You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2020 The Macronavirus. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package models
import (
type PollDeliberator interface {
// Deliberate ranks Candidates and gathers statistics into a PollResult
Deliberate(poll *Poll) (result *PollResult, err error)
type MajorityJudgmentDeliberator struct {
UseHighMean bool // should default to false ; strategy for even number of judgments
// Deliberate ranks Candidates and gathers statistics into a PollResult
func (deli *MajorityJudgmentDeliberator) Deliberate(poll *Poll) (_ *PollResult, err error) {
naiveTallier := &PollCandidTallier{}
pollTally, err := naiveTallier.Tally(poll)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
// Consider missing judgments as TO_REJECT judgments
// One reason why we need many algorithms, and options on each
for _, candidateTally := range pollTally.Candidates {
missing := pollTally.MaxJudgmentsAmount - candidateTally.JudgmentsAmount
if 0 < missing {
candidateTally.JudgmentsAmount = pollTally.MaxJudgmentsAmount
candidateTally.Grades[0].Amount += missing
//println("Added the missing TO REJECT judgments", missing)
amountOfGrades := len(poll.GetGradationList())
candidates := make(PollCandidateResults, 0, 64) // /!. 5k issues repos exist
creationTime := timeutil.TimeStampNow()
for _, candidateTally := range pollTally.Candidates {
medianGrade := candidateTally.GetMedian()
candidateScore := deli.GetScore(candidateTally)
gradesProfile := make([]uint64, 0, amountOfGrades)
for i := 0; i < amountOfGrades; i++ {
gradesProfile = append(gradesProfile, candidateTally.Grades[i].Amount)
meritProfile := &PollCandidateMeritProfile{
Poll: poll,
CandidateID: candidateTally.CandidateID,
Position: 0, // see below
Grades: gradesProfile,
JudgmentsAmount: candidateTally.JudgmentsAmount,
CreatedUnix: creationTime,
candidates = append(candidates, &PollCandidateResult{
Poll: poll,
CandidateID: candidateTally.CandidateID,
Position: 0, // We set it below after the Sort on Score
MedianGrade: medianGrade,
Score: candidateScore,
Tally: candidateTally,
MeritProfile: meritProfile,
CreatedUnix: creationTime,
// Rule: Multiple Candidates may have the same Position in case of perfect equality.
// or (for Randomized Condorcet evangelists)
// Rule: Multiple Candidates at perfect equality are shuffled.
previousScore := ""
for key, candidate := range candidates {
position := uint64(key + 1)
if (previousScore == candidate.Score) && (key > 0) {
position = candidates[key-1].Position
candidate.Position = position
candidate.MeritProfile.Position = position
previousScore = candidate.Score
result := &PollResult{
Poll: poll,
Tally: pollTally,
Candidates: candidates,
CreatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStampNow(),
return result, nil
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// |____/ \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
// |___/
// String scoring is not the fastest but it was within reach of a Go newbie.
GetScore computes the score of a Candidate
This method follows the following algorithm:
// Assume that each candidate has the same amount of judgments = MAX_JUDGES.
// (best fill with 0=REJECT to allow posterior candidate addition, cf. <paper>)
for each Candidate
tally = CandidateTally(Candidate) // sums of judgments, per grade, basically
score = "" // score is a string but could be raw bits
// When we append integers to score below,
// consider that we concatenate the string representation including leading zeroes
// up to the amount of digits we need to store 2 * MAX_JUDGES,
// or the raw bits (unsigned and led as well) in case of a byte array.
for i in range(MAX_GRADES)
grade = tally.median()
score.append(grade) // three digits will suffice for int8
// Collect biggest of the two groups of grades outside of the median.
// Group Grade is the group's grade adjacent to the median group
// Group Sign is:
// - +1 if the group promotes higher grades (adhesion)
// - -1 if the group promotes lower grades (contestation)
// - ±0 if there is no spoon
group_size, group_sign, group_grade = tally.get_biggest_group()
// MAX_JUDGES offset to deal with negative values lexicographically
score.append(MAX_JUDGES + groups_sign * group_size)
// Move the median grades into the group grades
tally.regrade_judgments(grade, groups_grade)
// Use it later in a bubble sort or whatever
Candidate.score = score
func (deli *MajorityJudgmentDeliberator) GetScore(pct *PollCandidateTally) (_ string) {
score := ""
ct := pct.Copy() // /!. Poll is not a copy (nor does it have to be)
for _, _ = range pct.Poll.GetGradationList() {
medianGrade := ct.GetMedian()
score += fmt.Sprintf("%03d", medianGrade)
groupSize, groupSign, groupGrade := ct.GetBiggestGroup(medianGrade)
score += fmt.Sprintf("%012d",
ct.RegradeJudgments(medianGrade, groupGrade)
return score