feat: add the input Tally to the Results

This is not mandatory, but it's convenient when using this package.
main v0.3.3
Dominique Merle 5 months ago
parent d64725085e
commit c5e7aa6597

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ func (mj *MajorityJudgment) Deliberate(tally *PollTally) (_ *PollResult, err err
Index: proposalIndex,
Score: score,
Analysis: proposalTally.Analyze(),
Tally: proposalTally,
Rank: 0, // we set it below after the sort
proposalsResults = append(proposalsResults, proposalResult)

@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ type PollResult struct {
// ProposalResult holds the computed Rank for a proposal, as well as analysis data.
type ProposalResult struct {
Index int `json:"index"` // Index of the proposal in the input proposals' tallies. Useful with ProposalSorted
Index int `json:"index"` // Index of the proposal in the input proposals' tallies. Useful with ProposalSorted.
Rank int `json:"rank"` // Rank starts at 1 (best) and goes upwards. Equal Proposals share the same rank.
Score string `json:"score"` // higher lexicographically → better rank
Score string `json:"score"` // Higher Score lexicographically → better Rank.
Analysis *ProposalAnalysis `json:"analysis"`
Tally *ProposalTally `json:"tally"` // The tally of grades that generated this result.
// ProposalsResults implements sort.Interface based on the Score field.
