chore: clean up the radial merit profile SVG template

domi41 4 years ago
parent 9d8925afb3
commit d9820eed8f

@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
{{ $merit := . }}
{{/* Radial representation of a merit profile */}}
{{/* In this SVG, the ViewBox centers the (0.0), and both axes go from -1 to 1 */}}
{{ $size := 32 }}{{/* in pixels */}}
{{ $delimiter := 0.04 }}
{{ $half_gap := 0.38 }}{{/* ~asin(GOLDEN_RATIO-1) */}}
{{ $half_rest := 2.7616 }}{{/* MUST BE (PI - half_gap) ARITHMETIC IS 404 */}}
{{ $exterior_radius := 0.9167 }}
{{ $interior_radius := 0.3501 }}{{/* exterior_radius/GOLD */}}
Radial representation of a merit profile.
The $merit above is an instance of PollCandidateMeritProfile.
In this SVG, the ViewBox centers the (0.0), and both axes go from -1 to 1
{{ $size := 32 }}{{/* size of the SVG (pixels) */}}
{{ $delimiter := 0.04 }}{{/* breadth of the white line between grades (viewbox referential) */}}
{{ $half_gap := 0.38 }}{{/* ~asin(GOLDEN_RATIO-1) adjusted for the delimiter - (radians) */}}
{{ $half_rest := 2.7616 }}{{/* MUST BE (PI - $half_gap) ARITHMETIC IS 404 - (radians) */}}
{{ $exterior_radius := 0.9167 }}{{/* About 11/12 to leave some padding (viewbox referential) */}}
{{ $interior_radius := 0.3501 }}{{/* exterior_radius/GOLDEN_RATIO (viewbox referential) */}}
style="transform: rotate(0.25turn);"
width="{{ $size }}px"
height="{{ $size }}px"
{{/* min_x, min_y, width, height */}}
viewBox="-1 -1 2 2"
@ -19,9 +26,8 @@
{{ $angle := $merit.GetGradeAngle $grade_id $half_gap }}
{{ $exterior := $merit.GetCirclePoints $grade_id $exterior_radius $half_gap }}
{{ $interior := $merit.GetCirclePoints $grade_id $interior_radius $half_gap }}
{{ $large := gt $angle $half_rest }}
{{ $large_flag := 0 }}
{{ if $large }}
{{ if gt $angle $half_rest }}
{{ $large_flag = 1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $color := $merit.GetColorCode $grade_id }}
