You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
13 KiB

// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
package data
var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
".Rprofile": {"R"},
".XCompose": {"XCompose"},
".abbrev_defs": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".arcconfig": {"JSON"},
".atomignore": {"Ignore List"},
".babelignore": {"Ignore List"},
".babelrc": {"JSON with Comments"},
".bash_aliases": {"Shell"},
".bash_history": {"Shell"},
".bash_logout": {"Shell"},
".bash_profile": {"Shell"},
".bashrc": {"Shell"},
".browserslistrc": {"Browserslist"},
".bzrignore": {"Ignore List"},
".clang-format": {"YAML"},
".clang-tidy": {"YAML"},
".classpath": {"XML"},
".coffeelintignore": {"Ignore List"},
".cproject": {"XML"},
".cshrc": {"Shell"},
".curlrc": {"cURL Config"},
".cvsignore": {"Ignore List"},
".dir_colors": {"dircolors"},
".dircolors": {"dircolors"},
".dockerignore": {"Ignore List"},
".editorconfig": {"EditorConfig"},
".eleventyignore": {"Ignore List"},
".emacs": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".emacs.desktop": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".env": {"Shell"},
".env.example": {"Shell"},
".eslintignore": {"Ignore List"},
".eslintrc.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
".exrc": {"Vim script"},
".factor-boot-rc": {"Factor"},
".factor-rc": {"Factor"},
".flaskenv": {"Shell"},
".gclient": {"Python"},
".gemrc": {"YAML"},
".gitattributes": {"Git Attributes"},
".gitconfig": {"Git Config"},
".gitignore": {"Ignore List"},
".gitmodules": {"Git Config"},
".gn": {"GN"},
".gnus": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".gvimrc": {"Vim script"},
".htaccess": {"ApacheConf"},
".htmlhintrc": {"JSON"},
".inputrc": {"Readline Config"},
".irbrc": {"Ruby"},
".jscsrc": {"JSON with Comments"},
".jshintrc": {"JSON with Comments"},
".jslintrc": {"JSON with Comments"},
".login": {"Shell"},
".luacheckrc": {"Lua"},
".nanorc": {"nanorc"},
".nodemonignore": {"Ignore List"},
".npmignore": {"Ignore List"},
".npmrc": {"NPM Config"},
".nvimrc": {"Vim script"},
".php": {"PHP"},
".php_cs": {"PHP"},
".php_cs.dist": {"PHP"},
".prettierignore": {"Ignore List"},
".profile": {"Shell"},
".project": {"XML"},
".pryrc": {"Ruby"},
".simplecov": {"Ruby"},
".spacemacs": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".stylelintignore": {"Ignore List"},
".tern-config": {"JSON"},
".tern-project": {"JSON"},
".vimrc": {"Vim script"},
".viper": {"Emacs Lisp"},
".vscodeignore": {"Ignore List"},
".watchmanconfig": {"JSON"},
".wgetrc": {"Wget Config"},
".zlogin": {"Shell"},
".zlogout": {"Shell"},
".zprofile": {"Shell"},
".zshenv": {"Shell"},
".zshrc": {"Shell"},
"9fs": {"Shell"},
"APKBUILD": {"Alpine Abuild"},
"App.config": {"XML"},
"Appraisals": {"Ruby"},
"BSDmakefile": {"Makefile"},
"BUCK": {"Starlark"},
"BUILD": {"Starlark"},
"BUILD.bazel": {"Starlark"},
"Berksfile": {"Ruby"},
"Brewfile": {"Ruby"},
"Buildfile": {"Ruby"},
"CMakeLists.txt": {"CMake"},
"COPYING": {"Text"},
"COPYING.regex": {"Text"},
"COPYRIGHT.regex": {"Text"},
"Cakefile": {"CoffeeScript"},
"Capfile": {"Ruby"},
"Cargo.lock": {"TOML"},
"Cask": {"Emacs Lisp"},
"DEPS": {"Python"},
"DIR_COLORS": {"dircolors"},
"Dangerfile": {"Ruby"},
"Deliverfile": {"Ruby"},
"Dockerfile": {"Dockerfile"},
"Emakefile": {"Erlang"},
"FONTLOG": {"Text"},
"Fakefile": {"Fancy"},
"Fastfile": {"Ruby"},
"GNUmakefile": {"Makefile"},
"Gemfile": {"Ruby"},
"Gemfile.lock": {"Ruby"},
"Gopkg.lock": {"TOML"},
"Guardfile": {"Ruby"},
"INSTALL": {"Text"},
"INSTALL.mysql": {"Text"},
"Jakefile": {"JavaScript"},
"Jarfile": {"Ruby"},
"Jenkinsfile": {"Groovy"},
"Kbuild": {"Makefile"},
"LICENSE": {"Text"},
"LICENSE.mysql": {"Text"},
"Lexer.x": {"Lex"},
"Makefile": {"Makefile"},
"Makefile.PL": {"Perl"},
"": {"Makefile"},
"Makefile.boot": {"Makefile"},
"Makefile.frag": {"Makefile"},
"": {"Makefile"},
"": {"Makefile"},
"Makefile.wat": {"Makefile"},
"Mavenfile": {"Ruby"},
"Modulefile": {"Puppet"},
"NEWS": {"Text"},
"Notebook": {"Jupyter Notebook"},
"NuGet.config": {"XML"},
"Nukefile": {"Nu"},
"PKGBUILD": {"Shell"},
"Phakefile": {"PHP"},
"Pipfile": {"TOML"},
"Pipfile.lock": {"JSON"},
"Podfile": {"Ruby"},
"Project.ede": {"Emacs Lisp"},
"Puppetfile": {"Ruby"},
"README.1ST": {"Text"},
"": {"Text"},
"README.mysql": {"Text"},
"README.nss": {"Text"},
"ROOT": {"Isabelle ROOT"},
"Rakefile": {"Ruby"},
"Rexfile": {"Perl"},
"SConscript": {"Python"},
"SConstruct": {"Python"},
"Settings.StyleCop": {"XML"},
"Slakefile": {"LiveScript"},
"Snakefile": {"Python"},
"Snapfile": {"Ruby"},
"Thorfile": {"Ruby"},
"Tiltfile": {"Starlark"},
"Vagrantfile": {"Ruby"},
"WORKSPACE": {"Starlark"},
"Web.Debug.config": {"XML"},
"Web.Release.config": {"XML"},
"Web.config": {"XML"},
"XCompose": {"XCompose"},
"_curlrc": {"cURL Config"},
"_dir_colors": {"dircolors"},
"_dircolors": {"dircolors"},
"_emacs": {"Emacs Lisp"},
"_vimrc": {"Vim script"},
"abbrev_defs": {"Emacs Lisp"},
"ack": {"Perl"},
"ant.xml": {"Ant Build System"},
"apache2.conf": {"ApacheConf"},
"bash_aliases": {"Shell"},
"bash_logout": {"Shell"},
"bash_profile": {"Shell"},
"bashrc": {"Shell"},
"browserslist": {"Browserslist"},
"build.xml": {"Ant Build System"},
"buildfile": {"Ruby"},
"buildozer.spec": {"INI"},
"cabal.config": {"Cabal Config"},
"cabal.project": {"Cabal Config"},
"": {"Text"},
"composer.lock": {"JSON"},
"": {"M4Sugar"},
"": {"Markdown"},
"cpanfile": {"Perl"},
"cshrc": {"Shell"},
"": {"Text"},
"descrip.mmk": {"Module Management System"},
"descrip.mms": {"Module Management System"},
"devcontainer.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
"dir_colors": {"dircolors"},
"encodings.dir": {"X Font Directory Index"},
"eqnrc": {"Roff"},
"expr-dist": {"R"},
"firestore.rules": {"Cloud Firestore Security Rules"},
"fonts.alias": {"X Font Directory Index"},
"fonts.dir": {"X Font Directory Index"},
"fonts.scale": {"X Font Directory Index"},
"fp-lib-table": {"KiCad Layout"},
"gitignore-global": {"Ignore List"},
"gitignore_global": {"Ignore List"},
"glide.lock": {"YAML"},
"go.mod": {"Text"},
"go.sum": {"Text"},
"gradlew": {"Shell"},
"gvimrc": {"Vim script"},
"haproxy.cfg": {"HAProxy"},
"httpd.conf": {"ApacheConf"},
"inputrc": {"Readline Config"},
"installscript.qs": {"Qt Script"},
"jsconfig.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
"": {"Text"},
"language-configuration.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
"language-subtag-registry.txt": {"Record Jar"},
"ld.script": {"Linker Script"},
"lexer.x": {"Lex"},
"login": {"Shell"},
"m3makefile": {"Quake"},
"m3overrides": {"Quake"},
"makefile": {"Makefile"},
"makefile.sco": {"Makefile"},
"man": {"Shell"},
"": {"JSON"},
"": {"Meson"},
"meson_options.txt": {"Meson"},
"mix.lock": {"Elixir"},
"mkfile": {"Makefile"},
"mmn": {"Roff"},
"mmt": {"Roff"},
"nanorc": {"nanorc"},
"nextflow.config": {"Nextflow"},
"nginx.conf": {"Nginx"},
"nim.cfg": {"Nim"},
"nvimrc": {"Vim script"},
"owh": {"Tcl"},
"package.mask": {"Text"},
"package.use.mask": {"Text"},
"package.use.stable.mask": {"Text"},
"packages.config": {"XML"},
"poetry.lock": {"TOML"},
"pom.xml": {"Maven POM"},
"profile": {"Shell"},
"": {"Text"},
"readme.1st": {"Text"},
"rebar.config": {"Erlang"},
"rebar.config.lock": {"Erlang"},
"rebar.lock": {"Erlang"},
"riemann.config": {"Clojure"},
"ssh-config": {"SSH Config"},
"ssh_config": {"SSH Config"},
"sshconfig": {"SSH Config"},
"sshconfig.snip": {"SSH Config"},
"sshd-config": {"SSH Config"},
"sshd_config": {"SSH Config"},
"starfield": {"Tcl"},
"": {"Text"},
"toolchain_installscript.qs": {"Qt Script"},
"troffrc": {"Roff"},
"troffrc-end": {"Roff"},
"tsconfig.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
"tslint.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
"use.mask": {"Text"},
"use.stable.mask": {"Text"},
"vimrc": {"Vim script"},
"wscript": {"Python"},
"xcompose": {"XCompose"},
"yarn.lock": {"YAML"},
"zlogin": {"Shell"},
"zlogout": {"Shell"},
"zprofile": {"Shell"},
"zshenv": {"Shell"},
"zshrc": {"Shell"},