--- date: "2017-04-08T11:34:00+02:00" title: "Specific variables" slug: "specific-variables" weight: 20 toc: false draft: false menu: sidebar: parent: "advanced" name: "Specific variables" weight: 20 identifier: "specific-variables" --- # Specific variables This is an inventory of Gitea environment variables. They change Gitea behaviour. Initialize them before Gitea command to be effective, for example: ``` GITEA_CUSTOM=/home/gitea/custom ./gitea web ``` ## From Go language As Gitea is written in Go, it uses some Go variables as: * `GOOS` * `GOARCH` * `GOPATH` For `GOPATH`, check [official documentation about GOPATH environment variable](https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-GOPATH_environment_variable). For others, check [official documentation about variables used when it runs the generator](https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Generate_Go_files_by_processing_source). ## Gitea files * `GITEA_WORK_DIR`: Gitea absolute path of work directory. * `GITEA_CUSTOM`: Gitea uses `GITEA_WORK_DIR`/custom folder by default. Use this variable to change *custom* directory. * `GOGS_WORK_DIR`: Deprecated, use `GITEA_WORK_DIR` * `GOGS_CUSTOM`: Deprecated, use `GITEA_CUSTOM` ## Operating system specifics * `USER`: system user that launch Gitea. Useful for repository URL address on Gitea interface * `USERNAME`: if no USER found, Gitea will try `USERNAME` * `HOME`: User home directory path (**except if** you're running on Windows, check the following `USERPROFILE` variable) ### Only on Windows * `USERPROFILE`: User home directory path. If empty, uses `HOMEDRIVE` + `HOMEPATH` * `HOMEDRIVE`: Main drive path you will use to get home directory * `HOMEPATH`: Home relative path in the given home drive path ## Macaron (framework used by Gitea) * `HOST`: Host Macaron will listen on * `PORT`: Port Macaron will listen on * `MACARON_ENV`: global variable to provide special functionality for development environments vs production environments. If MACARON_ENV is set to "" or "development" then templates will be recompiled on every request. For more performance, set the MACARON_ENV environment variable to "production". ## Miscellaneous * `SKIP_MINWINSVC`: Do not run as a service on Windows if set to 1 * `ZOOKEEPER_PATH`: [Zookeeper](http://zookeeper.apache.org/) jar file path