush(r.queueName, bs).Err()
// Shutdown processing from this queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Shutdown() {
log.Trace("Shutdown: %s",
select {
case <-r.closed:
// Terminate this queue and close the queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Terminate() {
log.Trace("Terminating: %s",
select {
case <-r.terminated:
if err := r.client.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("Error whilst closing internal redis client in %s: %v",, err)
// Name returns the name of this queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Name() string {
func init() {
queuesMap[RedisQueueType] = NewRedisQueue

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
type testData struct {
TestString string
TestInt int
func TestToConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg := testData{
TestString: "Config",
TestInt: 10,
exemplar := testData{}
cfg2I, err := toConfig(exemplar, cfg)
assert.NoError(t, err)
cfg2, ok := (cfg2I).(testData)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.NotEqual(t, cfg2, exemplar)
assert.Equal(t, &cfg, &cfg2)
cfgString, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
assert.NoError(t, err)
cfg3I, err := toConfig(exemplar, cfgString)
assert.NoError(t, err)
cfg3, ok := (cfg3I).(testData)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, cfg.TestString, cfg3.TestString)
assert.Equal(t, cfg.TestInt, cfg3.TestInt)
assert.NotEqual(t, cfg3, exemplar)

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// WrappedQueueType is the type for a wrapped delayed starting queue
const WrappedQueueType Type = "wrapped"
// WrappedQueueConfiguration is the configuration for a WrappedQueue
type WrappedQueueConfiguration struct {
Underlying Type
Timeout time.Duration
MaxAttempts int
Config interface{}
QueueLength int
Name string
type delayedStarter struct {
lock sync.Mutex
internal Queue
underlying Type
cfg interface{}
timeout time.Duration
maxAttempts int
name string
// setInternal must be called with the lock locked.
func (q *delayedStarter) setInternal(atShutdown func(context.Context, func()), handle HandlerFunc, exemplar interface{}) error {
var ctx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if q.timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), q.timeout)
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// Ensure we also stop at shutdown
atShutdown(ctx, func() {
i := 1
for q.internal == nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("Timedout creating queue %v with cfg %v in %s", q.underlying, q.cfg,
queue, err := NewQueue(q.underlying, handle, q.cfg, exemplar)
if err == nil {
q.internal = queue
if err.Error() != "resource temporarily unavailable" {
log.Warn("[Attempt: %d] Failed to create queue: %v for %s cfg: %v error: %v", i, q.underlying,, q.cfg, err)
if q.maxAttempts > 0 && i > q.maxAttempts {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create queue %v for %s with cfg %v by max attempts: error: %v", q.underlying,, q.cfg, err)
sleepTime := 100 * time.Millisecond
if q.timeout > 0 && q.maxAttempts > 0 {
sleepTime = (q.timeout - 200*time.Millisecond) / time.Duration(q.maxAttempts)
t := time.NewTimer(sleepTime)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-t.C:
return nil
// WrappedQueue wraps a delayed starting queue
type WrappedQueue struct {
handle HandlerFunc
exemplar interface{}
channel chan Data
// NewWrappedQueue will attempt to create a queue of the provided type,
// but if there is a problem creating this queue it will instead create
// a WrappedQueue with delayed startup of the queue instead and a
// channel which will be redirected to the queue
func NewWrappedQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
configInterface, err := toConfig(WrappedQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := configInterface.(WrappedQueueConfiguration)
queue, err := NewQueue(config.Underlying, handle, config.Config, exemplar)
if err == nil {
// Just return the queue there is no need to wrap
return queue, nil
if IsErrInvalidConfiguration(err) {
// Retrying ain't gonna make this any better...
return nil, ErrInvalidConfiguration{cfg: cfg}
queue = &WrappedQueue{
handle: handle,
channel: make(chan Data, config.QueueLength),
exemplar: exemplar,
delayedStarter: delayedStarter{
cfg: config.Config,
underlying: config.Underlying,
timeout: config.Timeout,
maxAttempts: config.MaxAttempts,
name: config.Name,
_ = GetManager().Add(queue, WrappedQueueType, config, exemplar, nil)
return queue, nil
// Name returns the name of the queue
func (q *WrappedQueue) Name() string {
return + "-wrapper"
// Push will push the data to the internal channel checking it against the exemplar
func (q *WrappedQueue) Push(data Data) error {
if q.exemplar != nil {
// Assert data is of same type as r.exemplar
value := reflect.ValueOf(data)
t := value.Type()
exemplarType := reflect.ValueOf(q.exemplar).Type()
if !t.AssignableTo(exemplarType) || data == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to assign data: %v to same type as exemplar: %v in %s", data, q.exemplar,
} <- data
return nil
// Run starts to run the queue and attempts to create the internal queue
func (q *WrappedQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(context.Context, func())) {
if q.internal == nil {
err := q.setInternal(atShutdown, q.handle, q.exemplar)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to set the internal queue for %s Error: %v", q.Name(), err)
go func() {
for data := range {
_ = q.internal.Push(data)
} else {
q.internal.Run(atShutdown, atTerminate)
log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Done",
// Shutdown this queue and stop processing
func (q *WrappedQueue) Shutdown() {
log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Shutdown",
defer q.lock.Unlock()
if q.internal == nil {
if shutdownable, ok := q.internal.(Shutdownable); ok {
// Terminate this queue and close the queue
func (q *WrappedQueue) Terminate() {
log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Terminating",
defer q.lock.Unlock()
if q.internal == nil {
if shutdownable, ok := q.internal.(Shutdownable); ok {
func init() {
queuesMap[WrappedQueueType] = NewWrappedQueue

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
func validType(t string) (Type, error) {
if len(t) == 0 {
return PersistableChannelQueueType, nil
for _, typ := range RegisteredTypes() {
if t == string(typ) {
return typ, nil
return PersistableChannelQueueType, fmt.Errorf("Unknown queue type: %s defaulting to %s", t, string(PersistableChannelQueueType))
// CreateQueue for name with provided handler and exemplar
func CreateQueue(name string, handle HandlerFunc, exemplar interface{}) Queue {
q := setting.GetQueueSettings(name)
opts := make(map[string]interface{})
opts["Name"] = name
opts["QueueLength"] = q.Length
opts["BatchLength"] = q.BatchLength
opts["DataDir"] = q.DataDir
opts["Addresses"] = q.Addresses
opts["Network"] = q.Network
opts["Password"] = q.Password
opts["DBIndex"] = q.DBIndex
opts["QueueName"] = q.QueueName
opts["Workers"] = q.Workers
opts["MaxWorkers"] = q.MaxWorkers
opts["BlockTimeout"] = q.BlockTimeout
opts["BoostTimeout"] = q.BoostTimeout
opts["BoostWorkers"] = q.BoostWorkers
typ, err := validType(q.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Invalid type %s provided for queue named %s defaulting to %s", q.Type, name, string(typ))
cfg, err := json.Marshal(opts)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to marshall generic options: %v Error: %v", opts, err)
log.Error("Unable to create queue for %s", name, err)
return nil
returnable, err := NewQueue(typ, handle, cfg, exemplar)
if q.WrapIfNecessary && err != nil {
log.Warn("Unable to create queue for %s: %v", name, err)
log.Warn("Attempting to create wrapped queue")
returnable, err = NewQueue(WrappedQueueType, handle, WrappedQueueConfiguration{
Underlying: Type(q.Type),
Timeout: q.Timeout,
MaxAttempts: q.MaxAttempts,
Config: cfg,
QueueLength: q.Length,
}, exemplar)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to create queue for %s: %v", name, err)
return nil
return returnable

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package queue
import (
// WorkerPool takes
type WorkerPool struct {
lock sync.Mutex
baseCtx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
cond *sync.Cond
qid int64
maxNumberOfWorkers int
numberOfWorkers int
batchLength int
handle HandlerFunc
dataChan chan Data
blockTimeout time.Duration
boostTimeout time.Duration
boostWorkers int
// Push pushes the data to the internal channel
func (p *WorkerPool) Push(data Data) {
if p.blockTimeout > 0 && p.boostTimeout > 0 && (p.numberOfWorkers <= p.maxNumberOfWorkers || p.maxNumberOfWorkers < 0) {
} else {
p.dataChan <- data
func (p *WorkerPool) pushBoost(data Data) {
select {
case p.dataChan <- data:
if p.blockTimeout <= 0 {
p.dataChan <- data
ourTimeout := p.blockTimeout
timer := time.NewTimer(p.blockTimeout)
select {
case p.dataChan <- data:
if timer.Stop() {
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-timer.C:
if p.blockTimeout > ourTimeout || (p.numberOfWorkers > p.maxNumberOfWorkers && p.maxNumberOfWorkers >= 0) {
p.dataChan <- data
p.blockTimeout *= 2
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(p.baseCtx)
mq := GetManager().GetManagedQueue(p.qid)
boost := p.boostWorkers
if (boost+p.numberOfWorkers) > p.maxNumberOfWorkers && p.maxNumberOfWorkers >= 0 {
boost = p.maxNumberOfWorkers - p.numberOfWorkers
if mq != nil {
log.Warn("WorkerPool: %d (for %s) Channel blocked for %v - adding %d temporary workers for %s, block timeout now %v", p.qid, mq.Name, ourTimeout, boost, p.boostTimeout, p.blockTimeout)
start := time.Now()
pid := mq.RegisterWorkers(boost, start, false, start, cancel)
go func() {
} else {
log.Warn("WorkerPool: %d Channel blocked for %v - adding %d temporary workers for %s, block timeout now %v", p.qid, ourTimeout, p.boostWorkers, p.boostTimeout, p.blockTimeout)
go func() {
p.blockTimeout /= 2
p.addWorkers(ctx, boost)
p.dataChan <- data
// NumberOfWorkers returns the number of current workers in the pool
func (p *WorkerPool) NumberOfWorkers() int {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.numberOfWorkers
// MaxNumberOfWorkers returns the maximum number of workers automatically added to the pool
func (p *WorkerPool) MaxNumberOfWorkers() int {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.maxNumberOfWorkers
// BoostWorkers returns the number of workers for a boost
func (p *WorkerPool) BoostWorkers() int {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.boostWorkers
// BoostTimeout returns the timeout of the next boost
func (p *WorkerPool) BoostTimeout() time.Duration {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.boostTimeout
// BlockTimeout returns the timeout til the next boost
func (p *WorkerPool) BlockTimeout() time.Duration {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.blockTimeout
// SetSettings sets the setable boost values
func (p *WorkerPool) SetSettings(maxNumberOfWorkers, boostWorkers int, timeout time.Duration) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.maxNumberOfWorkers = maxNumberOfWorkers
p.boostWorkers = boostWorkers
p.boostTimeout = timeout
// SetMaxNumberOfWorkers sets the maximum number of workers automatically added to the pool
// Changing this number will not change the number of current workers but will change the limit
// for future additions
func (p *WorkerPool) SetMaxNumberOfWorkers(newMax int) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.maxNumberOfWorkers = newMax
// AddWorkers adds workers to the pool - this allows the number of workers to go above the limit
func (p *WorkerPool) AddWorkers(number int, timeout time.Duration) context.CancelFunc {
var ctx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
start := time.Now()
end := start
hasTimeout := false
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(p.baseCtx, timeout)
end = start.Add(timeout)
hasTimeout = true
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(p.baseCtx)
mq := GetManager().GetManagedQueue(p.qid)
if mq != nil {
pid := mq.RegisterWorkers(number, start, hasTimeout, end, cancel)
go func() {
log.Trace("WorkerPool: %d (for %s) adding %d workers with group id: %d", p.qid, mq.Name, number, pid)
} else {
log.Trace("WorkerPool: %d adding %d workers (no group id)", p.qid, number)
p.addWorkers(ctx, number)
return cancel
// addWorkers adds workers to the pool
func (p *WorkerPool) addWorkers(ctx context.Context, number int) {
for i := 0; i < number; i++ {
if p.cond == nil {
p.cond = sync.NewCond(&p.lock)
go func() {
if p.numberOfWorkers == 0 {
} else if p.numberOfWorkers < 0 {
// numberOfWorkers can't go negative but...
log.Warn("Number of Workers < 0 for QID %d - this shouldn't happen", p.qid)
p.numberOfWorkers = 0
// Wait for WorkerPool to finish
func (p *WorkerPool) Wait() {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if p.cond == nil {
p.cond = sync.NewCond(&p.lock)
if p.numberOfWorkers <= 0 {
// CleanUp will drain the remaining contents of the channel
// This should be called after AddWorkers context is closed
func (p *WorkerPool) CleanUp(ctx context.Context) {
log.Trace("WorkerPool: %d CleanUp", p.qid)
for data := range p.dataChan {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Warn("WorkerPool: %d Cleanup context closed before finishing clean-up", p.qid)
log.Trace("WorkerPool: %d CleanUp Done", p.qid)
func (p *WorkerPool) doWork(ctx context.Context) {
delay := time.Millisecond * 300
var data = make([]Data, 0, p.batchLength)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
log.Trace("Worker shutting down")
case datum, ok := <-p.dataChan:
if !ok {
// the dataChan has been closed - we should finish up:
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
log.Trace("Worker shutting down")
data = append(data, datum)
if len(data) >= p.batchLength {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
data = make([]Data, 0, p.batchLength)
timer := time.NewTimer(delay)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if timer.Stop() {
select {
case <-timer.C:
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
log.Trace("Worker shutting down")
case datum, ok := <-p.dataChan:
if timer.Stop() {
select {
case <-timer.C:
if !ok {
// the dataChan has been closed - we should finish up:
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
log.Trace("Worker shutting down")
data = append(data, datum)
if len(data) >= p.batchLength {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
data = make([]Data, 0, p.batchLength)
case <-timer.C:
delay = time.Millisecond * 100
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Trace("Handling: %d data, %v", len(data), data)
data = make([]Data, 0, p.batchLength)

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package setting
import (
// QueueSettings represent the settings for a queue from the ini
type QueueSettings struct {
DataDir string
Length int
BatchLength int
ConnectionString string
Type string
Network string
Addresses string
Password string
QueueName string
DBIndex int
WrapIfNecessary bool
MaxAttempts int
Timeout time.Duration
Workers int
MaxWorkers int
BlockTimeout time.Duration
BoostTimeout time.Duration
BoostWorkers int
// Queue settings
var Queue = QueueSettings{}
// GetQueueSettings returns the queue settings for the appropriately named queue
func GetQueueSettings(name string) QueueSettings {
q := QueueSettings{}
sec := Cfg.Section("queue." + name)
// DataDir is not directly inheritable
q.DataDir = path.Join(Queue.DataDir, name)
// QueueName is not directly inheritable either
q.QueueName = name + Queue.QueueName
for _, key := range sec.Keys() {
switch key.Name() {
case "DATADIR":
q.DataDir = key.MustString(q.DataDir)
case "QUEUE_NAME":
q.QueueName = key.MustString(q.QueueName)
if !path.IsAbs(q.DataDir) {
q.DataDir = path.Join(AppDataPath, q.DataDir)
// The rest are...
q.Length = sec.Key("LENGTH").MustInt(Queue.Length)
q.BatchLength = sec.Key("BATCH_LENGTH").MustInt(Queue.BatchLength)
q.ConnectionString = sec.Key("CONN_STR").MustString(Queue.ConnectionString)
q.Type = sec.Key("TYPE").MustString(Queue.Type)
q.WrapIfNecessary = sec.Key("WRAP_IF_NECESSARY").MustBool(Queue.WrapIfNecessary)
q.MaxAttempts = sec.Key("MAX_ATTEMPTS").MustInt(Queue.MaxAttempts)
q.Timeout = sec.Key("TIMEOUT").MustDuration(Queue.Timeout)
q.Workers = sec.Key("WORKERS").MustInt(Queue.Workers)
q.MaxWorkers = sec.Key("MAX_WORKERS").MustInt(Queue.MaxWorkers)
q.BlockTimeout = sec.Key("BLOCK_TIMEOUT").MustDuration(Queue.BlockTimeout)
q.BoostTimeout = sec.Key("BOOST_TIMEOUT").MustDuration(Queue.BoostTimeout)
q.BoostWorkers = sec.Key("BOOST_WORKERS").MustInt(Queue.BoostWorkers)
q.Network, q.Addresses, q.Password, q.DBIndex, _ = ParseQueueConnStr(q.ConnectionString)
return q
// NewQueueService sets up the default settings for Queues
// This is exported for tests to be able to use the queue
func NewQueueService() {
sec := Cfg.Section("queue")
Queue.DataDir = sec.Key("DATADIR").MustString("queues/")
if !path.IsAbs(Queue.DataDir) {
Queue.DataDir = path.Join(AppDataPath, Queue.DataDir)
Queue.Length = sec.Key("LENGTH").MustInt(20)
Queue.BatchLength = sec.Key("BATCH_LENGTH").MustInt(20)
Queue.ConnectionString = sec.Key("CONN_STR").MustString(path.Join(AppDataPath, ""))
Queue.Type = sec.Key("TYPE").MustString("")
Queue.Network, Queue.Addresses, Queue.Password, Queue.DBIndex, _ = ParseQueueConnStr(Queue.ConnectionString)
Queue.WrapIfNecessary = sec.Key("WRAP_IF_NECESSARY").MustBool(true)
Queue.MaxAttempts = sec.Key("MAX_ATTEMPTS").MustInt(10)
Queue.Timeout = sec.Key("TIMEOUT").MustDuration(GracefulHammerTime + 30*time.Second)
Queue.Workers = sec.Key("WORKERS").MustInt(1)
Queue.MaxWorkers = sec.Key("MAX_WORKERS").MustInt(10)
Queue.BlockTimeout = sec.Key("BLOCK_TIMEOUT").MustDuration(1 * time.Second)
Queue.BoostTimeout = sec.Key("BOOST_TIMEOUT").MustDuration(5 * time.Minute)
Queue.BoostWorkers = sec.Key("BOOST_WORKERS").MustInt(5)
Queue.QueueName = sec.Key("QUEUE_NAME").MustString("_queue")
// Now handle the old issue_indexer configuration
section := Cfg.Section("queue.issue_indexer")
issueIndexerSectionMap := map[string]string{}
for _, key := range section.Keys() {
issueIndexerSectionMap[key.Name()] = key.Value()
if _, ok := issueIndexerSectionMap["TYPE"]; !ok {
switch Indexer.IssueQueueType {
case LevelQueueType:
case ChannelQueueType:
case RedisQueueType:
log.Fatal("Unsupported indexer queue type: %v",
if _, ok := issueIndexerSectionMap["LENGTH"]; !ok {
section.Key("LENGTH").SetValue(fmt.Sprintf("%d", Indexer.UpdateQueueLength))
if _, ok := issueIndexerSectionMap["BATCH_LENGTH"]; !ok {
section.Key("BATCH_LENGTH").SetValue(fmt.Sprintf("%d", Indexer.IssueQueueBatchNumber))
if _, ok := issueIndexerSectionMap["DATADIR"]; !ok {
if _, ok := issueIndexerSectionMap["CONN_STR"]; !ok {
// ParseQueueConnStr parses a queue connection string
func ParseQueueConnStr(connStr string) (network, addrs, password string, dbIdx int, err error) {
fields := strings.Fields(connStr)
for _, f := range fields {
items := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2)
if len(items) < 2 {
switch strings.ToLower(items[0]) {
case "network":
network = items[1]
case "addrs":
addrs = items[1]
case "password":
password = items[1]
case "db":
dbIdx, err = strconv.Atoi(items[1])
if err != nil {

@ -1093,4 +1093,5 @@ func NewServices() {

@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
package setting
var (
// Task settings
Task = struct {
QueueType string
QueueLength int
QueueConnStr string
QueueType: ChannelQueueType,
QueueLength: 1000,
QueueConnStr: "addrs= db=0",
func newTaskService() {
sec := Cfg.Section("task")
Task.QueueType = sec.Key("QUEUE_TYPE").MustString(ChannelQueueType)
Task.QueueLength = sec.Key("QUEUE_LENGTH").MustInt(1000)
Task.QueueConnStr = sec.Key("QUEUE_CONN_STR").MustString("addrs= db=0")
taskSec := Cfg.Section("task")
queueTaskSec := Cfg.Section("queue.task")
switch taskSec.Key("QUEUE_TYPE").MustString(ChannelQueueType) {
case ChannelQueueType:
case RedisQueueType:
queueTaskSec.Key("CONN_STR").MustString(taskSec.Key("QUEUE_CONN_STR").MustString("addrs= db=0"))

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 Gitea. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import ""
// Queue defines an interface to run task queue
type Queue interface {
Run() error
Push(*models.Task) error

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
var (
_ Queue = &ChannelQueue{}
// ChannelQueue implements
type ChannelQueue struct {
queue chan *models.Task
// NewChannelQueue create a memory channel queue
func NewChannelQueue(queueLen int) *ChannelQueue {
return &ChannelQueue{
queue: make(chan *models.Task, queueLen),
// Run starts to run the queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Run() error {
for task := range c.queue {
err := Run(task)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Run task failed: %s", err.Error())
return nil
// Push will push the task ID to queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Push(task *models.Task) error {
c.queue <- task
return nil
// Stop stop the queue
func (c *ChannelQueue) Stop() {

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package task
import (
var (
_ Queue = &RedisQueue{}
type redisClient interface {
RPush(key string, args ...interface{}) *redis.IntCmd
LPop(key string) *redis.StringCmd
Ping() *redis.StatusCmd
// RedisQueue redis queue
type RedisQueue struct {
client redisClient
queueName string
closeChan chan bool
func parseConnStr(connStr string) (addrs, password string, dbIdx int, err error) {
fields := strings.Fields(connStr)
for _, f := range fields {
items := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2)
if len(items) < 2 {
switch strings.ToLower(items[0]) {
case "addrs":
addrs = items[1]
case "password":
password = items[1]
case "db":
dbIdx, err = strconv.Atoi(items[1])
if err != nil {
// NewRedisQueue creates single redis or cluster redis queue
func NewRedisQueue(addrs string, password string, dbIdx int) (*RedisQueue, error) {
dbs := strings.Split(addrs, ",")
var queue = RedisQueue{
queueName: "task_queue",
closeChan: make(chan bool),
if len(dbs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no redis host found")
} else if len(dbs) == 1 {
queue.client = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: strings.TrimSpace(dbs[0]), // use default Addr
Password: password, // no password set
DB: dbIdx, // use default DB
} else {
// cluster will ignore db
queue.client = redis.NewClusterClient(&redis.ClusterOptions{
Addrs: dbs,
Password: password,
if err := queue.client.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &queue, nil
// Run starts to run the queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Run() error {
for {
select {
case <-r.closeChan:
return nil
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
bs, err := r.client.LPop(r.queueName).Bytes()
if err != nil {
if err != redis.Nil {
log.Error("LPop failed: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
var task models.Task
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &task)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unmarshal task failed: %s", err.Error())
} else {
err = Run(&task)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Run task failed: %s", err.Error())
// Push implements Queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Push(task *models.Task) error {
bs, err := json.Marshal(task)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.client.RPush(r.queueName, bs).Err()
// Stop stop the queue
func (r *RedisQueue) Stop() {
r.closeChan <- true

@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ import (
// taskQueue is a global queue of tasks
var taskQueue Queue
var taskQueue queue.Queue
// Run a task
func Run(t *models.Task) error {
@ -23,38 +24,32 @@ func Run(t *models.Task) error {
case structs.TaskTypeMigrateRepo:
return runMigrateTask(t)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknow task type: %d", t.Type)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown task type: %d", t.Type)
// Init will start the service to get all unfinished tasks and run them
func Init() error {
switch setting.Task.QueueType {
case setting.ChannelQueueType:
taskQueue = NewChannelQueue(setting.Task.QueueLength)
case setting.RedisQueueType:
var err error
addrs, pass, idx, err := parseConnStr(setting.Task.QueueConnStr)
if err != nil {
return err
taskQueue, err = NewRedisQueue(addrs, pass, idx)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported task queue type: %v", setting.Task.QueueType)
taskQueue = queue.CreateQueue("task", handle, &models.Task{})
if taskQueue == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create Task Queue")
go func() {
if err := taskQueue.Run(); err != nil {
log.Error("taskQueue.Run end failed: %v", err)
go graceful.GetManager().RunWithShutdownFns(taskQueue.Run)
return nil
func handle(data ...queue.Data) {
for _, datum := range data {
task := datum.(*models.Task)
if err := Run(task); err != nil {
log.Error("Run task failed: %v", err)
// MigrateRepository add migration repository to task
func MigrateRepository(doer, u *models.User, opts base.MigrateOptions) error {
task, err := models.CreateMigrateTask(doer, u, opts)

@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list = Status checks found in the last we
settings.protect_required_approvals = Required approvals:
settings.protect_required_approvals_desc = Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled = Restrict approvals to whitelisted users or teams
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc = Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc = Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_users = Whitelisted reviewers:
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for reviews:
settings.add_protected_branch = Enable protection
@ -2026,6 +2026,54 @@ monitor.execute_time = Execution Time
monitor.process.cancel = Cancel process
monitor.process.cancel_desc = Cancelling a process may cause data loss
monitor.process.cancel_notices = Cancel: <strong>%s</strong>?
monitor.queues = Queues
monitor.queue = Queue: %s = Name
monitor.queue.type = Type
monitor.queue.exemplar = Exemplar Type
monitor.queue.numberworkers = Number of Workers
monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of Workers = Review Config
monitor.queue.review_add = Review/Add Workers
monitor.queue.configuration = Initial Configuration
monitor.queue.nopool.title = No Worker Pool
monitor.queue.nopool.desc = This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc = A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc = A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.pool.timeout = Timeout
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title = Add Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit = Add Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc = Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder = Number of Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder = Set to 0 for no timeout
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero = Number of Workers to add must be greater than zero
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
monitor.queue.settings.title = Pool Settings
monitor.queue.settings.desc = Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
monitor.queue.settings.timeout = Boost Timeout
monitor.queue.settings.timeout.placeholder = Currently %[1]v
monitor.queue.settings.timeout.error = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers = Boost Number of Workers
monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.error = Number of Workers to add must be greater than or equal to zero
monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of workers
monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.error = Max number of workers must be a number
monitor.queue.settings.submit = Update Settings
monitor.queue.settings.changed = Settings Updated
monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout = Current Block Timeout
monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout.value = %[1]v
monitor.queue.pool.none = This queue does not have a Pool
monitor.queue.pool.added = Worker Group Added
monitor.queue.pool.max_changed = Maximum number of workers changed
monitor.queue.pool.workers.title = Active Worker Groups
monitor.queue.pool.workers.none = No worker groups.
monitor.queue.pool.cancel = Shutdown Worker Group
monitor.queue.pool.cancelling = Worker Group shutting down
monitor.queue.pool.cancel_notices = Shutdown this group of %s workers?
monitor.queue.pool.cancel_desc = Leaving a queue without any worker groups may cause requests to block indefinitely.
notices.system_notice_list = System Notices
notices.view_detail_header = View Notice Details

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import (
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ const (
tplDashboard base.TplName = "admin/dashboard"
tplConfig base.TplName = "admin/config"
tplMonitor base.TplName = "admin/monitor"
tplQueue base.TplName = "admin/queue"
var (
@ -355,6 +358,7 @@ func Monitor(ctx *context.Context) {
ctx.Data["PageIsAdminMonitor"] = true
ctx.Data["Processes"] = process.GetManager().Processes()
ctx.Data["Entries"] = cron.ListTasks()
ctx.Data["Queues"] = queue.GetManager().ManagedQueues()
ctx.HTML(200, tplMonitor)
@ -366,3 +370,126 @@ func MonitorCancel(ctx *context.Context) {
"redirect": ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/admin/monitor",
// Queue shows details for a specific queue
func Queue(ctx *context.Context) {
qid := ctx.ParamsInt64("qid")
mq := queue.GetManager().GetManagedQueue(qid)
if mq == nil {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("admin.monitor.queue", mq.Name)
ctx.Data["PageIsAdmin"] = true
ctx.Data["PageIsAdminMonitor"] = true
ctx.Data["Queue"] = mq
ctx.HTML(200, tplQueue)
// WorkerCancel cancels a worker group
func WorkerCancel(ctx *context.Context) {
qid := ctx.ParamsInt64("qid")
mq := queue.GetManager().GetManagedQueue(qid)
if mq == nil {
pid := ctx.ParamsInt64("pid")
ctx.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{
"redirect": setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid),
// AddWorkers adds workers to a worker group
func AddWorkers(ctx *context.Context) {
qid := ctx.ParamsInt64("qid")
mq := queue.GetManager().GetManagedQueue(qid)
if mq == nil {
number := ctx.QueryInt("number")
if number < 1 {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(ctx.Query("timeout"))
if err != nil {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
if mq.Pool == nil {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
mq.AddWorkers(number, timeout)
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
// SetQueueSettings sets the maximum number of workers and other settings for this queue
func SetQueueSettings(ctx *context.Context) {
qid := ctx.ParamsInt64("qid")
mq := queue.GetManager().GetManagedQueue(qid)
if mq == nil {
if mq.Pool == nil {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
maxNumberStr := ctx.Query("max-number")
numberStr := ctx.Query("number")
timeoutStr := ctx.Query("timeout")
var err error
var maxNumber, number int
var timeout time.Duration
if len(maxNumberStr) > 0 {
maxNumber, err = strconv.Atoi(maxNumberStr)
if err != nil {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
if maxNumber < -1 {
maxNumber = -1
} else {
maxNumber = mq.MaxNumberOfWorkers()
if len(numberStr) > 0 {
number, err = strconv.Atoi(numberStr)
if err != nil || number < 0 {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
} else {
number = mq.BoostWorkers()
if len(timeoutStr) > 0 {
timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(timeoutStr)
if err != nil {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))
} else {
timeout = mq.Pool.BoostTimeout()
mq.SetSettings(maxNumber, number, timeout)
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + fmt.Sprintf("/admin/monitor/queue/%d", qid))

@ -410,8 +410,16 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Get("", adminReq, admin.Dashboard)
m.Get("/config", admin.Config)
m.Post("/config/test_mail", admin.SendTestMail)
m.Get("/monitor", admin.Monitor)
m.Post("/monitor/cancel/:pid", admin.MonitorCancel)
m.Group("/monitor", func() {
m.Get("", admin.Monitor)
m.Post("/cancel/:pid", admin.MonitorCancel)
m.Group("/queue/:qid", func() {
m.Get("", admin.Queue)
m.Post("/set", admin.SetQueueSettings)
m.Post("/add", admin.AddWorkers)
m.Post("/cancel/:pid", admin.WorkerCancel)
m.Group("/users", func() {
m.Get("", admin.Users)

@ -31,6 +31,34 @@
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queues"}}
<div class="ui attached table segment">
<table class="ui very basic striped table">
<th>{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.type"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.exemplar"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.numberworkers"}}</th>
{{range .Queues}}
<td>{{$sum := .NumberOfWorkers}}{{if lt $sum 0}}-{{else}}{{$sum}}{{end}}</td>
<td><a href="{{$.Link}}/queue/{{.QID}}" class="button">{{if lt $sum 0}}{{$.i18n.Tr ""}}{{else}}{{$.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.review_add"}}{{end}}</a>
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.process"}}

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
{{template "base/head" .}}
<div class="admin monitor">
{{template "admin/navbar" .}}
<div class="ui container">
{{template "base/alert" .}}
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue" .Queue.Name}}
<div class="ui attached table segment">
<table class="ui very basic striped table">
<th>{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.type"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.exemplar"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.numberworkers"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers"}}</th>
<td>{{$sum := .Queue.NumberOfWorkers}}{{if lt $sum 0}}-{{else}}{{$sum}}{{end}}</td>
<td>{{if lt $sum 0}}-{{else}}{{.Queue.MaxNumberOfWorkers}}{{end}}</td>
{{if lt $sum 0 }}
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.nopool.title"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
{{if eq .Queue.Type "wrapped" }}
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.wrapped.desc"}}</p>
{{else if eq .Queue.Type "persistable-channel"}}
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc"}}</p>
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.nopool.desc"}}</p>
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.title"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.desc"}}</p>
<form method="POST" action="{{.Link}}/set">
<div class="ui form">
<div class="inline field">
<label for="max-number">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers"}}</label>
<input name="max-number" type="text" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.placeholder" .Queue.MaxNumberOfWorkers}}">
<div class="inline field">
<label for="timeout">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.timeout"}}</label>
<input name="timeout" type="text" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.timeout.placeholder" .Queue.BoostTimeout }}">
<div class="inline field">
<label for="number">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers"}}</label>
<input name="number" type="text" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.placeholder" .Queue.BoostWorkers}}">
<div class="inline field">
<label>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout"}}</label>
<span>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout.value" .Queue.BlockTimeout}}</span>
<button class="ui submit button">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.settings.submit"}}</button>
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc"}}</p>
<form method="POST" action="{{.Link}}/add">
<div class="ui form">
<div class="fields">
<div class="field">
<label>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.numberworkers"}}</label>
<input name="number" type="text" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder"}}">
<div class="field">
<label>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.timeout"}}</label>
<input name="timeout" type="text" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder"}}">
<button class="ui submit button">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit"}}</button>
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.workers.title"}}
<div class="ui attached table segment">
<table class="ui very basic striped table">
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.numberworkers"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.start"}}</th>
<th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.timeout"}}</th>
{{range .Queue.Workers}}
<td>{{DateFmtLong .Start}}</td>
<td>{{if .HasTimeout}}{{DateFmtLong .Timeout}}{{else}}-{{end}}</td>
<a class="delete-button" href="" data-url="{{$.Link}}/cancel/{{.PID}}" data-id="{{.PID}}" data-name="{{.Workers}}"><i class="close icon text red" title="{{$.i18n.Tr "remove"}}"></i></a>
<td colspan="4">{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.workers.none" }}
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.configuration"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
<pre>{{.Queue.Configuration | JsonPrettyPrint}}
<div class="ui small basic delete modal">
<div class="ui icon header">
<i class="close icon"></i>
{{.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.cancel"}}
<div class="content">
<p>{{$.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.cancel_notices" `<span class="name"></span>` | Safe}}</p>
<p>{{$.i18n.Tr "admin.monitor.queue.pool.cancel_desc"}}</p>
{{template "base/delete_modal_actions" .}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}