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extends "../"
func _init(emitter: Object, event: String, arguments: Array, context: String) -> void:
var passed: String = "Signal: %s was emitted from %s with arguments: %s" % [event, emitter, arguments]
var failed: String = "Signal: %s was not emitted from %s with arguments: %s" % [event, emitter, arguments]
var alt_failure: String = "Signal: %s was not emitted from %s" % [event, emitter]
self.context = context
self.expected = passed
var data = emitter.get_meta("watcher").watching[event]
if data.emit_count <= 0:
self.success = false
self.result = alt_failure
elif _found_matching_call(arguments, data.calls):
self.success = true
self.result = passed
self.success = false
self.result = failed
func _found_matching_call(args, calls) -> bool:
for call in calls:
if _match(args, call.args):
return true
return false
func _match(args, call_args) -> bool:
for i in args.size():
if args[i] != call_args[i]:
return false
return true