{{template "base/head" .}}
{{template "repo/header" .}}


{{if not .Repository.IsArchived}}
{{if or .CanWriteIssues .CanWritePulls}} {{.i18n.Tr "repo.milestones.edit"}} {{end}} {{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.new"}}
{{ $closedDate:= TimeSinceUnix .Milestone.ClosedDateUnix $.Lang }} {{if .IsClosed}} {{svg "octicon-clock" 16}} {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.milestones.closed" $closedDate|Str2html}} {{else}} {{svg "octicon-calendar" 16}} {{if .Milestone.DeadlineString}} {{.Milestone.DeadlineString}} {{else}} {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.milestones.no_due_date"}} {{end}} {{end}}   {{.i18n.Tr "repo.milestones.completeness" .Milestone.Completeness}}
{{/* Ten wide does not cope well and makes the columns stack. This seems to be related to jQuery's hide/show: in fact, switching issue-actions and issue-filters and having this ten wide will show this one correctly, but not the other one. */}}
{{ $approvalCounts := .ApprovalCounts}} {{range .Issues}} {{ $timeStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }}
  • {{if or (and $.CanWriteIssues (not .IsPull)) (and $.CanWritePulls .IsPull)}}
    {{.Title | RenderEmoji}} {{if .IsPull }} {{if (index $.CommitStatus .PullRequest.ID)}} {{template "repo/commit_status" (index $.CommitStatus .PullRequest.ID)}} {{end}} {{end}} {{range .Labels}} {{.Name | RenderEmoji}} {{end}} {{if .NumComments}} {{svg "octicon-comment" 16}} {{.NumComments}} {{end}} {{if .TotalTrackedTime}} {{svg "octicon-clock" 16}} {{.TotalTrackedTime | Sec2Time}} {{end}}

    {{ $timeStr := TimeSinceUnix .GetLastEventTimestamp $.Lang }} {{if .OriginalAuthor }} {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr .OriginalAuthor | Safe}} {{else if gt .Poster.ID 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabel $timeStr .Poster.HomeLink (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}} {{else}} {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}} {{end}} {{if .Ref}} {{svg "octicon-git-branch" 16}} {{index $.IssueRefEndNames .ID}} {{end}} {{$tasks := .GetTasks}} {{if gt $tasks 0}} {{$tasksDone := .GetTasksDone}} {{svg "octicon-checklist" 16}} {{$tasksDone}} / {{$tasks}} {{end}} {{if ne .DeadlineUnix 0}} {{svg "octicon-calendar" 16}} {{.DeadlineUnix.FormatShort}} {{end}} {{range .Assignees}} {{end}} {{if .IsPull}} {{$approveOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "approve"}} {{$rejectOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "reject"}} {{$waitingOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "waiting"}} {{if gt $approveOfficial 0}} {{svg "octicon-check" 16}} {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $approveOfficial "repo.pulls.approve_count_1" "repo.pulls.approve_count_n") $approveOfficial}} {{end}} {{if gt $rejectOfficial 0}} {{svg "octicon-request-changes" 16}} {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $rejectOfficial "repo.pulls.reject_count_1" "repo.pulls.reject_count_n") $rejectOfficial}} {{end}} {{if gt $waitingOfficial 0}} {{svg "octicon-eye" 16}} {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $waitingOfficial "repo.pulls.waiting_count_1" "repo.pulls.waiting_count_n") $waitingOfficial}} {{end}} {{if and (not .PullRequest.HasMerged) (gt (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) 0)}} {{svg "octicon-mirror" 16}} {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_1" "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_n") (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles)}} {{end}} {{end}}

  • {{end}} {{template "base/paginate" .}}
    {{template "base/footer" .}}