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from datetime import datetime
import random
import string
from collections import defaultdict
import typing as t
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy import func, insert
from majority_judgment import majority_judgment, Candidate, Vote
from . import models, schemas, errors
from .settings import settings
from .auth import create_ballot_token, create_admin_token, jws_verify
def get_election(db: Session, election_ref_or_id: str):
Load an election given its ID or its ref
if election_ref_or_id.isnumeric():
elections = db.query(models.Election).filter( == election_ref_or_id
elections = db.query(models.Election).filter(
models.Election.ref == election_ref_or_id
if elections.count() > 1:
raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
f"Several elections have the same primary keys {election_ref_or_id}",
if elections.count() == 1:
return elections.first()
raise errors.NotFoundError("elections")
def create_candidate(
db: Session,
candidate: schemas.CandidateCreate,
election_ref: str,
commit: bool = False,
) -> models.Candidate:
params = candidate.dict()
params["election_ref"] = election_ref
db_candidate = models.Candidate(**params)
if commit:
return db_candidate
def create_grade(
db: Session,
grade: schemas.GradeCreate,
election_ref: str,
commit: bool = False,
) -> models.Grade:
params = grade.dict()
params["election_ref"] = election_ref
db_grade = models.Grade(**params)
if commit:
return db_grade
def update_candidates(
db: Session,
candidates: list[schemas.CandidateUpdate],
db_candidates: list[models.Candidate] | None = None,
commit: bool = False,
) -> list[models.Candidate]:
candidate_by_id = { c for c in candidates}
candidate_ids = list(candidate_by_id.keys())
if db_candidates is None:
db_candidates = (
if len(candidate_ids) != len(db_candidates):
raise errors.NotFoundError("Can not find all candidates")
for db_candidate in db_candidates:
cid = int(str(
params = candidate_by_id[cid].dict()
del params["id"]
for key, value in params.items():
setattr(db_candidate, key, value)
if commit:
for db_candidate in db_candidates:
return db_candidates
def update_grades(
db: Session,
grades: list[schemas.GradeUpdate],
db_grades: list[models.Grade] | None = None,
commit: bool = False,
) -> list[models.Grade]:
grade_by_id = { g for g in grades}
grade_ids = list(grade_by_id.keys())
if db_grades is None:
db_grades = db.query(models.Grade).filter(
if len(grade_ids) != len(db_grades):
raise errors.NotFoundError("Can not find all grades")
for db_grade in db_grades:
gid = int(str(
params = grade_by_id[gid].dict()
del params["id"]
for key, value in params.items():
setattr(db_grade, key, value)
if commit:
for db_grade in db_grades:
return db_grades
def _create_election_without_candidates_or_grade(
db: Session, election: schemas.ElectionBase, commit: bool
) -> models.Election:
params = election.dict()
del params["candidates"]
del params["grades"]
db_election = models.Election(**params)
# Generate a unique ref to the election
success = False
for i in range(10):
ref = generate_election_ref()
setattr(db_election, "ref", ref)
if not _check_if_ref_exists(db, ref):
success = True
if not success:
raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError(
name="elections", details="Cannot find a unique ref"
if commit:
return db_election
def create_invite_tokens(
db: Session,
election_ref: str,
num_candidates: int,
num_voters: int,
) -> list[str]:
now =
params = {"date_created": now, "date_modified": now, "election_ref": election_ref}
db_votes = [models.Vote(**params) for _ in range(num_voters * num_candidates)]
db.bulk_save_objects(db_votes, return_defaults=True)
vote_ids = [int(str( for v in db_votes]
tokens = [
create_ballot_token(vote_ids[i::num_voters], election_ref)
for i in range(num_voters)
return tokens
def generate_election_ref(length: int = 10):
return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=length))
def _check_if_ref_exists(db: Session, ref: str):
results = db.query(models.Election).filter(models.Election.ref == ref).count()
return results != 0
def create_election(
db: Session, election: schemas.ElectionCreate
) -> schemas.ElectionGet:
# We create first the election
# without candidates and grades
db_election = _create_election_without_candidates_or_grade(db, election, True)
if db_election is None:
raise errors.InconsistentDatabaseError("Can not create election")
election_ref = str(db_election.ref)
# Then, we add separatly candidates and grades
for candidate in election.candidates:
params = candidate.dict()
candidate = schemas.CandidateCreate(**params)
create_candidate(db, candidate, election_ref, False)
for grade in election.grades:
params = grade.dict()
grade = schemas.GradeCreate(**params)
create_grade(db, grade, election_ref, False)
invites: list[str] = create_invite_tokens(
db, str(db_election.ref), len(election.candidates), election.num_voters
admin = create_admin_token(str(db_election.ref))
created_election = schemas.ElectionCreatedGet.from_orm(db_election)
created_election.invites = invites
created_election.admin = admin
return created_election
def update_election(
db: Session, election: schemas.ElectionUpdate, token: str
) -> schemas.ElectionUpdatedGet:
payload = jws_verify(token)
election_ref = payload["election"]
# Check we can update the election
if not payload["admin"]:
raise errors.ForbiddenError("You are not allowed to manage the election")
db_election = get_election(db, election_ref)
if db_election is None:
raise errors.NotFoundError("elections")
if db_election.restricted != election.restricted:
raise errors.ForbiddenError("You can't edit restrictions")
if election.num_voters > 0 and not db_election.restricted:
raise errors.ForbiddenError(
"You can't invite voters on a non-restricted election"
candidate_ids = { for c in election.candidates}
db_candidate_ids = { for c in db_election.candidates}
if candidate_ids != db_candidate_ids:
raise errors.ForbiddenError("You must have the same candidate ids")
grade_ids = { for c in election.grades}
db_grade_ids = { for c in db_election.grades}
if grade_ids != db_grade_ids:
raise errors.ForbiddenError("You must have the same grade ids")
# Update the candidates and grades
update_candidates(db, election.candidates, db_election.candidates)
update_grades(db, election.grades, db_election.grades)
for key in [
if getattr(db_election, key) != getattr(election, key):
setattr(db_election, key, getattr(election, key))
updated_election = schemas.ElectionUpdatedGet.from_orm(db_election)
updated_election.invites = create_invite_tokens(
db, str(db_election.ref), len(election.candidates), election.num_voters
return updated_election
def _check_ballot_is_consistent(
election: schemas.ElectionGet, ballot: schemas.BallotCreate
votes_by_candidate = { [v for v in ballot.votes if v.candidate_id ==]
for c in election.candidates
if not all(len(votes) == 1 for votes in votes_by_candidate.values()):
raise errors.ForbiddenError("Unconsistent ballot")
def create_ballot(db: Session, ballot: schemas.BallotCreate) -> schemas.BallotGet:
if ballot.votes == []:
raise errors.ForbiddenError("The ballot contains no vote")
db_election = _check_public_election(db, ballot.election_ref)
election = schemas.ElectionGet.from_orm(db_election)
[v.candidate_id for v in ballot.votes],
db, [v.grade_id for v in ballot.votes], ballot.election_ref, models.Grade
_check_ballot_is_consistent(election, ballot)
# Ideally, we would use RETURNING but it does not work yet for SQLite
db_votes = [
models.Vote(**v.dict(), election_ref=ballot.election_ref) for v in ballot.votes
for v in db_votes:
votes_get = [schemas.VoteGet.from_orm(v) for v in db_votes]
vote_ids = [ for v in votes_get]
token = create_ballot_token(vote_ids, ballot.election_ref)
return schemas.BallotGet(votes=votes_get, token=token, election=election)
def _check_public_election(db: Session, election_ref: str):
# Check if the election is open
db_election = get_election(db, election_ref)
if db_election is None:
raise errors.NotFoundError("elections")
if db_election.restricted:
raise errors.ForbiddenError(
"The election is restricted. You can not create new votes"
return db_election
def _check_items_in_election(
db: Session,
ids: t.Sequence[int],
election_ref: str,
model: t.Type[models.Grade | models.Candidate],
Check the items are related to the election.
unique_ids = list(set(ids))
num_items = (
.filter( & (model.election_ref == election_ref))
if num_items != len(unique_ids):
raise errors.ForbiddenError(
"Asking for resources related to a different election"
def update_ballot(
db: Session, ballot: schemas.BallotUpdate, token: str
) -> schemas.BallotGet:
if ballot.votes == []:
raise errors.BadRequestError("The ballot contains no vote")
payload = jws_verify(token)
election_ref = payload["election"]
vote_ids: list[int] = list(set(payload["votes"]))
# Check if the election exists
db_election = get_election(db, election_ref)
if db_election is None:
raise errors.NotFoundError("elections")
if len(ballot.votes) != len(vote_ids):
raise errors.ForbiddenError("Edit all votes at once.")
db, [v.candidate_id for v in ballot.votes], election_ref, models.Candidate
db, [v.grade_id for v in ballot.votes], election_ref, models.Grade
# TODO Can we optimize it with a bulk update?
db_votes = (
) # & (models.Vote.election_ref == election_ref))
if len(db_votes) != len(vote_ids):
raise errors.NotFoundError("votes")
election = schemas.ElectionGet.from_orm(db_votes[0].election)
for vote, db_vote in zip(ballot.votes, db_votes):
if db_vote.election_ref != election_ref:
raise errors.BadRequestError("Wrong election id")
setattr(db_vote, "candidate_id", vote.candidate_id)
setattr(db_vote, "grade_id", vote.grade_id)
votes_get = [schemas.VoteGet.from_orm(v) for v in db_votes]
token = create_ballot_token(vote_ids, election_ref)
return schemas.BallotGet(votes=votes_get, token=token, election=election)
def get_ballot(db: Session, token: str) -> schemas.BallotGet:
data = jws_verify(token)
vote_ids = data["votes"]
election_ref = data["election"]
votes = db.query(models.Vote).filter(
& (models.Vote.candidate_id.is_not(None))
& (models.Vote.election_ref == election_ref)
db_votes = list(votes.all())
if db_votes == []:
raise errors.NotFoundError("votes")
election = db_votes[0].election
votes_get = [schemas.VoteGet.from_orm(v) for v in votes.all()]
return schemas.BallotGet(token=token, votes=votes_get, election=election)
def get_results(db: Session, election_ref: str) -> schemas.ResultsGet:
db_election = get_election(db, election_ref)
if db_election is None:
raise errors.NotFoundError("elections")
query = db.query(
models.Vote.candidate_id, models.Grade.value, func.count(
db_res = (
.filter(models.Vote.election_ref == db_election.ref)
.group_by(models.Vote.candidate_id, models.Grade.value)
if db_res == []:
raise errors.NoRecordedVotes()
ballots: t.DefaultDict[int, dict[int, int]] = defaultdict(dict)
for candidate_id, grade_value, num_votes in db_res:
ballots[candidate_id][grade_value] = num_votes
merit_profile2 = {
c: {value: votes[value] for value in sorted(votes.keys(), reverse=True)}
for c, votes in ballots.items()
merit_profile: dict[Candidate, list[Vote]] = {
c: sorted(sum([
[value] * votes[value]
for value in sorted(votes.keys(), reverse=True)], []))
for c, votes in ballots.items()
ranking = majority_judgment(merit_profile, reverse=True) # pyright: ignore
db_election.ranking = ranking
db_election.merit_profile = merit_profile2
results = schemas.ResultsGet.from_orm(db_election)
return results