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extends Reference
var total: int = 0
var passed: int = 0
var title: String
var path: String
var methods: Array = []
var success: bool = false
var time_taken: float = 0.0
func _init(test_title: String, test_path: String) -> void:
title = test_title
path = test_path
func add_method(name: String) -> void:
name = name.replace("_", " ").lstrip("test")
methods.append({context = name, assertions = [], total = 0, passed = 0, success = false, time = 0.0})
func _on_test_method_described(description: String) -> void:
methods.back().context = description
func _on_asserted(assertion: Object) -> void:
func calculate() -> void:
for method in methods:
for assertion in method.assertions:
method.passed += assertion.success as int = method.assertions.size()
method.success = > 0 and == method.passed
passed += method.success as int
total = methods.size()
success = total > 0 and total == passed
func to_dictionary() -> Dictionary:
return { "total": total,
"passed": passed,
"context": title,
"methods": methods,
"success": success,
"path": path,
"time_taken": time_taken