fix(translation) : add a forgotten sentence

Clement G 4 years ago
parent 77f86f8c4e
commit e3300e2d9b

@ -77,5 +77,6 @@
"Immediately": "Sofort",
"At the end of the election": "Am Ende der Wahl",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"Die Ergebnisseite wird nicht zugänglich sein, bis alle Teilnehmer abgestimmt haben.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Die Ergebnisseite wird nicht zugänglich sein, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist."
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Die Ergebnisseite wird nicht zugänglich sein, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Niemand wird das Ergebnis sehen können, bis das Enddatum erreicht ist oder bis alle Teilnehmer abgestimmt haben."

@ -84,5 +84,6 @@
"Immediately": "Immediately",
"At the end of the election": "At the end of the election",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached."
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted."

@ -85,5 +85,6 @@
"Immediately": "Inmediatamente",
"At the end of the election": "Al final de la elección",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"La página de resultados no será accesible hasta que todos los participantes hayan votado.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "No se podrá acceder a la página de resultados hasta que se alcance la fecha de finalización."
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "No se podrá acceder a la página de resultados hasta que se alcance la fecha de finalización.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Nadie podrá ver el resultado hasta que se alcance la fecha final o hasta que todos los participantes hayan votado."

@ -83,5 +83,6 @@
"Immediately": "Immédiatement",
"At the end of the election": "A la fin de l'élection",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"La page de résultats ne sera pas accessible tant que tous les participants n'auront pas voté.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "La page de résultats ne sera pas accessible tant que la date de fin ne sera pas atteinte."
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "La page de résultats ne sera pas accessible tant que la date de fin ne sera pas atteinte.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Personne ne pourra voir le résultat tant que la date de fin n'est pas atteinte ou que tous les participants n'ont pas voté."

@ -84,5 +84,6 @@
"Immediately": "Немедленно",
"At the end of the election": "По окончании выборов",
"The results page will not be accessible until all participants have voted.":"Страница результатов не будет доступна до тех пор, пока все участники не проголосуют.",
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Страница результатов не будет доступна до тех пор, пока не будет достигнута конечная дата."
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached.": "Страница результатов не будет доступна до тех пор, пока не будет достигнута конечная дата.",
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted.": "Никто не сможет увидеть результат до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут конечный срок или пока все участники не проголосуют."

@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ class CreateElection extends Component {
<HelpButton className="ml-2">
"Personne ne pourra voir le résultat tant que la date de fin n'est pas atteinte ou que tous les participants n'ont pas voté."
"No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted."
