You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

619 lines
19 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

import {useState, useEffect} from "react";
import Head from "next/head";
import {useRouter} from "next/router";
import {useTranslation} from "next-i18next";
import {serverSideTranslations} from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations";
import {
} from "reactstrap";
// import {ReactMultiEmail, isEmail} from "react-multi-email";
// import "react-multi-email/style.css";
// import {toast, ToastContainer} from "react-toastify";
// import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css";
// import {FontAwesomeIcon} from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
// import {
// faPlus,
// faTrashAlt,
// faCheck,
// faCogs,
// faExclamationTriangle,
// } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
// import {useAppContext} from "@services/context";
// import {createElection} from "@services/api";
// import {translateGrades} from "@services/grades";
// import HelpButton from "@components/admin/HelpButton";
// import Loader from "@components/wait";
// import CandidatesField from "@components/admin/CandidatesField";
// import ConfirmModal from "@components/admin/ConfirmModal";
// import config from "../../next-i18next.config.js";
// import Modal from '../../components/Modal'
// Error messages
// const AT_LEAST_2_CANDIDATES_ERROR = "Please add at least 2 candidates.";
// const NO_TITLE_ERROR = "Please add a title.";
// const isValidDate = (date) => date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date);
// const getOnlyValidDate = (date) => (isValidDate(date) ? date : new Date());
// // Convert a Date object into YYYY-MM-DD
// const dateToISO = (date) =>
// getOnlyValidDate(date).toISOString().substring(0, 10);
// // Retrieve the current hour, minute, sec, ms, time into a timestamp
// const hours = (date) => getOnlyValidDate(date).getHours() * 3600 * 1000;
// const minutes = (date) => getOnlyValidDate(date).getMinutes() * 60 * 1000;
// const seconds = (date) => getOnlyValidDate(date).getSeconds() * 1000;
// const ms = (date) => getOnlyValidDate(date).getMilliseconds();
// const time = (date) =>
// hours(getOnlyValidDate(date)) +
// minutes(getOnlyValidDate(date)) +
// seconds(getOnlyValidDate(date)) +
// ms(getOnlyValidDate(date));
// // Retrieve the time part from a timestamp and remove the day. Return a int.
// const timeMinusDate = (date) => time(getOnlyValidDate(date));
// // Retrieve the day and remove the time. Return a Date
// const dateMinusTime = (date) =>
// new Date(getOnlyValidDate(date).getTime() - time(getOnlyValidDate(date)));
// const displayClockOptions = () =>
// Array(24)
// .fill(1)
// .map((x, i) => (
// <option value={i} key={i}>
// {i}h00
// </option>
// ));
export const getStaticProps = async ({locale}) => ({
props: {
...(await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['resource'])),
const CreateElection = (props) => {
// const {t} = useTranslation();
// // default value : start at the last hour
// const now = new Date();
// const [title, setTitle] = useState("");
// const [candidates, setCandidates] = useState([{label: ""}, {description: ""}]);
// const [numGrades, setNumGrades] = useState(5);
// const [waiting, setWaiting] = useState(false);
// const [isAdvancedOptionsOpen, setAdvancedOptionsOpen] = useState(false);
// const [isAddCandidateMOpen, setAddCandidateMOpen] = useState(false);
// const [isTimeLimited, setTimeLimited] = useState(false);
// const [restrictResult, setRestrictResult] = useState(false);
// const [start, setStart] = useState(
// new Date(now.getTime() - minutes(now) - seconds(now) - ms(now))
// );
// const [finish, setFinish] = useState(
// new Date(start.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000)
// );
// const [emails, setEmails] = useState([]);
// // set the title on loading
// const router = useRouter();
// useEffect(() => {
// if (!router.isReady) return;
// const {title: urlTitle} = router.query;
// setTitle(urlTitle || "");
// }, [router.isReady]);
// const handleIsTimeLimited = (event) => {
// setTimeLimited( === "1");
// };
// const handleRestrictResultCheck = (event) => {
// setRestrictResult( === "1");
// };
// const toggleAdvancedOptions = () => {
// setAdvancedOptionsOpen(!isAdvancedOptionsOpen);
// };
// const toggleAddCandidateM = () => {
// setAddCandidateMOpen(!isAddCandidateMOpen);
// };
// const addCandidate = () => {
// if (candidates.length < 1000) {
// candidates.push({label: ""});
// setCandidates(candidates);
// }
// };
// const checkFields = () => {
// if (!candidates) {
// return {ok: false, msg: AT_LEAST_2_CANDIDATES_ERROR};
// }
// let numCandidates = 0;
// candidates.forEach((c) => {
// if (c.label !== "") numCandidates += 1;
// });
// if (numCandidates < 2) {
// return {ok: false, msg: AT_LEAST_2_CANDIDATES_ERROR};
// }
// if (!title || title === "") {
// return {ok: false, msg: NO_TITLE_ERROR};
// }
// return {ok: true, msg: "OK"};
// };
// const handleSubmit = () => {
// const check = checkFields();
// if (!check.ok) {
// toast.error(t(check.msg), {
// position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER,
// });
// return;
// }
// setWaiting(true);
// createElection(
// title,
// => c.label).filter((c) => c !== ""),
// {
// mails: emails,
// numGrades,
// start: start.getTime() / 1000,
// finish: finish.getTime() / 1000,
// restrictResult: restrictResult,
// locale: router.locale.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase(),
// },
// (result) => {
// if ( {
// router.push(`/new/confirm/${}`);
// } else {
// toast.error(t("Unknown error. Try again please."), {
// position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER,
// });
// setWaiting(false);
// }
// }
// );
// };
// const handleSendNotReady = (msg) => {
// toast.error(t(msg), {
// position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER,
// });
// };
// const check = checkFields();
// const grades = translateGrades(t);
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
return (<p>FOO</p>);
// <Container className="addCandidatePage">
// <Head>
// <meta
// key="og:title"
// property="og:title"
// content={t("common.application")}
// />
// <meta
// property="og:description"
// key="og:description"
// content={t("resource.valueProp")}
// />
// </Head>
// <ToastContainer />
// {waiting ? <Loader /> : ""}
// <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} autoComplete="off">
// <Row className="stepForm">
// <Col className="stepFormCol">
// <img src="/icone-one-white.svg" />
// <h4>Les candidats</h4>
// </Col>
// <Col className="stepFormCol">
// <img src="/icone-two-dark.svg" />
// <h4>Paramètres du vote</h4>
// </Col>
// <Col className="stepFormCol">
// <img src="/icone-three-dark.svg" />
// <h4>Confirmation</h4>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <Row className="mt-4">
// <Col xs="12">
// <CandidatesField onChange={setCandidates} />
// </Col>
// <Col
// xs="12"
// sm="6"
// md="12"
// className="text-center text-sm-right text-md-left"
// >
// <Button
// color="link"
// className="text-white mt-3 mb-1"
// onClick={toggleAdvancedOptions}
// >
// <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCogs} className="mr-2" />
// {t("resource.advancedOptions")}
// </Button>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <Collapse isOpen={isAdvancedOptionsOpen}>
// <Card>
// <CardBody className="text-primary">
// <Row>
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <Label for="title">{t("Access to results")}</Label>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="12" md="4" lg="3">
// <Label className="radio " htmlFor="restrict_result_false">
// <span className="small text-dark">{t("Immediately")}</span>
// <input
// className="radio"
// type="radio"
// name="restrict_result"
// id="restrict_result_false"
// onClick={handleRestrictResultCheck}
// defaultChecked={!restrictResult}
// value="0"
// />
// <span className="checkround checkround-gray" />
// </Label>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="12" md="4" lg="3">
// <Label className="radio" htmlFor="restrict_result_true">
// <span className="small">
// <span className="text-dark">
// {t("At the end of the election")}
// </span>
// <HelpButton className="ml-2">
// {t(
// "No one will be able to see the result until the end date is reached or until all participants have voted."
// )}
// </HelpButton>
// </span>
// <input
// className="radio"
// type="radio"
// name="restrict_result"
// id="restrict_result_true"
// onClick={handleRestrictResultCheck}
// defaultChecked={restrictResult}
// value="1"
// />
// <span className="checkround checkround-gray" />
// </Label>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <hr className="mt-2 mb-2" />
// <Row>
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <Label for="title">{t("Voting time")}</Label>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="12" md="4" lg="3">
// <Label className="radio " htmlFor="is_time_limited_false">
// <span className="small text-dark">{t("Unlimited")}</span>
// <input
// className="radio"
// type="radio"
// name="time_limited"
// id="is_time_limited_false"
// onClick={handleIsTimeLimited}
// defaultChecked={!isTimeLimited}
// value="0"
// />
// <span className="checkround checkround-gray" />
// </Label>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="12" md="4" lg="3">
// <Label className="radio" htmlFor="is_time_limited_true">
// <span className="small">
// <span className="text-dark">{t("Defined period")}</span>
// </span>
// <input
// className="radio"
// type="radio"
// name="time_limited"
// id="is_time_limited_true"
// onClick={handleIsTimeLimited}
// defaultChecked={isTimeLimited}
// value="1"
// />
// <span className="checkround checkround-gray" />
// </Label>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <div
// className={
// (isTimeLimited ? "d-block " : "d-none") + " bg-light p-3"
// }
// >
// <Row>
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <span className="label">- {t("Starting date")}</span>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="6" md="4" lg="3">
// <input
// className="form-control"
// type="date"
// value={dateToISO(start)}
// onChange={(e) => {
// setStart(
// new Date(
// timeMinusDate(start) +
// new Date(
// )
// );
// }}
// />
// </Col>
// <Col xs="6" md="5" lg="3">
// <select
// className="form-control"
// value={getOnlyValidDate(start).getHours()}
// onChange={(e) =>
// setStart(
// new Date(
// dateMinusTime(start).getTime() +
// * 3600000
// )
// )
// }
// >
// {displayClockOptions()}
// </select>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <Row className="mt-2">
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <span className="label">- {t("Ending date")}</span>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="6" md="4" lg="3">
// <input
// className="form-control"
// type="date"
// value={dateToISO(finish)}
// min={dateToISO(start)}
// onChange={(e) => {
// setFinish(
// new Date(
// timeMinusDate(finish) +
// new Date(
// )
// );
// }}
// />
// </Col>
// <Col xs="6" md="5" lg="3">
// <select
// className="form-control"
// value={getOnlyValidDate(finish).getHours()}
// onChange={(e) =>
// setFinish(
// new Date(
// dateMinusTime(finish).getTime() +
// * 3600000
// )
// )
// }
// >
// {displayClockOptions()}
// </select>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// </div>
// <hr className="mt-2 mb-2" />
// <Row>
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <span className="label">{t("Grades")}</span>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="10" sm="11" md="4" lg="3">
// <select
// className="form-control"
// tabIndex={candidates.length + 3}
// onChange={(e) => setNumGrades(}
// defaultValue="5"
// >
// <option value="4">4</option>
// <option value="5">5</option>
// <option value="6">6</option>
// <option value="7">7</option>
// </select>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="auto" className="align-self-center pl-0 ">
// <HelpButton>
// {t(
// "You can select here the number of grades for your election"
// )}
// <br />
// <u>{t("For example:")}</u>{" "}
// <em>
// {" "}
// {t("5 = Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Passable")}
// </em>
// </HelpButton>
// </Col>
// <Col
// xs="12"
// md="9"
// lg="9"
// className="offset-xs-0 offset-md-3 offset-lg-3"
// >
// {, i) => {
// return (
// <span
// key={i}
// className="badge badge-light mr-2 mt-2 "
// style={{
// backgroundColor: mention.color,
// color: "#fff",
// opacity: i < numGrades ? 1 : 0.3,
// }}
// >
// {mention.label}
// </span>
// );
// })}
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <hr className="mt-2 mb-2" />
// <Row>
// <Col xs="12" md="3" lg="3">
// <span className="label">{t("Participants")}</span>
// </Col>
// <Col xs="12" md="9" lg="9">
// { /* <ReactMultiEmail
// placeholder={t("Add here participants' emails")}
// emails={emails}
// onChange={setEmails}
// validateEmail={(email) => {
// return isEmail(email); // return boolean
// }}
// getLabel={(email, index, removeEmail) => {
// return (
// <div data-tag key={index}>
// {email}
// <span
// data-tag-handle
// onClick={() => removeEmail(index)}
// >
// ×
// </span>
// </div>
// );
// }}
// />
// */}
// <div>
// <small className="text-muted">
// {t(
// "If you list voters' emails, only them will be able to access the election"
// )}
// </small>
// </div>
// </Col>
// </Row>
// <hr className="mt-2 mb-2" />
// </CardBody>
// </Card>
// </Collapse>
// <Row className="justify-content-end mt-2">
// <Col xs="12" md="3">
// {check.ok ? (
// <ConfirmModal
// title={title}
// candidates={candidates}
// isTimeLimited={isTimeLimited}
// start={start}
// finish={finish}
// emails={emails}
// restrictResult={restrictResult}
// grades={grades.slice(0, numGrades)}
// className={"btn btn-success float-right btn-block"}
// tabIndex={candidates.length + 1}
// confirmCallback={handleSubmit}
// />
// ) : (
// <Button
// type="button"
// className="btn btn-dark float-right btn-block"
// onClick={handleSendNotReady}
// >
// <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCheck} className="mr-2" />
// {t("Confirm")}
// </Button>
// )}
// </Col>
// </Row>
// </form>
// </Container>
// );
// };
export default CreateElection;