[gd_scene format=2] [node name="TwitchSettingsHelpPopup" type="AcceptDialog"] margin_right = 83.0 margin_bottom = 58.0 window_title = "Your friend is here!" dialog_text = "What are all these things? > Hover the mouse over the fields to see hints. > Basically, that's what twitch requires to let us read your chat. Copy/paste does not work! > Using the browser? W3C's Clipboard API is not yet everywhere. > Try Chrome, or install the Clipboard API extension for Firefox? > There are builds for Windows and Linux, as well. (perhaps Mac) This is not encrypted, you fools! > Encryption can be achieved. This is libre software. > That means YOU are free to improve it for everyone to enjoy! > Note that the configuration is stored on YOUR computer, > there is no server side to this application. Though justice be thy plea, consider this: that in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, -- Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare"