You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
615 B

extends MajorityJudgmentChatCommandJudgmentsProvider
class_name MajorityJudgmentDemoProvider
# Dummy provider, to test the app out.
func start_providing():
var commands = [
["Stup", "A0B1C3"],
["Flip", "A0B2C1"],
["Flip", "A1"],
["Sylvain", "A3B4"],
["Sylvain", "C5B3"],
["Julia", "A0"],
["Julia", "B1"],
["Julia", "C2"],
["Elliot", "A0B0C5"],
["Sophie", "C0"],
["Sophie", "C0A2B5"],
["Yohan", "B1A2C3"],
["Teddy", "A5"],
["Miu", "A4B2C1"],
# … add more
for command in commands:
yield(App.timer(1+(randi()%3)), "timeout")
process_chat_command(command[0], command[1])