You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
2.8 KiB

extends Reference
const FileSystem: Script = preload("res://addons/WAT/system/")
var _tests: Array = []
func metadata() -> Resource:
var path = ProjectSettings.get_setting("WAT/Test_Directory")
var loadpath: String = "%s/.test/metadata.tres" % path
var object = load(loadpath)
return object
func deposit(tests: Array) -> void:
_tests = tests
func last_failed() -> Array:
_tests = load("res://addons/WAT/resources/results.tres").failures
var tests = _load_tests()
_tests = []
return tests
func all() -> Array:
_tests = FileSystem.scripts(ProjectSettings.get_setting("WAT/Test_Directory"))
var tests = _load_tests()
_tests = []
return tests
func directory(_directory: String) -> Array:
_tests = FileSystem.scripts(_directory)
var tests = _load_tests()
_tests = []
return tests
func script(_script: String) -> Array:
_tests = [_script]
var tests = _load_tests()
_tests = []
return tests
func tag(tag: String) -> Array:
var tagged: Array = []
var path = ProjectSettings.get_setting("WAT/Test_Directory")
var loadpath: String = "res://.test/metadata.tres"
var Index = load(loadpath)
for i in Index.scripts.size():
if Index.tags[i].has(tag):
_tests = tagged
var tests = _load_tests()
_tests = []
return tests
func deposited() -> Array:
return _tests
# var tests = _tests.duplicate()
# _tests = []
# return tests
func _load_tests() -> Array:
var tests: Array = []
for path in _tests:
# Can't load WAT.Test here for whatever reason
if path is String and not path.ends_with(".gd"):
path = path.substr(0, path.find(".gd") + 3)
var test = load(path) if path is String else path
if test.get("TEST") != null:
elif test.get("IS_WAT_SUITE") and Engine.get_version_info().minor == 2:
tests += _suite_of_suites_3p2(test)
elif test.get("IS_WAT_SUITE") and Engine.get_version_info().minor == 1:
tests += _suite_of_suites_3p1(test)
return tests
func _suite_of_suites_3p2(suite_of_suites) -> Array:
var subtests: Array = []
for constant in suite_of_suites.get_script_constant_map():
var expression: Expression =
var subtest = expression.execute([], suite_of_suites)
if subtest.get("TEST") != null:
subtest.set_meta("path", "%s.%s" % [suite_of_suites.get_path(), constant])
return subtests
func _suite_of_suites_3p1(suite_of_suites) -> Array:
var subtests: Array = []
var source = suite_of_suites.source_code
for l in source.split("\n"):
if l.begins_with("class"):
var classname = l.split(" ")[1]
var expr =
var subtest = expr.execute([], suite_of_suites)
if subtest.get("TEST") != null:
subtest.set_meta("path", "%s.%s" % [suite_of_suites.get_path(), classname])
return subtests