const api = { urlServer: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL || "", feedbackForm: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FEEDBACK_FORM || "", routesServer: { setElection: "election/", getElection: "election/get/:slug/", getResults: "election/results/:slug", voteElection: "election/vote/", }, }; const sendInviteMail = (res) => { /** * Send an invitation mail using a micro-service with Netlify */ const { title, mails, tokens, locale } = res; if (mails.length !== tokens.length) { throw new Error("The number of emails differ from the number of tokens"); } const origin = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.location.origin ? window.location.origin : "http://localhost"; const urlVote = (pid) => new URL(`/vote/${pid}`, origin); const urlResult = (pid) => new URL(`/result/${pid}`, origin); const recipientVariables = {}; tokens.forEach((token, index) => { recipientVariables[mails[index]] = { urlVote: urlVote(token), urlResult: urlResult(token), }; }); const req = fetch("/.netlify/functions/send-invite-email/", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ recipientVariables, title, locale, }), }); return Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(res); }), req, ]); }; const createElection = ( title, candidates, { /** * Create an election from its title, its candidates and a bunch of options */ emails, numGrades, start, finish, restrictResult, locale, }, successCallback, failureCallback ) => { const endpoint = new URL(api.routesServer.setElection, api.urlServer); console.log(endpoint.href); fetch(endpoint.href, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ title, candidates, on_invitation_only: emails.length > 0, num_grades: numGrades, elector_emails: emails || [], start_at: start, finish_at: finish, select_language: locale || "en", front_url: window.location.origin, restrict_results: restrictResult, send_mail: false, }), }) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw Error(response.statusText); } return response.json(); }) .then((res) => sendInviteMail({ locale, mails: emails || [], ...res })) .then((res) => res[0]) // remove response from mail invitations .then(successCallback) .catch(failureCallback || console.log); }; const getResults = (pid, successCallback, failureCallback) => { /** * Fetch results from external API */ const endpoint = new URL( api.routesServer.getResults.replace(new RegExp(":slug", "g"), pid), api.urlServer ); return fetch(endpoint.href) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(response.text()); } return response.json(); }) .then(successCallback || ((res) => res)) .catch((err) => err) .then(failureCallback || console.log); }; const getDetails = (pid, successCallback, failureCallback) => { /** * Fetch data from external API */ const detailsEndpoint = new URL( api.routesServer.getElection.replace(new RegExp(":slug", "g"), pid), api.urlServer ); return fetch(detailsEndpoint.href) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(response.text()); } return response.json(); }) .then(successCallback || ((res) => res)) .catch(failureCallback || console.log); }; const castBallot = (judgments, pid, token, callbackSuccess, callbackError) => { /** * Save a ballot on the remote database */ const endpoint = new URL(api.routesServer.voteElection, api.urlServer); const payload = { election: pid, grades_by_candidate: judgments, }; if (token && token !== "") { payload["token"] = token; } fetch(endpoint.href, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }) .then(callbackSuccess || ((res) => res)) .catch(callbackError || console.log); }; export const UNKNOWN_ELECTION_ERROR = "E1:"; export const ONGOING_ELECTION_ERROR = "E2:"; export const NO_VOTE_ERROR = "E3:"; export const ELECTION_NOT_STARTED_ERROR = "E4:"; export const ELECTION_FINISHED_ERROR = "E5:"; export const INVITATION_ONLY_ERROR = "E6:"; export const UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERROR = "E7:"; export const USED_TOKEN_ERROR = "E8:"; export const WRONG_ELECTION_ERROR = "E9:"; export const apiErrors = (error, t) => { if (error.includes(UNKNOWN_ELECTION_ERROR)) { return t("Oops... The election is unknown."); } if (error.includes(ONGOING_ELECTION_ERROR)) { return t( "The election is still going on. You can't access now to the results." ); } if (error.includes(NO_VOTE_ERROR)) { return t("No votes have been recorded yet. Come back later."); } if (error.includes(ELECTION_NOT_STARTED_ERROR)) { return t("The election has not started yet."); } if (error.includes(ELECTION_FINISHED_ERROR)) { return t("The election is over. You can't vote anymore"); } if (error.includes(INVITATION_ONLY_ERROR)) { return t("You need a token to vote in this election"); } if (error.includes(USED_TOKEN_ERROR)) { return t("You seem to have already voted."); } if (error.includes(WRONG_ELECTION_ERROR)) { return t("The parameters of the election are incorrect."); } }; export { api, getDetails, getResults, createElection, sendInviteMail, castBallot, };