import {Candidate, Grade} from './type'; export const api = { urlServer: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL || '', feedbackForm: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FEEDBACK_FORM || '', routesServer: { setElection: 'elections', getElection: 'elections/:slug', getResults: 'results/:slug', voteElection: 'votes', }, }; export const createElection = async ( name: string, candidates: Array, grades: Array, description: string, numVoters: number, hideResults: boolean, forceClose: boolean, restricted: boolean, randomOrder: boolean, successCallback: Function = null, failureCallback: Function = console.log ) => { /** * Create an election from its title, its candidates and a bunch of options */ const endpoint = new URL(api.routesServer.setElection, api.urlServer); if (!restricted && numVoters > 0) { throw Error("Set the election as not restricted!"); } try { const req = await fetch(endpoint.href, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ name, description: JSON.stringify({ description: description, randomOrder: randomOrder }), candidates, grades, num_voters: numVoters, hide_results: hideResults, force_close: forceClose, restricted, }), }) if (req.ok && req.status === 200) { if (successCallback) { const payload = await req.json(); successCallback(payload); } } else if (failureCallback) { try { const payload = await req.json(); failureCallback(payload) } catch (e) { failureCallback(req.statusText) } } } catch (e) { return failureCallback && failureCallback(e); } }; export const getResults = ( pid: string, successCallback = null, failureCallback = null ) => { /** * Fetch results from external API */ const endpoint = new URL( api.routesServer.getResults.replace(new RegExp(':slug', 'g'), pid), api.urlServer ); return fetch(endpoint.href) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(response.text()); } return response.json(); }) .then(successCallback || ((res) => res)) .catch(failureCallback || ((err) => err)); }; export const getElection = ( pid: string, successCallback = null, failureCallback = null ) => { /** * Fetch data from external API */ const detailsEndpoint = new URL( api.routesServer.getElection.replace(new RegExp(':slug', 'g'), pid), api.urlServer ); return fetch(detailsEndpoint.href) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(response.text()); } return response.json(); }) .then(successCallback || ((res) => res)) .catch(failureCallback || ((err) => err)) .then((res) => res); }; export const castBallot = ( judgments: Array, pid: string, token: string, callbackSuccess = null, callbackError = null ) => { /** * Save a ballot on the remote database */ const endpoint = new URL(api.routesServer.voteElection, api.urlServer); const payload = { election: pid, grades_by_candidate: judgments, }; if (token && token !== '') { payload['token'] = token; } fetch(endpoint.href, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }) .then(callbackSuccess || ((res) => res)) .catch(callbackError || console.log); }; export const UNKNOWN_ELECTION_ERROR = 'E1:'; export const ONGOING_ELECTION_ERROR = 'E2:'; export const NO_VOTE_ERROR = 'E3:'; export const ELECTION_NOT_STARTED_ERROR = 'E4:'; export const ELECTION_FINISHED_ERROR = 'E5:'; export const INVITATION_ONLY_ERROR = 'E6:'; export const UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERROR = 'E7:'; export const USED_TOKEN_ERROR = 'E8:'; export const WRONG_ELECTION_ERROR = 'E9:'; export const API_ERRORS = [ UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERROR, ONGOING_ELECTION_ERROR, NO_VOTE_ERROR, ELECTION_NOT_STARTED_ERROR, ELECTION_FINISHED_ERROR, INVITATION_ONLY_ERROR, UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERROR, USED_TOKEN_ERROR, WRONG_ELECTION_ERROR, ]; export const apiErrors = (error: string): string => { const errorCode = `${error.split(':')[0]}:`; if (API_ERRORS.includes(errorCode)) { return `error.${error.split(':')[0].toLowerCase()}`; } else { return 'error.catch22'; } }; export interface GradePayload { name: string; description: string; id: number; value: number; } export interface CandidatePayload { name: string; description: string; id: number; image: string; } export interface ErrorMessage { loc: Array; msg: string; type: string; ctx: any; } export interface ErrorPayload { detail: Array; } export interface ElectionPayload { name: string; description: string; ref: string; date_create: string; date_modified: string; num_voters: number; date_start: string; date_end: string; hide_results: boolean; force_close: boolean; restricted: boolean; id: number; grades: Array; candidates: Array; invites: Array; admin: string; } export interface ResultsPayload extends ElectionPayload { ranking: {[key: string]: number}; votes: {[key: string]: Array}; }