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extends Timer
signal finished
var _emitter: Object
var _event: String
func _init() -> void:
paused = true
one_shot = true
func until_timeout(time: float) -> Timer:
# Oneshot doesn't disconnect properly without also being deferred
connect("timeout", self, "_on_resume", [], CONNECT_DEFERRED)
wait_time = time
paused = false
return self
func until_signal(time: float, emitter: Object, event: String) -> Timer:
_emitter = emitter
_event = event
_emitter.connect(event, self, "_on_resume", [], CONNECT_DEFERRED)
connect("timeout", self, "_on_resume", [], CONNECT_DEFERRED)
wait_time = time
paused = false
return self
func _on_resume(a = null, b = null, c = null, d = null, e = null, f = null) -> void:
paused = true
disconnect("timeout", self, "_on_resume")
if is_instance_valid(_emitter) and _emitter.is_connected(_event, self, "_on_resume"):
_emitter.disconnect(_event, self, "_on_resume")
# Our adapter is connected to this. When this is emitted our adapter
# ..will call "_next" which call defers _change_state. Since it is a deferred
# the test will resume first. Therefore if a new yield gets constructed
# the interim we will be able to check if we have restarted the yield clock
emit_signal("finished", [a, b, c, d, e, f])
func is_active() -> bool:
return not paused and time_left > 0