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"home.motto": "Simple and free",
"home.slogan": "Organize a vote with majority judgment",
"logo.alt": "Logo of Better Vote",
"home.writeQuestion": "Write here your question or describe your vote.",
"home.start": "Start a vote",
"home.noAds": "No advertising or ad cookies",
"home.advantage-1-name": "Simple",
"home.advantage-1-desc": "Create a vote in less than 1 minute!",
"home.advantage-2-name": "Free",
"home.advantage-2-desc": "Send invites without any limitations!",
"home.advantage-3-name": "Respecting your privacy",
"home.advantage-3-desc": "No personal data is recorded",
"home.experience-name": "A democratic and intuitive voting experience",
"home.experience-1-name": "Express your full opinion.",
"home.experience-1-desc": "With majority judgment, each candidate is evaluated on a grid of mentions. Strategic voting has no use anymore.",
"home.experience-2-name": "Get the best possible consensus.",
"home.experience-2-desc": "The merit profile provides an accurate picture of the voters' opinions. The winner of the vote is the one with the best majority rating.",
"home.experience-call-to-action": "Find out about the majority judgment",
"home.alt-icon-ballot-box": "icon of a ballot box",
"home.alt-icon-envelop": "icon of an envelop",
"home.alt-icon-respect": "icon of hands holding each other",
"home.alt-icon-ballot": "icon of a ballot",
"menu.majority-judgment": "Majority judgment",
"menu.whoarewe": "Who are we?",
"menu.faq": "FAQ",
"": "News",
"": "Contact us",
"common.about": "Read more",
"common.about-mj": "Read more about Better Vote",
"common.donation": "Make a donation",
"common.error": "Oh no... An error has occured...",
"common.better-vote": "Better Vote",
"common.share": "Share the application Better Vote",
"common.share-short": "Share the application",
"": "Save",
"common.back-homepage": "Return to home page",
"": "Support us",
"common.thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"": "Name",
"common.participants": "participants",
"common.participant": "participant",
"common.description": "Description",
"common.cancel": "Cancel",
"common.grades": "Grades",
"common.invites": "invites",
"common.days": "days",
"common.send": "Send",
"": "Vote",
"common.the-vote": "The vote",
"common.the-params": "The parameters",
"common.welcome": "Welcome!",
"": "At least two candidates are required.",
"error.ended-election": "The election has ended",
"error.catch22": "Unknown error...",
"": "Ask for our help",
"": "Please add a title to your election.",
"grades.very-good": "Very good",
"grades.good": "Good",
"grades.passable": "Passable",
"grades.inadequate": "Inadequate",
"grades.mediocre": "Mediocre",
"": "Set a deadline for voting",
"admin.step-candidate": "Candidates",
"admin.step-params": "Parameters",
"admin.step-confirm": "Confirm",
"admin.add-candidates": "Add the candidates.",
"admin.add-candidate": "Add a candidate",
"admin.add-candidate-desc": "Add a picture, a name, and a description of the candidate.",
"admin.add-grade": "Add a grade",
"admin.add-grade-desc": "The name of the grade must be unique.",
"admin.grade-name-placeholder": "Add the name of the grade",
"admin.candidate-confirm-del": "You want to remove a candidate",
"admin.candidate-confirm-back": "No, I keep it",
"admin.candidate-confirm-ok": "Delete",
"admin.candidate-name-placeholder": "Add the name or the title of the candidate.",
"admin.candidate-desc-placeholder": "Add the description of the candidate.",
"admin.candidates-submit": "Validate the candidates",
"admin.candidates-back-step": "Back to candidates",
"admin.modal-title": "Managing an election",
"admin.modal-desc": "This link allows you to modify your election. Keep it carefully, as it will not be provided to you again.",
"admin.modal-email": "To receive a copy of this link by email, fill out this form.",
"admin.modal-disclaimer": "We do not store any mail. Thus, we will not send you any advertising content.",
"admin.modal-email-placeholder": "Your mail address",
"admin.order-title": "Random order",
"admin.order-desc": "To avoid any cognitive bias, we recommend that candidates appear in random order on the ballot.",
"admin.params-submit": "Validate the parameters",
"admin.params-title": "Your parameters",
"admin.access-results": "Immediate access to the results",
"admin.access-results-desc": "No one can access to the results as long as the vote is not closed.",
"admin.limit-duration": "Limit the length of the vote",
"admin.limit-duration-desc": "",
"": "Picture",
"admin.optional": "optional",
"": "Import a picture",
"": "Supported type:",
"admin.grades-desc": "You can choose to customize the name and the number of mentions. If in doubt, leave the grades as is.",
"admin.ending-in": "In",
"admin.until": "Until",
"admin.private-title": "Private vote",
"admin.private-desc": "Only participants who received an invite by email will be able to vote",
"admin.private-tip": "You can copy-paste a list of emails from a spreadsheet.",
"admin.private-placeholder": "Add here the emails of the participants.",
"admin.confirm-question": "Question of your vote",
"admin.confirm-candidates": "Candidates",
"admin.confirm-submit": "Start the vote",
"admin.confirm-title": "Confirm your vote",
"admin.success-election": "The vote has been created with success!",
"admin.success-emails": "The voting link has been sent by emails to the participants.",
"admin.success-copy-vote": "Copy the voting link",
"admin.success-copy-result": "Copy the result link",
"admin.success-copy-admin": "Copy the admin link",
"admin.go-to-admin": "Manage the vote",
"": "Download results",
"result.go-to-admin": "Manage the election",
"result.merit-profile": "Merit profile of the candidate",
"result.has-closed": "Closed since",
"result.opened": "The election is opened",
"result.closed": "The election is closed",
"result.result": "Results of the election",
"result.details": "Details of the results",
"": "How to understand the results",
"result.will-close": "Will close in",
"result.share": "Share results",
"": "Discover majority judgment",
"": "Developed by French researchers, majority judgment is a voting system that improves voter expressiveness and provides the best consensus.",
"vote.form": "Your opinion is important to us",
"vote.form-desc": "Help us to improve the application by clicking below",
"vote.go-to-results": "Show results",
"vote.home-desc": "Participate in the vote and discover majority judgment",
"vote.home-start": "I participate",
"": "Vote open until",
"vote.more-details": "More details...",
"vote.submit": "Cast my ballot",
"vote.success-ballot": "Your vote has successfully been taken into account!",
"": "Support Better Vote",
"": "Better Vote is a transparent and non-profit association. By joining the association, you contribute to finance its functioning and activities.",
"vote.thanks": "Thanks for your participation!"