/* eslint react/prop-types: 0 */ import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Col, Container, Row } from "reactstrap"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { withTranslation, Trans } from "react-i18next"; import { faCopy, faUsers, faExclamationTriangle } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; import logoLine from "../../logos/logo-line-white.svg"; import { AppContext } from "../../AppContext"; import CopyField from "../CopyField"; class CreateSuccess extends Component { static contextType = AppContext; constructor(props) { super(props); const electionSlug = this.props.match.params.slug; this.state = { urlOfVote: window.location.origin + "/vote/" + electionSlug, urlOfResult: window.location.origin + "/result/" + electionSlug }; this.urlVoteField = React.createRef(); this.urlResultField = React.createRef(); } handleClickOnCopyResult = () => { const input = this.urlResultField.current; input.focus(); input.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); }; render() { const { t } = this.props; const electionLink = this.props.invitationOnly ? ( <>

{t( "Voters received a link to vote by email. Each link can be used only once!" )}

) : ( <>

{t("You can now share the election link to participants:")}

); return ( logo

{t("Successful election creation!")}


{t("Here is the link for the results in real time:")}

{t("Keep these links carefully")}

Warning: you will have no other choices to recover the links, and we will not be able to share them with you. For example, you can bookmark them in your browser.

{t("Participate now!")}
); } } export default withTranslation()(CreateSuccess);