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extends Reference
class_name MajorityJudgmentAbstractJudgmentsProvider
#class_name MajorityJudgmentAbstractProvider # perhaps this? (short = sweet)
# Abstract class for (Judgment) Providers
# The job of the children is to emit the judgment_emitted signal.
# Example providers (ideas):
# - Test/Demo providers
# - Twitch chat commands (like "A3B2C0")
# - Youtube Live chat commands (if possible)
# - IRC chat commands (low, as a bot would be better)
# - Discord, somehow
# - Riot, Jami, etc.
# - SMS
# - Heck, any videoconferencing software with a workable API
# So far, providers don't care about whether the candidate or grade indices
# are within correct range ; that work will be done by the listener to the
# "judgment_emitted" event, and it will do its best, and ignore bad data.
# See, that's where a (the) listener is.
signal judgment_emitted(
author_identifier, # String, unique per author (aka participant)
grade_index, # int (0 == REJECT, up to the grading size minus one)
candidate_index # int, position in the original array of candidates
# Called by the scene managing the poll's lifecycle.
# See
# Meant to be overridden (put your logic here instead of _init)
func start_providing():
# Meant to be overridden.
# In here you can stop your timers, close your network connections, etc.
func stop_providing():