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-[res] -include = public|scripts|templates diff --git a/.pkgr.yml b/.pkgr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 9fa60ccba..000000000 --- a/.pkgr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -targets: - debian-7: &debian - build_dependencies: - - libpam0g-dev - dependencies: - - libpam0g - - git - debian-8: - <<: *debian - ubuntu-14.04: - <<: *debian - ubuntu-12.04: - <<: *debian - centos-6: &el - build_dependencies: - - pam-devel - dependencies: - - pam - - git - centos-7: - <<: *el -before: - - mv packager/Procfile . - - mv packager/.godir . -after: - - mv bin/main gogs -after_install: ./packager/hooks/postinst diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS b/CONTRIBUTORS index 0dab1a4bd..65db51945 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTORS +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -1,21 +1,9 @@ -# This is the official list of people who have contributed code to the Gitea/Gogs repository. -# This document should be reviewed and approved by maintainers. -# -# The submission process automatically checks to make sure -# that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address). -# -# The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web. -# - -# Names should be added to this file like so: -# Individual's name -# Individual's name -# -# An entry with multiple email addresses specifies that the -# first address should be used in the submit logs and -# that the other addresses should be recognized as the -# same person when interacting with github. - -# Please keep the list sorted. - -Lunny Xiao \ No newline at end of file +Andrey Nering (@andreynering) +Kim Carlbäcker (@bkcsoft) +LefsFlare (@LefsFlarey) +Lunny Xiao (@lunny) +Rachid Zarouali (@xinity) +Rémy Boulanouar (@DblK) +Sandro Santilli (@strk) +Thibault Meyer (@0xbaadf00d) +Thomas Boerger (@tboerger) diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 746656c29..65db51945 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -1,21 +1,9 @@ -# This is the official list of people who have spent time on code review Pull Requests on the Gitea repository. -# This document should be reviewed and approved by owners. -# -# The submission process automatically checks to make sure -# that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address). -# -# The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web. -# - -# Names should be added to this file like so: -# Individual's name -# Individual's name -# -# An entry with multiple email addresses specifies that the -# first address should be used in the submit logs and -# that the other addresses should be recognized as the -# same person when interacting with github. - -# Please keep the list sorted. - -Lunny Xiao \ No newline at end of file +Andrey Nering (@andreynering) +Kim Carlbäcker (@bkcsoft) +LefsFlare (@LefsFlarey) +Lunny Xiao (@lunny) +Rachid Zarouali (@xinity) +Rémy Boulanouar (@DblK) +Sandro Santilli (@strk) +Thibault Meyer (@0xbaadf00d) +Thomas Boerger (@tboerger) diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index b75732f2e..8e04204ca 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/go-gitea/gitea/modules/setting.BuildGitHash=$(shell gi DATA_FILES := $(shell find conf | sed 's/ /\\ /g') LESS_FILES := $(wildcard public/less/gogs.less public/less/_*.less) -GENERATED := modules/bindata/bindata.go public/css/gogs.css +GENERATED := modules/bindata/bindata.go public/css/index.css TAGS = "" BUILD_FLAGS = "-v" @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GOVET = go tool vet -composites=false -methods=false -structtags=false .PHONY: build pack release bindata clean -.IGNORE: public/css/gogs.css +.IGNORE: public/css/index.css all: build @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ bindata: modules/bindata/bindata.go modules/bindata/bindata.go: $(DATA_FILES) go-bindata -o=$@ -ignore="\\.DS_Store|README.md|TRANSLATORS" -pkg=bindata conf/... -less: public/css/gogs.css +less: public/css/index.css -public/css/gogs.css: $(LESS_FILES) +public/css/index.css: $(LESS_FILES) lessc $< $@ clean: diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index bfd30ba00..f97e30934 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ 5. If you're interested in using APIs, we have experimental support with [documentation](https://github.com/gogits/go-gogs-client/wiki). 6. If your team/company is using Gogs and would like to put your logo on [our website](https://gogs.io), contact us by any means. -[简体中文](README_ZH.md) - ## Purpose The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across **ALL platforms** that Go supports, including Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and ARM. diff --git a/README_ZH.md b/README_ZH.md deleted file mode 100644 index bd61851df..000000000 --- a/README_ZH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -# Gitea - Git with a cup of tea - -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-gitea/gitea.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-gitea/gitea) -[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/go-gitea/gitea/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/go-gitea/gitea) -[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/go-gitea/gitea)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/go-gitea/gitea) -[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-gitea/gitea?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-gitea/gitea) -[![](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/gitea/gitea.svg)](http://microbadger.com/images/gitea/gitea "Get your own image badge on microbadger.com") -[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/go-gitea/gitea](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/go-gitea/gitea?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) - -Gogs (Go Git Service) 是一款极易搭建的自助 Git 服务。 - -## 开发目的 - -Gogs 的目标是打造一个最简单、最快速和最轻松的方式搭建自助 Git 服务。使用 Go 语言开发使得 Gogs 能够通过独立的二进制分发,并且支持 Go 语言支持的 **所有平台**,包括 Linux、Mac OS X、Windows 以及 ARM 平台。 - -## 项目概览 - -- 有关基本用法和变更日志,请通过 [使用手册](https://gogs.io/docs/intro/) 查看。 -- 您可以到 [Trello Board](https://trello.com/b/uxAoeLUl/gogs-go-git-service) 跟随开发团队的脚步。 -- 想要先睹为快?直接去 [在线体验](https://try.gogs.io/gogs/gogs) 。 -- 使用过程中遇到问题?尝试从 [故障排查](https://gogs.io/docs/intro/troubleshooting.html) 页面或 [用户论坛](https://discuss.gogs.io/) 获取帮助。 -- 希望帮助多国语言界面的翻译吗?请立即访问 [详情页面](https://gogs.io/docs/features/i18n.html)! - -## 功能特性 - -- 支持活动时间线 -- 支持 SSH 以及 HTTP/HTTPS 协议 -- 支持 SMTP、LDAP 和反向代理的用户认证 -- 支持反向代理子路径 -- 支持用户、组织和仓库管理系统 -- 支持添加和删除仓库协作者 -- 支持仓库和组织级别 Web 钩子(包括 Slack 集成) -- 支持仓库 Git 钩子和部署密钥 -- 支持仓库工单(Issue)、合并请求(Pull Request)以及 Wiki -- 支持迁移和镜像仓库以及它的 Wiki -- 支持在线编辑仓库文件和 Wiki -- 支持自定义源的 Gravatar 和 Federated Avatar -- 支持邮件服务 -- 支持后台管理面板 -- 支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite3 和 [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb)(实验性支持) 数据库 -- 支持多语言本地化([19 种语言]([more](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs))) - -## 系统要求 - -- 最低的系统硬件要求为一个廉价的树莓派 -- 如果用于团队项目,建议使用 2 核 CPU 及 1GB 内存 - -## 浏览器支持 - -- 请根据 [Semantic UI](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI#browser-support) 查看具体支持的浏览器版本。 -- 官方支持的最小 UI 尺寸为 **1024*768**,UI 不一定会在更小尺寸的设备上被破坏,但我们无法保证且不会修复。 - -## 安装部署 - -在安装 Gogs 之前,您需要先安装 [基本环境](https://gogs.io/docs/installation)。 - -然后,您可以通过以下 5 种方式来安装 Gogs: - -- [二进制安装](https://gogs.io/docs/installation/install_from_binary.html) -- [源码安装](https://gogs.io/docs/installation/install_from_source.html) -- [包管理安装](https://gogs.io/docs/installation/install_from_packages.html) -- [采用 Docker 部署](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/master/docker) -- [通过 Vagrant 安装](https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-vagrant-examples/tree/master/gogs) - -### 使用教程 - -- [使用 Gogs 搭建自己的 Git 服务器](https://mynook.info/blog/post/host-your-own-git-server-using-gogs) -- [阿里云上 Ubuntu 14.04 64 位安装 Gogs](http://my.oschina.net/luyao/blog/375654) - -### 云端部署 - -- [OpenShift](https://github.com/tkisme/gogs-openshift) -- [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io/appstore.html#io.gogs.cloudronapp) -- [Scaleway](https://www.scaleway.com/imagehub/gogs/) -- [Portal](https://portaldemo.xyz/cloud/) -- [Sandstorm](https://github.com/cem/gogs-sandstorm) -- [sloppy.io](https://github.com/sloppyio/quickstarters/tree/master/gogs) -- [YunoHost](https://github.com/mbugeia/gogs_ynh) -- [DPlatform](https://github.com/j8r/DPlatform) - -## 软件及服务支持 - -- [Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone)(CI) -- [Fabric8](http://fabric8.io/)(DevOps) -- [Taiga](https://taiga.io/)(项目管理) -- [Puppet](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/Siteminds/gogs)(IT) -- [Kanboard](http://kanboard.net/plugin/gogs-webhook)(项目管理) -- [BearyChat](https://bearychat.com/)(团队交流) -- [HiWork](http://www.hiwork.cc/)(团队交流) - -### 产品支持 - -- [Synology](https://www.synology.com)(Docker) -- [One Space](http://www.onespace.cc)(应用商店) - -## 特别鸣谢 - -- 基于 [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron) 的路由与中间件机制。 -- 基于 [GoBlog](https://github.com/fuxiaohei/goblog) 修改的系统监视状态。 -- 感谢 [Rocker](http://weibo.com/rocker1989) 设计的 Logo。 -- 感谢 [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs) 提供免费的开源项目本地化支持。 -- 感谢 [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com) 提供主站和体验站点的服务器赞助。 -- 感谢 [KeyCDN](https://www.keycdn.com/) 和 [七牛云存储](http://www.qiniu.com/) 提供 CDN 服务赞助。 - -## 贡献成员 - -- 前团队成员 [@lunny](https://github.com/lunny)、[@fuxiaohei](https://github.com/fuxiaohei) 和 [@slene](https://github.com/slene)。 -- 您可以通过查看 [贡献者页面](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/graphs/contributors) 获取完整的贡献者列表。 -- 您可以通过查看 [TRANSLATORS](conf/locale/TRANSLATORS) 文件获取公开的翻译人员列表。 - -## 授权许可 - -本项目采用 MIT 开源授权许可证,完整的授权说明已放置在 [LICENSE](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/LICENSE) 文件中。 diff --git a/packager/.godir b/packager/.godir deleted file mode 100644 index ba2906d06..000000000 --- a/packager/.godir +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -main diff --git a/packager/Procfile b/packager/Procfile deleted file mode 100644 index efa00d25a..000000000 --- a/packager/Procfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -web: ./gogs web diff --git a/packager/hooks/postinst b/packager/hooks/postinst deleted file mode 100755 index 561080eff..000000000 --- a/packager/hooks/postinst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -set -e - -APP_NAME="gogs" -CLI="${APP_NAME}" -APP_USER=$(${CLI} config:get APP_USER) -APP_GROUP=$(${CLI} config:get APP_GROUP) -APP_CONFIG="/etc/${APP_NAME}/conf/app.ini" - -mkdir -p $(dirname ${APP_CONFIG}) -chown ${APP_USER}.${APP_GROUP} $(dirname ${APP_CONFIG}) -[ -f ${APP_CONFIG} ] || ${CLI} run cp conf/app.ini ${APP_CONFIG} -${CLI} config:set USER=${APP_USER} -sed -i "s|RUN_USER = git|RUN_USER = ${APP_USER}|" ${APP_CONFIG} -sed -i "s|RUN_MODE = dev|RUN_MODE = prod|" ${APP_CONFIG} - -${CLI} config:set GOGS_CUSTOM=/etc/${APP_NAME} - -# scale -${CLI} scale web=1 || true - -# restart the service -service gogs restart || true diff --git a/public/config.codekit b/public/config.codekit index fa0fae58a..697e245e8 100644 --- a/public/config.codekit +++ b/public/config.codekit @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ "outputPathIsOutsideProject": 0, "outputPathIsSetByUser": 0 }, - "\/css\/gogs.css": { + "\/css\/index.css": { "fileType": 16, "ignore": 1, "ignoreWasSetByUser": 0, - "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/css\/gogs.css", + "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/css\/index.css", "outputAbbreviatedPath": "No Output Path", "outputPathIsOutsideProject": 0, "outputPathIsSetByUser": 0 @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ "outputPathIsSetByUser": 0, "processed": 1 }, - "\/js\/gogs.js": { + "\/js\/index.js": { "fileType": 64, "ignore": 1, "ignoreWasSetByUser": 1, - "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/js\/gogs.js", + "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/js\/index.js", "outputAbbreviatedPath": "\/js\/min\/gogs-min.js", "outputPathIsOutsideProject": 0, "outputPathIsSetByUser": 0, @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ "strictMath": 0, "strictUnits": 0 }, - "\/less\/gogs.less": { + "\/less\/index.less": { "allowInsecureImports": 0, "createSourceMap": 0, "disableJavascript": 0, @@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ "ieCompatibility": 1, "ignore": 0, "ignoreWasSetByUser": 1, - "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/less\/gogs.less", - "outputAbbreviatedPath": "\/css\/gogs.css", + "inputAbbreviatedPath": "\/less\/index.less", + "outputAbbreviatedPath": "\/css\/index.css", "outputPathIsOutsideProject": 0, "outputPathIsSetByUser": 1, "outputStyle": 0, @@ -1258,4 +1258,4 @@ "websiteRelativeRoot": "" }, "settingsFileVersion": "2" -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/public/css/gogs.css b/public/css/index.css similarity index 99% rename from public/css/gogs.css rename to public/css/index.css index e4638bb06..99a57c78e 100644 --- a/public/css/gogs.css +++ b/public/css/index.css @@ -31,23 +31,18 @@ pre.wrap, code.wrap { white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS 3 */ - word-break: break-word; } .dont-break-out { /* These are technically the same, but use both */ - overflow-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-word; -ms-word-break: break-all; /* This is the dangerous one in WebKit, as it breaks things wherever */ - word-break: break-all; /* Instead use this non-standard one: */ - word-break: break-word; /* Adds a hyphen where the word breaks, if supported (No Blink) */ - -ms-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; @@ -817,7 +812,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { border: solid 1px #ccc; border-bottom-color: #bbb; border-radius: 3px; - box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #bbbbbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #bbb; } .markdown:not(code) input[type="checkbox"] { vertical-align: middle !important; @@ -888,7 +883,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { } .install form label { text-align: right; - width: 320px; + width: 320px !important; } .install form input { width: 35% !important; @@ -897,7 +892,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { text-align: left; } .install form .field .help { - margin-left: 335px; + margin-left: 335px !important; } .install form .field.optional .title { margin-left: 38%; @@ -932,18 +927,18 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { text-align: center; } #create-page-form form .header { - padding-left: 280px; + padding-left: 280px !important; } #create-page-form form .inline.field > label { text-align: right; - width: 250px; + width: 250px !important; word-wrap: break-word; } #create-page-form form .help { - margin-left: 265px; + margin-left: 265px !important; } #create-page-form form .optional .title { - margin-left: 250px; + margin-left: 250px !important; } #create-page-form form input, #create-page-form form textarea { @@ -969,7 +964,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { .user.reset.password form .header, .user.signin form .header, .user.signup form .header { - padding-left: 280px; + padding-left: 280px !important; } .user.activate form .inline.field > label, .user.forgot.password form .inline.field > label, @@ -977,7 +972,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { .user.signin form .inline.field > label, .user.signup form .inline.field > label { text-align: right; - width: 250px; + width: 250px !important; word-wrap: break-word; } .user.activate form .help, @@ -985,14 +980,14 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { .user.reset.password form .help, .user.signin form .help, .user.signup form .help { - margin-left: 265px; + margin-left: 265px !important; } .user.activate form .optional .title, .user.forgot.password form .optional .title, .user.reset.password form .optional .title, .user.signin form .optional .title, .user.signup form .optional .title { - margin-left: 250px; + margin-left: 250px !important; } .user.activate form input, .user.forgot.password form input, @@ -1026,7 +1021,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { .user.reset.password form .inline.field > label, .user.signin form .inline.field > label, .user.signup form .inline.field > label { - width: 200px; + width: 200px !important; } .repository.new.repo form, .repository.new.migrate form, @@ -1042,24 +1037,24 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { .repository.new.repo form .header, .repository.new.migrate form .header, .repository.new.fork form .header { - padding-left: 280px; + padding-left: 280px !important; } .repository.new.repo form .inline.field > label, .repository.new.migrate form .inline.field > label, .repository.new.fork form .inline.field > label { text-align: right; - width: 250px; + width: 250px !important; word-wrap: break-word; } .repository.new.repo form .help, .repository.new.migrate form .help, .repository.new.fork form .help { - margin-left: 265px; + margin-left: 265px !important; } .repository.new.repo form .optional .title, .repository.new.migrate form .optional .title, .repository.new.fork form .optional .title { - margin-left: 250px; + margin-left: 250px !important; } .repository.new.repo form input, .repository.new.migrate form input, @@ -1094,7 +1089,7 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { width: 50%!important; } .repository.new.repo .ui.form #auto-init { - margin-left: 265px; + margin-left: 265px !important; } .new.webhook form .help { margin-left: 25px; @@ -2340,18 +2335,14 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { } .settings .hook.list .item a { /* These are technically the same, but use both */ - overflow-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-word; -ms-word-break: break-all; /* This is the dangerous one in WebKit, as it breaks things wherever */ - word-break: break-all; /* Instead use this non-standard one: */ - word-break: break-word; /* Adds a hyphen where the word breaks, if supported (No Blink) */ - -ms-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; @@ -2550,18 +2541,18 @@ footer .ui.language .menu { text-align: center; } .organization.new.org form .header { - padding-left: 280px; + padding-left: 280px !important; } .organization.new.org form .inline.field > label { text-align: right; - width: 250px; + width: 250px !important; word-wrap: break-word; } .organization.new.org form .help { - margin-left: 265px; + margin-left: 265px !important; } .organization.new.org form .optional .title { - margin-left: 250px; + margin-left: 250px !important; } .organization.new.org form input, .organization.new.org form textarea { diff --git a/public/js/gogs.js b/public/js/index.js similarity index 100% rename from public/js/gogs.js rename to public/js/index.js diff --git a/public/less/gogs.less b/public/less/index.less similarity index 100% rename from public/less/gogs.less rename to public/less/index.less diff --git a/templates/base/head.tmpl b/templates/base/head.tmpl index 0c19b19cf..6eae8f31b 100644 --- a/templates/base/head.tmpl +++ b/templates/base/head.tmpl @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ - + - + {{if .Title}}{{.Title}} - {{end}}{{AppName}}