You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
3.3 KiB

package formatter
import (
// GnuplotMeritFormatter creates a script for gnuplot that displays the merit profiles
type GnuplotMeritFormatter struct{}
// Format the provided results
func (t *GnuplotMeritFormatter) Format(
pollTally *judgment.PollTally,
result *judgment.PollResult,
proposals []string,
grades []string,
options *Options,
) (string, error) {
proposalsResults := result.Proposals
if options.Sorted {
proposalsResults = result.ProposalsSorted
//var proposalsNames []string
//if options.Sorted {
// proposalsNames = make([]string, 0, 10)
// for _, proposalResult := range proposalsResults {
// proposalsNames = append(proposalsNames, proposals[proposalResult.Index])
// }
//} else {
// proposalsNames = proposals
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
writer := csv.NewWriter(buffer)
if err := writer.Error(); err != nil {
colHeader := make([]string, 0, 10)
colHeader = append(colHeader, "Proposal \\ Grade")
colHeader = append(colHeader, grades...)
headersWriteErr := writer.Write(colHeader)
if nil != headersWriteErr {
for _, proposalResult := range proposalsResults {
proposalTally := pollTally.Proposals[proposalResult.Index]
row := make([]string, 0, 10)
row = append(row, truncateString(proposals[proposalResult.Index], 23, '…'))
for gradeIndex := range grades {
row = append(row, strconv.FormatFloat(
'f', -1, 64,
writeErr := writer.Write(row)
if nil != writeErr {
plotHeight := 350 + 24*len(proposals)
hexPalette := judgment.DumpPaletteHexString(judgment.CreateDefaultPalette(len(grades)), ", ", "'")
gnuplotScript := `# This is a script for gnuplot
# You may pipe it into gnuplot directly like so:
# ./mj example.csv --format gnuplot | gnuplot -p
$data <<EOD
` + strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String()) + `
set datafile separator ','
set term wxt \
persist \
size 1000, ` + strconv.Itoa(plotHeight) + ` \
#position 300, 200 \
background rgb '#f0f0f0' \
title 'Merit Profiles' \
font ',12'
set xrange [:]
set yrange [:] reverse
set key \
out \
center bottom \
horizontal \
spacing 1.5 \
box \
maxrows 1 \
width 0.8
set style fill solid border lc rgb '#f0f0f0'
# Median vertical dotted bar
set arrow \
from 50,-0.5 \
to 50,` + strconv.Itoa(len(proposals)) + `.0 \
nohead \
dt 2 \
set format x '%.0f%%'
set xtics out
# set title 'Merit profile'
# set bmargin at screen 0.2
# Or the gates of confusion will break loose
unset mouse
#stats $data using 0
box_width = 1.0
nb_grades = ` + strconv.Itoa(len(grades)) + `
array colors = [` + hexPalette + `]
plot for [col=2: nb_grades + 1] \
$data u col: 0 : \
( total = sum [i=2: nb_grades + 1] column(i), \
( sum [i=2: col-1] column(i)) / total * 100): \
( sum [i=2: col ] column(i)) / total * 100 : \
($0 - box_width / 2.) : \
($0 + box_width / 2.) : \
ytic(1) \
with boxxyerror \
title columnhead(col) \
lw 5 \
lt rgb colors[col-1]
return gnuplotScript, nil