{{#i18n 'email.happy' }}We are happy to send you this email! You will be able to vote using majority judgment.{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'email.hello'}}Hi, there! 🙂{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'email.happy'}}We are happy to send you this email! You will be able to vote using majority judgment.{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'email.why'}}This email was sent to you because your email address was entered to participate in the vote on the subject:{{/i18n}}   {{title}}

{{#i18n 'common.vote' }}Vote!{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'email.copyLink' }}If that doesn't work, copy and paste the following link into your browser:{{/i18n}}   %recipient.urlVote%

{{#i18n 'email.linkResult' }}The results will be available with the following link when the vote is finished:{{/i18n}}   %recipient.urlResult%

{{#i18n 'email.bye'}}Good vote{{/i18n}},
{{#i18n 'common.mieuxvoter'}}Mieux Voter{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'email.aboutjm'}}Need any further information?{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n 'common.helpus'}}Do you want to help us?{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n email.why }}You received this email because someone invited you to vote.{{/i18n}}

{{#i18n mieuxvoter }}Mieux Voter{{/i18n}} - app@mieuxvoter.fr