{{if .IsMention}}

@{{.Doer.Name}} mentioned you:

{{end}} {{if eq .ActionName "push"}}

{{.Doer.Name}} {{if .Comment.IsForcePush}} {{ $oldCommitLink:= printf "%s%s/%s/commit/%s" AppUrl .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.BaseRepo.OwnerName .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.BaseRepo.Name .Comment.OldCommit}} {{ $newCommitLink:= printf "%s%s/%s/commit/%s" AppUrl .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.BaseRepo.OwnerName .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.BaseRepo.Name .Comment.NewCommit}} force-pushed the {{.Comment.Issue.PullRequest.HeadBranch}} from {{ShortSha .Comment.OldCommit}} to {{ShortSha .Comment.NewCommit}}. {{else}} {{if eq .Comment.Commits.Len 1}} {{printf "pushed 1 commit to %s:" .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.HeadBranch}} {{else}} {{printf "pushed %d commits to %s:" .Comment.Commits.Len .Comment.Issue.PullRequest.HeadBranch}} {{end}} {{end}}


{{if eq .ActionName "close"}} Closed #{{.Issue.Index}}. {{else if eq .ActionName "reopen"}} Reopened #{{.Issue.Index}}. {{else if eq .ActionName "merge"}} Merged #{{.Issue.Index}} into {{.Issue.PullRequest.BaseBranch}}. {{else if eq .ActionName "approve"}} @{{.Doer.Name}} approved this pull request. {{else if eq .ActionName "reject"}} @{{.Doer.Name}} requested changes on this pull request. {{else if eq .ActionName "review"}} @{{.Doer.Name}} commented on this pull request. {{else if eq .ActionName "review_dismissed"}} @{{.Doer.Name}} dismissed last review from {{.Comment.Review.Reviewer.Name}} for this pull request. {{end}} {{- if eq .Body ""}} {{if eq .ActionName "new"}} Created #{{.Issue.Index}}. {{end}} {{else}} {{.Body | Str2html}} {{end -}} {{- range .ReviewComments}}

In {{.TreePath}}:
{{.RenderedContent | Safe}}
{{end -}} {{if eq .ActionName "push"}} {{ $r:= List .Comment.Commits}} {{end}}