You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package fr.mieuxvoter.mj;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
* Deliberate using Majority Judgment.
* Sorts Proposals by their median Grade.
* When two proposals share the same median Grade,
* give reason to the largest group of people that did not give the median Grade.
* This algorithm is score-based, for performance (and possible parallelization).
* Each Proposal gets a score, higher (lexicographically) is "better" (depends of the meaning of the Grades).
* We use Strings instead of Integers or raw Bits for the score. Improve if you feel like it and can benchmark things.
final public class MajorityJudgmentDeliberator implements DeliberatorInterface {
public ResultInterface deliberate(TallyInterface tally) {
ProposalTallyInterface[] tallies = tally.getProposalsTallies();
BigInteger amountOfJudges = tally.getAmountOfJudges();
Integer amountOfProposals = tally.getAmountOfProposals();
Result result = new Result();
ProposalResult[] proposalResults = new ProposalResult[amountOfProposals];
// I. Compute the scores of each Proposal
for (int proposalIndex = 0; proposalIndex < amountOfProposals; proposalIndex++) {
ProposalTallyInterface proposalTally = tallies[proposalIndex];
String score = computeScore(proposalTally, amountOfJudges);
ProposalTallyAnalysis analysis = new ProposalTallyAnalysis();
ProposalResult proposalResult = new ProposalResult();
//proposalResult.setRank(???); // rank is computed below, AFTER the score pass
proposalResults[proposalIndex] = proposalResult;
// II. Sort Proposals by score (lexicographical inverse)
ProposalResult[] proposalResultsSorted = proposalResults.clone();
assert(proposalResultsSorted[0].hashCode() == proposalResults[0].hashCode()); // we need a shallow clone
Arrays.sort(proposalResultsSorted, new Comparator<ProposalResultInterface>() {
public int compare(ProposalResultInterface p0, ProposalResultInterface p1) {
return p1.getScore().compareTo(p0.getScore());
// III. Attribute a rank to each Proposal
Integer rank = 1;
for (int proposalIndex = 0; proposalIndex < amountOfProposals; proposalIndex++) {
ProposalResult proposalResult = proposalResultsSorted[proposalIndex];
Integer actualRank = rank;
if (proposalIndex > 0) {
ProposalResult proposalResultBefore = proposalResultsSorted[proposalIndex-1];
if (proposalResult.getScore().contentEquals(proposalResultBefore.getScore())) {
actualRank = proposalResultBefore.getRank();
rank += 1;
return result;
protected String computeScore(ProposalTallyInterface tally, BigInteger amountOfJudges) {
return computeScore(tally, amountOfJudges, true, false);
* A higher score means a better rank.
* Assumes that grades' tallies are provided from "worst" grade to "best" grade.
* @param tally Holds the tallies of each Grade for a single Proposal
* @param amountOfJudges
* @param favorContestation Use the lower median, for example
* @param onlyNumbers Do not use separation characters, match `^[0-9]+$`
* @return the score of the proposal
protected String computeScore(
ProposalTallyInterface tally,
BigInteger amountOfJudges,
Boolean favorContestation,
Boolean onlyNumbers
) {
ProposalTallyAnalysis analysis = new ProposalTallyAnalysis();
int amountOfGrades = tally.getTally().length;
int digitsForGrade = countDigits(amountOfGrades);
int digitsForGroup = countDigits(amountOfJudges) + 1;
ProposalTallyInterface currentTally = tally.duplicate();
String score = "";
for (int i = 0; i < amountOfGrades; i++) {
analysis.reanalyze(currentTally, favorContestation);
if (0 < i && ! onlyNumbers) {
score += "/";
score += String.format(
"%0" + digitsForGrade + "d",
if ( ! onlyNumbers) {
score += "_";
score += String.format(
"%0" + digitsForGroup + "d",
// We offset by amountOfJudges to keep a lexicographical order (no negatives)
// amountOfJudges + secondMedianGroupSize * secondMedianGroupSign
currentTally.moveJudgments(analysis.getMedianGrade(), analysis.getSecondMedianGrade());
return score;
protected int countDigits(int number) {
return ("" + number).length();
protected int countDigits(BigInteger number) {
return ("" + number).length();