feat(translation) : add somes translations (from deepl.com)

Clement G 4 years ago
parent 8264a526ee
commit 29f8848168

@ -88,5 +88,12 @@
"Results available at the close of the vote": "Ergebnisse am Ende der Abstimmung verfügbar",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"Die Ergebnisseite wird nicht zugänglich sein, bis alle Teilnehmer abgestimmt haben.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Die Ergebnisseite wird nicht zugänglich sein, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Niemand wird das Ergebnis sehen können, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist oder bis alle Teilnehmer abgestimmt haben."
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Niemand wird das Ergebnis sehen können, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist oder bis alle Teilnehmer abgestimmt haben.",
"Send me this link" : "Senden Sie mir diesen Link",
"Send me these links" : "Schicken Sie mir diesen Link",
"Open" : "Öffnen Sie",
"Voting address" : "Abstimmungs-URL",
"Results address" : "Ergebnis-URL",
"Share election on Facebook" : "Wahl auf Facebook teilen",
"Share results on Facebook" : "Ergebnisse auf Facebook teilen"

@ -95,5 +95,12 @@
"Results available at the close of the vote": "Results available at the close of the vote",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted."
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.",
"Send me this link" : "Send me this link",
"Send me these links" : "Send me these links",
"Open" : "Open",
"Voting address" : "Voting address",
"Results address" : "Results address",
"Share election on Facebook" : "Share election on Facebook",
"Share results on Facebook" : "Share results on Facebook"

@ -96,5 +96,12 @@
"Results available at the close of the vote": "Resultados disponibles al cierre de la votación",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"La página de resultados no será accesible hasta que todos los participantes hayan votado.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "No se podrá acceder a la página de resultados hasta que se alcance la fecha de finalización.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Nadie podrá ver el resultado hasta que se alcance la fecha final o hasta que todos los participantes hayan votado."
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Nadie podrá ver el resultado hasta que se alcance la fecha final o hasta que todos los participantes hayan votado.",
"Send me this link" : "Envíame este enlace",
"Send me these links" : "Envíame estos enlaces",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Voting address" : "URL de la votación",
"Results address" : "URL de los resultados",
"Share election on Facebook" : "Compartir la elección en Facebook",
"Share results on Facebook" : "Comparte los resultados en Facebook"

@ -95,5 +95,12 @@
"Results available at the close of the vote": "Результаты, доступные по окончании голосования",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"Страница результатов не будет доступна до тех пор, пока все участники не проголосуют.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Страница результатов не будет доступна до тех пор, пока не будет достигнута конечная дата.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Никто не сможет увидеть результат до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут конечный срок или пока все участники не проголосуют."
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Никто не сможет увидеть результат до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут конечный срок или пока все участники не проголосуют.",
"Send me this link" : "Пришлите мне эту ссылку",
"Send me these links" : "Пришлите мне эти ссылки",
"Open" : "Открыть",
"Voting address" : "URL-адрес для голосования",
"Results address" : "URL-адрес результатов",
"Share election on Facebook" : "Поделиться выборами на Facebook",
"Share results on Facebook" : "Поделиться результатами на Facebook"
