You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
7.8 KiB

import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import { useState } from "react";
import TrashButton from "./TrashButton";
import {
} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { Button, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, Row, Col } from "reactstrap";
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
const ConfirmModal = ({ tabIndex, title, candidates, grades, isTimeLimited, start, finish, emails, restrictResult, className, confirmCallback }) => {
const [visibled, setVisibility] = useState(false);
const { t } = useTranslation();
const toggle = () => setVisibility(!visibled)
return (
<div className="input-group-append">
<Button onClick={toggle}
tabIndex={tabIndex} className={"mt-5 componentDesktop btn-transparent cursorPointer btn-validation mb-5 mx-auto" + className} >{t("Confirm")}<img src="/arrow-white.svg" /></Button>
className={"componentMobile btn-confirm-mobile mb-5" + className}
<FontAwesomeIcon className="mr-2" icon={faCheck} />
className="modal-dialog-centered settings-modal"
<ModalHeader className="modal-header-settings">
<div onClick={toggle} className="btn-return-candidates"><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} className="mr-2" />Retour aux paramètres</div>
<Row className="stepForm">
<Col className="stepFormCol">
<img src="/icone-check-dark.svg" />
<h4>Les candidats</h4>
<Col className="stepFormCol">
<img src="/icone-check-dark.svg" />
<h4>Paramètres du vote</h4>
<Col className="stepFormCol">
<img src="/icone-three-white.svg" />
<ModalBody className="confirm-modal-body">
<Col md="4" className="p-0">
<div className="text-light">{t("Le vote")}</div>
<div className="mt-1 mb-1 recap-vote">
<Row className="m-0">
<div className="recap-vote-label">
{t("Question of the election")}
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 mb-3 recap-vote-question">{title}</div>
<hr className="confirmation-divider"/>
<div className="recap-vote-label p-2 pl-3 pr-3 ">
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 mb-3 recap-vote-content">
<ul className="m-0 pl-4">
{, i) => {
if (candidate.label !== "") {
return (
<li key={i} className="m-0">
} else {
return <li key={i} className="d-none" />;
<Col md="8">
<div className="text-light">{t("Les paramètres")}</div>
<div className="recap-vote">
<div className={(isTimeLimited ? "d-block " : "d-none")} >
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 recap-vote-label ">
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 recap-vote-content mb-3">
{t("The election will take place from")}{" "}
{start.toLocaleDateString()}, {t("at")}{" "}
</b>{" "}
{t("to")}{" "}
{finish.toLocaleDateString()}, {t("at")}{" "}
<hr className="confirmation-divider"/>
<div className="recap-vote-label p-2 pl-3 pr-3">
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 recap-vote-content mb-3">
{, i) => {
return i < grades.length ? (
className="badge badge-light mr-2 mt-2"
backgroundColor: mention.color,
color: "#fff"
) : (
<span key={i} />
<hr className="confirmation-divider"/>
<div className="recap-vote-label p-2 pl-3 pr-3 rounded">
{t("Voters' list")}
<div className="p-2 pl-3 pr-3 recap-vote-content mb-3">
{emails.length > 0 ? (
emails.join(", ")
) : (
{t("The form contains no address.")}
<br />
"The election will be opened to anyone with the link"
<hr className="confirmation-divider"/>
{restrictResult ? (
<div className="small recap-vote-label p-3 mt-2">
<h6 className="m-0 p-0 recap-vote-content">
<u>{t("Results available at the close of the vote")}</u>
<p className="m-2 p-0 ">
"The results page will not be accessible until the end date is reached."
)}{" "}
({finish.toLocaleDateString()} {t("at")}{" "}
) : (
<div className="small recap-vote-label p-3 mt-2 ">
<h6 className="m-0 p-0 recap-vote-content">
{t("Results available at any time")}
<Button onClick={() => {confirmCallback(); }} className="cursorPointer btn-transparent btn-validation mb-5 ml-auto mr-auto" >{t("Start the election")}<img src="/arrow-white.svg" /></Button>
</div >
export default ConfirmModal