[i18n] clean code

Pierre-Louis Guhur 4 years ago
parent 1e3c53096b
commit 3db16093bd

@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ jobs:
name: update-yarn
command: 'curl --compressed -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash'
- run:
name: install-yarn
name: install-dependencies
command: yarn install
- run:
name: compile-translations
command: yarn translate
- run:
name: test
command: yarn test

@ -15,14 +15,20 @@ $ cd mvfront-react
$ yarn install
## Translation
We are welcoming translations of the application in any language.
To add a new language, copy a [language folder](./public/locale/i18n/en/) into a new folder with your language as a name.
Then, replace values in the JSON files.
To compile them, launch: `$ yarn translate`.
## Starting
In dev:
`yarn start`
In development, you might want to copy `.env` into `.env.local` and set the environment variables. Then launch `$ yarn start`
For production, see our [CI/CD configuration](https://github.com/MieuxVoter/continuous-integration).
## Testing
`yarn test`
Launch `$ yarn test`

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Check out https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/tree/master/acorn#interface for additional options
lngs: ["en", "fr", "es"],
lngs: ["en", "fr", "es", "de"],
ns: ["resource", "common"],
defaultLng: "en",
defaultNs: "resource",

@ -1 +0,0 @@
i18next-scanner --config i18n.config.js 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}'

@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
"scripts": {
"start": "node scripts/start.js",
"build": "node scripts/build.js",
"test": "node scripts/test.js"
"test": "node scripts/test.js",
"translate": "i18next-scanner --config i18n.config.js 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}'"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "react-app"

@ -66,5 +66,16 @@
"Voters' list": "Voters' list",
"Graph": "Graph",
"Preference profile": "Merit profile",
"Results of the election:": "Results of the election:"
"Results of the election:": "Results of the election:",
"Unknown error. Try again please.": "Unknown error. Try again please.",
"If you list voters' emails, only them will be able to access the election": "If you list voters' emails, only them will be able to access the election",
"Voters received a link to vote by email. Each link can be used only once!": "Voters received a link to vote by email. Each link can be used only once!",
"Oops... The election is unknown.": "Oops... The election is unknown.",
"The election is still going on. You can't access now to the results.": "The election is still going on. You can't access now to the results.",
"No votes have been recorded yet. Come back later.": "No votes have been recorded yet. Come back later.",
"The election has not started yet.": "The election has not started yet.",
"The election is over. You can't vote anymore": "The election is over. You can't vote anymore",
"You need a token to vote in this election": "You need a token to vote in this election",
"You seem to have already voted.": "You seem to have already voted.",
"The parameters of the election are incorrect.": "The parameters of the election are incorrect."

@ -1,70 +1,81 @@
"Homepage": "Página de inicio",
"Source code": "Código fuente",
"Who are we": "Quiénes somos",
"BetterVote": "VotarMejor",
"Voting platform": "Plataforma de votación",
"Majority Judgment": "Juicio Mayoritario",
"Start an election": "Iniciar una elección",
"Candidate/proposal name...": "Nombre del(la) candidato(a)/propuesta...",
"Delete?": "Borrar?",
"Are you sure to delete": "Estás seguro de quierer borrar",
"the row": "la fila",
"Write here your question or introduce simple your election (250 characters max.)": "Escriba aquí su pregunta o introduzca simplemente su elección (250 caracteres máx.)",
"Please add at least 2 candidates.": "Por favor, añada al menos dos canidatos(as).",
"Question of the election": "Pregunta de su elección",
"Write here the question of your election": "Escriba aquí la pregunta de su elección",
"For example:": "Por ejemplo:",
"For the role of my representative, I judge this candidate...": "Para ser mi representante, yo elijo a este(a) candidato(a)....",
"Candidates/Proposals": "Candidatos(as)/Propuestas",
"Add a proposal": "Añadir una propuesta",
"Advanced options": "Opciones avanzadas",
"Starting date:": "Fecha de inicio:",
"Ending date: ": "Fecha de finalización: ",
"Grades:": "Escala",
"You can select here the number of grades for your election": "Puede seleccionar aquí el número de niveles de la escala para su elección",
"5 = Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Passable": "5 == Excelente, Muy bien, Bien, Regular, Pasable",
"Participants:": "Participantes",
"Add here participants' emails": "Añadir aquí los correos electrónicos de los participantes",
"List voters' emails in case the election is not opened": "Enumere los correos electrónicos de los votantes en caso de que la elección no se abra",
"Validate": "Validar",
"Confirm your vote": "Confirme su voto",
"The form contains no address.": "El formulario no contiene ningún correo electrónico",
"The election will be opened to anyone with the link": "La elección se abrirá a cualquiera que tenga el enlace",
"Start the election": "Iniciar la elección",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Confirm": "Confirmar",
"Successful election creation!": "La elección ha sido creada con éxito!",
"You can now share the election link to participants:": "Ahora puede compartir el enlace de la elección con los participantes",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"Here is the link for the results in real time:": "En este enlace puedes revisar los resultados en tiempo real",
"Keep these links carefully": "Guarda cuidadosamente estos enlaces",
"Participate now!": "¡Participa ahora!",
"t": "<0>Advertencia</0>: No tendrás otras opciones para recuperar los enlaces, y no podremos compartirlos contigo. Por ejemplo, puedes agregarlos a favoritos de tu buscador.",
"Simple and free: organize an election with Majority Judgment.": "Simple y gratuito: organizar una elección con Juicio Mayoritario",
"Start": "Comenzar",
"No advertising or ad cookies": "No contiene publicidad ni cookies publicitarias",
"Oops! This election does not exist or it is not available anymore.": "¡Uy! Esta elección no existe o ya no está disponible",
"You can start another election.": "Puedes empezar otra elección",
"Go back to homepage": "Vuelve a la página de inicio",
"You have to judge every candidate/proposal!": "¡Tienes que evaluar a todos los(as) candidatos(as)/propuestas",
"Your participation was recorded with success!": "¡Su participación fue registrada con éxito!",
"Thanks for your participation.": "Muchas gracias por participar",
"Ending date:": "Fecha de finalización:",
"Excellent": "Excelente",
"Very good": "Muy bien",
"Good": "Bien",
"Fair": "Regular",
"Passable": "Pasable",
"Insufficient": "Insuficiente",
"To reject": "Rechazar",
"Dates": "Fechas",
"The election will take place from": "La elección tendrá lugar de las",
"at": "a las",
"to": "hasta",
"Grades": "Escala",
"Voters' list": "Lista de votantes",
"Graph": "Gráfico",
"Preference profile": "Perfil de preferencia",
"Results of the election:": "Resultados de la elección"
"Homepage": "Página de inicio",
"Source code": "Código fuente",
"Who are we": "Quiénes somos",
"BetterVote": "VotarMejor",
"Voting platform": "Plataforma de votación",
"Majority Judgment": "Juicio Mayoritario",
"Start an election": "Iniciar una elección",
"Candidate/proposal name...": "Nombre del(la) candidato(a)/propuesta...",
"Delete?": "Borrar?",
"Are you sure to delete": "Estás seguro de quierer borrar",
"the row": "la fila",
"Write here your question or introduce simple your election (250 characters max.)": "Escriba aquí su pregunta o introduzca simplemente su elección (250 caracteres máx.)",
"Please add at least 2 candidates.": "Por favor, añada al menos dos canidatos(as).",
"Question of the election": "Pregunta de su elección",
"Write here the question of your election": "Escriba aquí la pregunta de su elección",
"For example:": "Por ejemplo:",
"For the role of my representative, I judge this candidate...": "Para ser mi representante, yo elijo a este(a) candidato(a)....",
"Candidates/Proposals": "Candidatos(as)/Propuestas",
"Add a proposal": "Añadir una propuesta",
"Advanced options": "Opciones avanzadas",
"Starting date:": "Fecha de inicio:",
"Ending date: ": "Fecha de finalización: ",
"Grades:": "Escala",
"You can select here the number of grades for your election": "Puede seleccionar aquí el número de niveles de la escala para su elección",
"5 = Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Passable": "5 == Excelente, Muy bien, Bien, Regular, Pasable",
"Participants:": "Participantes",
"Add here participants' emails": "Añadir aquí los correos electrónicos de los participantes",
"List voters' emails in case the election is not opened": "Enumere los correos electrónicos de los votantes en caso de que la elección no se abra",
"Validate": "Validar",
"Confirm your vote": "Confirme su voto",
"The form contains no address.": "El formulario no contiene ningún correo electrónico",
"The election will be opened to anyone with the link": "La elección se abrirá a cualquiera que tenga el enlace",
"Start the election": "Iniciar la elección",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Confirm": "Confirmar",
"Successful election creation!": "La elección ha sido creada con éxito!",
"You can now share the election link to participants:": "Ahora puede compartir el enlace de la elección con los participantes",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"Here is the link for the results in real time:": "En este enlace puedes revisar los resultados en tiempo real",
"Keep these links carefully": "Guarda cuidadosamente estos enlaces",
"Participate now!": "¡Participa ahora!",
"t": "<0>Advertencia</0>: No tendrás otras opciones para recuperar los enlaces, y no podremos compartirlos contigo. Por ejemplo, puedes agregarlos a favoritos de tu buscador.",
"Simple and free: organize an election with Majority Judgment.": "Simple y gratuito: organizar una elección con Juicio Mayoritario",
"Start": "Comenzar",
"No advertising or ad cookies": "No contiene publicidad ni cookies publicitarias",
"Oops! This election does not exist or it is not available anymore.": "¡Uy! Esta elección no existe o ya no está disponible",
"You can start another election.": "Puedes empezar otra elección",
"Go back to homepage": "Vuelve a la página de inicio",
"You have to judge every candidate/proposal!": "¡Tienes que evaluar a todos los(as) candidatos(as)/propuestas",
"Your participation was recorded with success!": "¡Su participación fue registrada con éxito!",
"Thanks for your participation.": "Muchas gracias por participar",
"Ending date:": "Fecha de finalización:",
"Excellent": "Excelente",
"Very good": "Muy bien",
"Good": "Bien",
"Fair": "Regular",
"Passable": "Pasable",
"Insufficient": "Insuficiente",
"To reject": "Rechazar",
"Dates": "Fechas",
"The election will take place from": "La elección tendrá lugar de las",
"at": "a las",
"to": "hasta",
"Grades": "Escala",
"Voters' list": "Lista de votantes",
"Graph": "Gráfico",
"Preference profile": "Perfil de preferencia",
"Results of the election:": "Resultados de la elección",
"Unknown error. Try again please.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"If you list voters' emails, only them will be able to access the election": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"Voters received a link to vote by email. Each link can be used only once!": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"Oops... The election is unknown.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"The election is still going on. You can't access now to the results.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"No votes have been recorded yet. Come back later.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"The election has not started yet.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"The election is over. You can't vote anymore": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"You need a token to vote in this election": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"You seem to have already voted.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__",
"The parameters of the election are incorrect.": "__STRING_NOT_TRANSLATED__"

@ -66,5 +66,16 @@
"Voters' list": "Listes des électeurs",
"Graph": "Graphique",
"Preference profile": "Profil de mérites",
"Results of the election:": "Résultats de l'élection"
"Results of the election:": "Résultats de l'élection",
"Unknown error. Try again please.": "Erreur inconnue. Merci de ré-essayer plus tard.",
"If you list voters' emails, only them will be able to access the election": "Si vous ajoutez des emails, seulement ceux-là seront capables d'accéder à l'élection",
"Voters received a link to vote by email. Each link can be used only once!": "Les électeurs ont reçu un lien par courriel pour voter. Chaque lien ne peut être utilisé qu'une seule fois.",
"Oops... The election is unknown.": "Oups... Le serveur ne retrouve pas l'élection.",
"The election is still going on. You can't access now to the results.": "L'élection est encore en cours. Vous ne pouvez pas encore accéder aux résultats.",
"No votes have been recorded yet. Come back later.": "Aucun vote n'a été enregistré. Merci de revenir plus tard.",
"The election has not started yet.": "L'élection n'a pas encore commencé.",
"The election is over. You can't vote anymore": "L'élection est terminée. Vous ne pouvez plus voter.",
"You need a token to vote in this election": "Vous avez besoin d'un jeton pour voter dans cette élection",
"You seem to have already voted.": "Il semble que vous ayez déjà voté.",
"The parameters of the election are incorrect.": "Les paramètres de l'élection sont incorrects."

@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ class Footer extends Component {
const buttonStyle = {backgroundColor: "black", padding: "0px", border: "0px",};
const linkStyle = {whiteSpace: "nowrap"};
const {t} = this.props;
const countries = [
{"l": "en", "flag": "gb"},
{"l": "es", "flag": "es"},
{"l": "fr", "flag": "fr"},
{"l": "de", "flag": "de"},
return (
<footer className="text-center">
<Link to="/" style={linkStyle}>{t("Homepage")}</Link>
@ -28,17 +35,16 @@ class Footer extends Component {
<span className="m-2">-</span>
<a href="https://mieuxvoter.fr/" style={linkStyle} >{t("Who are we")}</a>
<span className="m-2">-</span>
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={() => i18n.changeLanguage('en')}>
<FlagIcon code={"gb"} />
{" "}
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={() => i18n.changeLanguage('fr')}>
<FlagIcon code={"fr"} />
{" "}
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={() => i18n.changeLanguage('es')}>
<FlagIcon code={"es"} />
countries.map(({l, flag}) => (
<button style={buttonStyle} onClick={() => i18n.changeLanguage(l)}>
<FlagIcon code={flag} />
{" "}
<div className="mt-3">
<Helloasso width="150px" />
