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extends Resource
class_name MajorityJudgmentPoll
A poll with multiple candidates, where each participant
gives a single grade to each of the candidates.
The candidates are then sorted by their median grade.
The constitutive details of the poll are up to you.
# Minimum length: 4 unicode characters (? TBD)
# Maximum length: 256 unicode characters (? TBD)
export(String) var title:String setget set_title, get_title
# > How do we localize this?
# Something like this, perhaps?
# title_of_locale = {
# 'en_US': "President of the United States of America in 2020",
# 'fr_FR': "Président des États-Unis d'Amérique en 2020",
# …
# }
#export(Dictionary) var localized_titles:Dictionary
# or perhaps
export(Resource) var grading #:MajorityJudgmentGrading
# Array of MajorityJudgmentCandidate
export(Array, Resource) var candidates:Array setget set_candidates, get_candidates
# Array of MajorityJudgmentJudgments
export(Array, Resource) var judgments:Array setget set_judgments, get_judgments
# Don't pass parameters in _init().
# ResourceLoader.load() won't like it.
func _init():
# Instead, use a factory approach
static func make(__title, __grading, __candidates):
var poll = load("res://addons/majority_judgment/").new()
return poll
func set_title(__title:String) -> void:
title = __title
func get_title() -> String:
if null == title:
return ''
return title
func set_grading(__grading:MajorityJudgmentGrading) -> void:
grading = __grading
func get_grading() -> MajorityJudgmentGrading:
assert(grading, "Poll has no grading.")
return grading
func set_candidates(__candidates:Array) -> void:
assert(__candidates, "Poll requires at least one candidate.")
candidates = __candidates
func add_candidate(candidate:MajorityJudgmentCandidate) -> void:
if not candidates:
candidates = Array()
func get_candidates() -> Array:
assert(candidates, "Poll has no candidates.")
return candidates
func has_judgments() -> bool:
return 0 < judgments.size()
func set_judgments(__judgments:Array) -> void:
judgments = __judgments
func add_judgment(judgment:MajorityJudgmentJudgment) -> void:
if not judgments:
judgments = Array()
for i in range(judgments.size()):
var existing_judgment = judgments[i]
if (
(existing_judgment.participant == judgment.participant)
(existing_judgment.candidate == judgment.candidate)
judgments[i] = judgment
func get_judgments() -> Array:
assert(judgments, "Poll has no judgments.")
return judgments
func tally() -> MajorityJudgmentPollTally:
if not has_judgments():
return null
# Pick relevant tallier from settings later on
var tallier =
# var tallier =
return tallier.tally(self)
func get_participants() -> Array:
var participants := Array()
for judgment in judgments:
var participant : MajorityJudgmentParticipant = judgment.participant
if not participants.has(participant):
return participants
func count_participants() -> int:
return get_participants().size()
func get_dummy_merit_profile(candidate):
var merit =
merit.grades = Array()
for i in range(get_grading().grades.size()):
merit.colors = get_grading().get_colors()
return merit