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extends Reference
const STATIC: String = "static "
const REMOTE: String = "remote "
const REMOTESYNC: String = "remotesync "
const MASTER: String = "master "
const PUPPET: String = "puppet "
const SCRIPT_WRITER = preload("")
const Method = preload("")
var klass: String
var inner_klass: String = ""
var methods: Dictionary = {}
var _created: bool = false
var is_scene: bool = false
var klasses: Array = []
var base_methods: Dictionary = {}
var dependecies: Array = []
var is_built_in: bool = false
var object
func _init(_klass: String, _inner_klass: String, deps: Array = []) -> void:
klass = _klass
inner_klass = _inner_klass
dependecies = deps
is_built_in = ClassDB.class_exists(_klass)
func method(name: String, keyword: String = "") -> Method:
if not methods.has(name):
methods[name] =, keyword, base_methods[name])
return methods[name]
func clear():
if is_instance_valid(object) and object is Object and not object is Reference:
object = null
func call_count(method: String) -> int:
return methods[method].calls.size()
func get_stub(method: String, args: Array):
# We might be able to write this into source?
# However reducing how much we write might be best
return methods[method].get_stub(args)
func found_matching_call(method, expected_args: Array):
# Requires changing an expectation method
return methods[method].found_matching_call(expected_args)
func add_call(method: String, args: Array = []) -> void:
func set_methods() -> void:
var params: String = "abcdefghij"
for m in method_list():
var arguments: String = ""
for i in m.args.size():
arguments = arguments + params[i] + ", "
arguments = arguments.rstrip(", ")
base_methods[] = arguments
func method_list() -> Array:
var list: Array = []
if is_built_in:
return ClassDB.class_get_method_list(klass)
var script = load(klass) if inner_klass == "" else _load_nested_class()
# We get our script methods first in case there is a custom constructor
# This way we don't end up reading the empty base constructors of Object
list += script.get_script_method_list()
list += ClassDB.class_get_method_list(script.get_instance_base_type())
var filtered = {}
for m in list:
if in filtered:
filtered[] = m
return filtered.values()
func add_inner_class(klass: Object, name: String) -> void:
klasses.append({"director": klass, "name": name})
func script():
var script =
for klass in klasses:
script.source_code =
script.reload() # Necessary to load source code into memory
return script
func double(deps: Array = [], show_error = true) -> Object:
if _created:
# Can only create unique instances
if show_error:
push_error("WAT: You can only create one instance of a double. Create a new doubler Object for new Test Doubles")
return object
_created = true
if not deps.empty() and dependecies.empty():
dependecies = deps
object = script().callv("new", dependecies)
for m in methods.values():
m.double = object
# This is a nasty abuse of const collections not being strongly-typed
# We're mainly doing this for easy use of static methods
return object
func _load_nested_class() -> Script:
var expression =
var script = load(klass)
expression.parse("%s" % [inner_klass])
return expression.execute([], script, true)