# Mieux Voter OpenAPI Definition ## Working on your OpenAPI Definition ### Install 1. Install [Node JS](https://nodejs.org/). 2. Clone this repo and run `npm install` in the repo root. ### Usage #### `npm start` Starts the reference docs preview server. #### `npm run build` Bundles the definition to the dist folder. #### `npm test` Validates the definition. ## Contribution Guide Below is a sample contribution guide. The tools in the repository don't restrict you to any specific structure. Adjust the contribution guide to match your own structure. However, if you don't have a structure in mind, this is a good place to start. Update this contribution guide if you adjust the file/folder organization. The `.redocly.yaml` controls settings for various tools including the lint tool and the reference docs engine. Open it to find examples and [read the docs](https://docs.redoc.ly/cli/configuration/) for more information. ### Schemas #### Adding Schemas 1. Navigate to the `openapi/components/schemas` folder. 2. Add a file named as you wish to name the schema. 3. Define the schema. 4. Refer to the schema using the `$ref` (see example below). ##### Example Schema This is a very simple schema example: ```yaml type: string description: The resource ID. Defaults to UUID v4 maxLength: 50 example: 4f6cf35x-2c4y-483z-a0a9-158621f77a21 ``` This is a more complex schema example: ```yaml type: object properties: id: description: The customer identifier string readOnly: true allOf: - $ref: ./ResourceId.yaml websiteId: description: The website's ID allOf: - $ref: ./ResourceId.yaml paymentToken: type: string writeOnly: true description: | A write-only payment token; if supplied, it will be converted into a payment instrument and be set as the `defaultPaymentInstrument`. The value of this property will override the `defaultPaymentInstrument` in the case that both are supplied. The token may only be used once before it is expired. defaultPaymentInstrument: $ref: ./PaymentInstrument.yaml createdTime: description: The customer created time allOf: - $ref: ./ServerTimestamp.yaml updatedTime: description: The customer updated time allOf: - $ref: ./ServerTimestamp.yaml tags: description: A list of customer's tags readOnly: true type: array items: $ref: ./Tags/Tag.yaml revision: description: > The number of times the customer data has been modified. The revision is useful when analyzing webhook data to determine if the change takes precedence over the current representation. type: integer readOnly: true _links: type: array description: The links related to resource readOnly: true minItems: 3 items: anyOf: - $ref: ./Links/SelfLink.yaml - $ref: ./Links/NotesLink.yaml - $ref: ./Links/DefaultPaymentInstrumentLink.yaml - $ref: ./Links/LeadSourceLink.yaml - $ref: ./Links/WebsiteLink.yaml _embedded: type: array description: >- Any embedded objects available that are requested by the `expand` querystring parameter. readOnly: true minItems: 1 items: anyOf: - $ref: ./Embeds/LeadSourceEmbed.yaml ``` ##### Using the `$ref` Notice in the complex example above the schema definition itself has `$ref` links to other schemas defined. Here is a small excerpt with an example: ```yaml defaultPaymentInstrument: $ref: ./PaymentInstrument.yaml ``` The value of the `$ref` is the path to the other schema definition. You may use `$ref`s to compose schema from other existing schema to avoid duplication. You will use `$ref`s to reference schema from your path definitions. #### Editing Schemas 1. Navigate to the `openapi/components/schemas` folder. 2. Open the file you wish to edit. 3. Edit. ### Paths #### Adding a Path 1. Navigate to the `openapi/paths` folder. 2. Add a new YAML file named like your URL endpoint except replacing `/` with `@` and putting path parameters into curly braces like `{example}`. 3. Add the path and a ref to it inside of your `openapi.yaml` file inside of the `openapi` folder. Example addition to the `openapi.yaml` file: ```yaml '/customers/{id}': $ref: './paths/customers@{id}.yaml' ``` Here is an example of a YAML file named `customers@{id}.yaml` in the `paths` folder: ```yaml get: tags: - Customers summary: Retrieve a list of customers operationId: GetCustomerCollection description: | You can have a markdown description here. parameters: - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionLimit.yaml - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionOffset.yaml - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionFilter.yaml - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionQuery.yaml - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionExpand.yaml - $ref: ../components/parameters/collectionFields.yaml responses: '200': description: A list of Customers was retrieved successfully headers: Rate-Limit-Limit: $ref: ../components/headers/Rate-Limit-Limit.yaml Rate-Limit-Remaining: $ref: ../components/headers/Rate-Limit-Remaining.yaml Rate-Limit-Reset: $ref: ../components/headers/Rate-Limit-Reset.yaml Pagination-Total: $ref: ../components/headers/Pagination-Total.yaml Pagination-Limit: $ref: ../components/headers/Pagination-Limit.yaml Pagination-Offset: $ref: ../components/headers/Pagination-Offset.yaml content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: ../components/schemas/Customer.yaml text/csv: schema: type: array items: $ref: ../components/schemas/Customer.yaml '401': $ref: ../components/responses/AccessForbidden.yaml x-code-samples: - lang: PHP source: $ref: ../code_samples/PHP/customers/get.php post: tags: - Customers summary: Create a customer (without an ID) operationId: PostCustomer description: Another markdown description here. requestBody: $ref: ../components/requestBodies/Customer.yaml responses: '201': $ref: ../components/responses/Customer.yaml '401': $ref: ../components/responses/AccessForbidden.yaml '409': $ref: ../components/responses/Conflict.yaml '422': $ref: ../components/responses/InvalidDataError.yaml x-code-samples: - lang: PHP source: $ref: ../code_samples/PHP/customers/post.php ``` You'll see extensive usage of `$ref`s in this example to different types of components including schemas. You'll also notice `$ref`s to code samples. ### Code samples 1. Navigate to the `openapi/code_samples` folder. 2. Navigate to the `` (e.g. PHP) sub-folder. 3. Navigate to the `path` folder, and add ref to the code sample. You can add languages by adding new folders at the appropriate path level. More details inside the `code_samples` folder README.