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extends Node
class_name IrcClientEx
signal response_received(response)
signal http_response_received(type, response)
signal http_response_failed(error_code)
export(float) var CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 1
export(float) var COMMAND_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0.3
onready var __stream_peer =
onready var queue :=
var http_request_queue: HttpRequestQueue
#onready var processing_thread =
var processing = false
var _host: String
var _port: int
var __time_passed := 0.0
var __last_command_time := 0.0
var __log := false
# public
func set_logging(state: bool) -> void:
__log = state
func connect_to_host(host: String, port: int) -> bool:
_host = host
_port = port
return __stream_peer.connect_to_host(_host, _port) == OK
func send_command(command: String) -> void:
func abort_processing() -> void:
processing = false
# private
func _log(text: String) -> void:
if __log:
prints('[%s] %s' % [__get_time_str(), text])
func __get_time_str() -> String:
var time = OS.get_time()
return str(time.hour, ':', time.minute, ':', time.second)
func __send_command(command: String) -> void:
var command_chunck_bytes := PoolByteArray()
var chunck_size := 8
var chuncks_count: int = command.length() / chunck_size
var appendix_length: int = command.length() % chunck_size
_log('<< %s' % command)
for i in range(chuncks_count):
command_chunck_bytes = command.substr(i * chunck_size, chunck_size).to_utf8()
if appendix_length > 0:
command_chunck_bytes = command.substr(chunck_size * chuncks_count, appendix_length).to_utf8()
command_chunck_bytes = ('\r\n').to_utf8()
func __process() -> void:
while processing:
func __process_commands() -> void:
if queue.is_empty() or \
__time_passed - __last_command_time < COMMAND_WAIT_TIMEOUT:
__send_command(queue.pop_next() as String)
__last_command_time = __time_passed
func __process_input() -> void:
var bytes_available: int = __stream_peer.get_available_bytes()
if not (__stream_peer.is_connected_to_host() and bytes_available > 0):
var data := __stream_peer.get_utf8_string(bytes_available) as String
_log('>> %s' % data)
emit_signal('response_received', data)
func __parse_server_message(data):
func __initialize_http_request_queue() -> void:
http_request_queue =
# http_request_queue.connect("http_response_received", self, "_on_http_response_received")
# hooks
func _ready() -> void:
# processing_thread.start(self, "__process")
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
__time_passed += delta
processing = __time_passed > CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT
if not processing:
# events
func _on_http_response_received(content_type: String, data: PoolByteArray) -> void:
emit_signal("http_response_received", content_type, data)
func _on_http_response_failed(error_code: int) -> void:
emit_signal("http_response_failed", error_code)